15.24 Medical

15.24.1 All medical records obtained during examination of an employee under the requirements of the TB Manual, Chapter 2-13 Occupational Health Evaluation, including detailed employee history of exposure shall be maintained by the Occupational and Environmental Health Services Directorate Health Canada. Records shall be made available to an employee's physician upon request.

15.25 Pesticide application

15.25.1 Departments shall maintain records on the application of pesticides for a period of 30 years after the application date. The records shall contain the following information as a minimum:

  1. pesticide applied;
  2. PCP registration number;
  3. application rate;
  4. application site;
  5. method of application;
  6. persons applying the pesticide;
  7. reason for application;
  8. unusual circumstances which occurred during the application;
  9. reports of health or safety investigations conducted, including all sampling data and other relevant information.

15.25.2 Copies of the above records shall be placed on the personal file of employees applying pesticides and referenced on the personal file of other employees who request it.

15.26 Environmental monitoring

15.26.1 Departments shall maintain records of all environmental sampling data and reports for a period of 30 years from the date of reporting.