

This directive provides an employee with an optional benefit of ten days of Post Leave per year, in lieu of the provisions for a Post Specific Allowance under FSD 56 - Foreign Service Incentive Allowances. Unless specifically requested, employees will receive the Post Specific Allowance rather than Post Leave.


46.1 Application

46.1.1 An employee shall have the choice of electing for Post Leave, as outlined under this directive, or a Post Specific Allowance under FSD 56 - Foreign Service Incentive Allowances, but not both. Unless Post Leave is specifically requested, an employee shall receive the Post Specific Allowance.

46.1.2 To request a change from a Post Specific Allowance to Post Leave, or vice-versa, employees shall inform their headquarters FSD Administrator, in writing, two months prior to the date of the desired change. Employees may change their election no more than once per year.

46.1.3 Where an employee elects for Post Leave, the provision of this directive shall apply:

(a) on or after June 1, 2001, as applicable, for employees who arrive at post on or after this date, or

(b) on such date as may be determined by the deputy head, subsequent to June 1, 2001, for employees who are on posting on June 1, 2001 and who are subject to the transitional provisions under Section 46.2, or for employees who are in receipt of a Post Specific Allowance under FSD 56 - Foreign Service Incentive Allowances.

46.1.4 The deputy head shall grant Post Leave to an employee under the same conditions as vacation leave would be granted for the employee's occupational group, except that:

(a) Post Leave credits are available for use at post, are portable between posts, and may be used in conjunction with relocation travel from post;

(b) the total accumulation of Post Leave credits at any time shall not exceed 40 days; when this maximum is reached, the employee will automatically receive the Post Specific Allowance under FSD 56 - Foreign Service Incentive Allowances, until such time as the employee reduces Post Leave credits below 40 days and again elects for the provisions of this directive for Post Leave;

(c) on request, an employee may receive cash payment for any or all accrued Post Leave credits, on the basis of salary in effect on the date the request is made, and

(d) Post Leave credits shall be cashed out on the employee's return to Canada, on the basis of salary in effect on the date of the employee's return to duty in Canada.

46.1.5 Where an employee elects for Post Leave, credits shall be accumulated at the rate of 10/12 of a day for each completed month of service at a post, until:

(a) completion of an employee's tour of duty (or tours of duty, in the case of cross-posting), to a maximum of 40 days, or

(b) the last day of the month following two months' notification by the employee to change from Post Leave (FSD 46) to a Post Specific Allowance (FSD 56).

46.1.6 For purposes of calculating credits under this directive, an employee shall be deemed to have a completed month of service where at least ten compensation days are spent at a post, except that during a cross-posting an employee cannot accumulate credits on the basis of two periods of ten compensation days within the same calendar month.

46.2 Transitional Provisions

46.2.1 Employees at post on June 1, 2001, who were under the provisions of FSD 45 - Foreign Service Travel of the 1993 Foreign Service Directives (revised October 1, 1997) on May 31, 2001, shall remain under these 1997 provisions until:

(a) the next annual anniversary date of arrival at post, or

(b) the first day following completion of the time necessary to fulfil the requirement for a travel allowance, where one or more travel allowances have been authorized in advance.

46.2.2 Once either paragraph 46.2.1(a) or (b) has been met, unless an employee elects for Post Leave in accordance with paragraph 46.1.2(b), such employee shall receive a Post Specific Allowance in accordance with FSD 56 - Foreign Service Incentive Allowances.