

Any absence caused by an injury or illness that, as determined by Health Canada, would not normally occur or is not endemic to Canada, is not chargeable to an employee's leave credits, regardless of the location of the employee at the time the absence occurs. Other absences due to illness or injury not covered by this directive are subject to the provisions of the appropriate collective agreement or applicable regulations.


47.1 Application

47.1.1 Where Health Canada determines that an illness is not endemic to Canada, the deputy head may authorize leave for post-attributable illness.

47.1.2 Where Health Canada determines that an injury gives rise to circumstances not normally experienced in Canada, the deputy head may authorize leave for absences due to the injury for a period which is in excess of that which would normally be incurred in Canada.

47.1.3 No charge to an employee's accumulated sick leave credits shall be made when an employee is absent from duty because of a post-attributable illness not endemic to Canada, or circumstances arising from an injury that would not normally occur in Canada, regardless of the location of the employee's place of assignment at the time of absence.