Travel Authority

Person(s) Travelling

Travel To:

Travel under FSD 51.11.1
in lieu of FSD 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7 and 51.8

Employee and spouse/common-law partner and any dependent child at mission

Location of child/student

Travel under FSD 51.11.1
in lieu of FSD 51.10.6

Employee or spouse/common-law partner, as applicable

Location of child

Travel under FSD 51.11.1
in lieu of FSD 51.9


Location of separated dependants

Travel under FSD 51.11.2
Special Circumstances

The employee and any dependants eligible for travel under this directive, including dependants at mission

A location on a routing to the mission


1. The allowance authorized under Section 51.11 shall not exceed the allowance that would have been payable under Sections 51.2, 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7, 51.8, 51.9 or 51.10, as applicable.

2. When considering the financial implications of subsections 51.11.1 and 51.11.2, the travelling expenses of all persons authorized to travel can not exceed the total travelling expenses that would have been incurred for travel to post by all eligible dependants under the applicable provisions of this directive.

3. In addition to travelling expenses, where travel is in lieu of the provisions of Section 51.10 because the child is too young to travel unaccompanied, an allowance for actual and reasonable accommodation expenses for up to 5 days in the headquarters city may be paid when it is the child's place of residence.

4. When travel is from post, this liquidates one travel entitlement each for all eligible dependants.

5. Frequency of travel is determined by Sections 51.2, 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7, 51.8, 51.9 or 51.10, as applicable.