This directive is now hosted by the National Joint Council, where it was co-developed by participating bargaining agents and public service employers. The document has not been changed.
Please Note: Public Service employees should contact their Designated Departmental IPGHD Co-ordinator with their questions.
Collective Agreement
This directive is deemed to be part of collective agreements between the parties to the National Joint Council (NJC) and employees are to be afforded ready access to this directive.
Grievance Procedure
In cases of alleged misinterpretation or misapplication arising out of this directive, the grievance procedure, for all represented employees within the meaning of the Public Service Labour Relations Act, will be in accordance with section 14 of the National Joint Council By-Laws. For unrepresented employees, the departmental grievance procedure applies. (revised April 1, 2005)
Effective Date
This directive is effective on April 1, 2003, unless otherwise specified.
This Directive applies to:
- all departments and other portions of the Public Service of Canada listed in Schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act, and (revised April 1, 2005)
- any employer listed in Part II of Schedule V of the Financial Administration Act, who is a member of the National Joint Council and who has opted to follow this Directive. (revised April 1, 2005)
Subject to the above noted paragraphs, this directive does not apply to:
- a member of the Canadian Forces, or
- an employee who occupies a position in the lightkeepers occupational group.
Persons employed:
- for a specified term of less than three (3) months or
- working less than one-third of the normal working hours of a full-time indeterminate employee of the same occupational group and level
are not eligible for any of the benefits provided in Part II (Expenses and Leave) or those provided in Sub-section 3.3.2 or Section 3.6 of Part III (Relocation to an Isolated Post) of this directive.
They are, however, eligible for the allowances paid at their particular headquarters.
For the purposes of this directive, employees who reside outside their headquarters and commute daily from their residence to work shall:
- be deemed to be residing at the headquarters, if their residence is in a location that is or would qualify as an isolated post; or
- be considered an employee without dependants, if the residence is in a location that is not or would not qualify as an isolated post.
The application of this directive to the employees in the Ships' Officers and Ships' Crews occupational groups is outlined in Appendix E. (revised June 2004)
Part VI of this Directive is concerned only with employees who are "permanent" occupants of Government Housing provided in Canada. It does not apply to employees on travel status or otherwise considered transient, or employees living outside Canada.
Government Housing provided by the Department of National Defence to members of the Canadian Forces is subject to the provisions of the Compensation and Benefit Instructions for the Canadian Forces.
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this directive is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of staff delivering government programs in isolated locations and to ensure that employees in government housing are treated in a manner equivalent to persons renting similar accommodation from private or commercial sources.
Under the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the Treasury Board Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities Policy, as amended from time to time, it is the employer's duty to ensure that the employee with a disability(ies) is fully accommodated to the point of undue hardship. Decisions and practices flowing from this directive shall be inclusive and barrier free.
Treasury Board Secretariat shall revise relevant portions of this Directive as required from time to time on the recommendation of the National Joint Council, and advise departments and cause employees to be advised, in writing, of any changes that may affect them. Treasury Board Secretariat shall also advise departments on, and monitor their interpretation and application of, this directive.
Statistics Canada shall conduct research and surveys with respect to the Fuel and Utilities Differential and the Living Cost Differential Allowances and shall verify the Environment Allowance Levels during their survey visits and report the results to the Treasury Board Secretariat.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is responsible for the appraisal of government-owned living accommodation and for providing, within the time frames specified, related services requested by departments and agencies.
Departments shall maintain an inventory of all government-owned living accommodation. By October 15 of each year departments shall provide CMHC with a complete list of living accommodation subject to the annual review that it operates. These lists shall include all information necessary to locate and identify each unit (i.e. location, address, building and appraisal numbers, type of accommodation, number of rooms, bedrooms, floor area, type of construction and previous base shelter value). An indication of changes which have occurred, problems encountered with past appraisals and other relevant data should be included, as well as a list of room/dormitory accommodation and separately-provided parking. A separate listing shall be provided for each CMHC field office of all government-owned living accommodation within that office's territory.
Requests for appraisals of newly acquired living accommodation or accommodation to be leased, and requests for benchmark rents for the purpose of rating room or dormitory accommodation, shall be addressed to the CMHC field offices.
Departments shall ensure that each employee is provided with a copy of this directive. Employees in government housing shall also be supplied with information showing how the rental calculation was established, i.e. the CMHC appraisal of the base shelter value, any adjustments authorized and the departmental administrator to contact for information, complaints, etc.
In order to qualify as an isolated post, a location must meet the criteria outlined in Part V qualifying it for an environment allowance. Qualification for an environment allowance is a prerequisite for all other allowances and, subject to 1.15.2, benefits under this directive, except for the special location allowance.
The environment allowance is assessed according to five classification levels by allocating points for the population, climate, topography and availability of commercial transportation or access by all-weather roads.
A living cost differential is payable at an isolated post where prices for food and other goods and services are abnormally high in comparison with the location identified as the major source of supply and is intended to assist employees to meet those higher costs.
When there is more than one source of supply for a region, the comparison will be made to the base city most associated with the majority of the posts in the region.
The amount of living cost differential depends on the price differentials, as measured by Statistics Canada, between the isolated post and its major source of supply.
A fuel and utilities differential is payable at designated isolated posts where prices for fuel and utilities are abnormally high due to higher transportation costs and consumption rates imposed by the geographical location. The fuel and utilities differential is intended to supplement employees' incomes and help them offset those higher costs.
A shelter cost differential is payable at designated isolated posts where shelter costs are abnormally high in comparison with the rents in Southern Canada.
A special location allowance is payable to employees at locations that meet the criteria outlined in Appendix H, section 4.
Orientation Sessions
Departments shall develop orientation sessions for employees assigned to isolated posts and for those persons who are responsible for the interpretation and/or administration of the directive. These sessions should include a summary of the allowances and benefits of the directive and a description of the conditions at the isolated post.
all-weather road (route practicable en tout temps) - means a gravel or higher standard road that extends between a location and a place named in the definition of point of departure that is impassable for less than three consecutive weeks during freeze-up and three consecutive weeks during break-up periods, and includes daily ferry service.
Appropriate governing authority (autorisation appropriée) , - with reference to an employee, means one or more of the following that is applicable to the employee in the circumstances:
- an Act of Parliament or a statutory instrument made thereunder,
- a current collective agreement,
- a current compendium of terms and conditions of employment, or
- a Treasury Board Secretariat authority other than this directive.
Availability to the public (disponibilité au public) - refers to the situation in which an employee, as the occupant of a particular residence, is recognized as a government official and therefore may be called upon by the public outside normal working hours.
Common-law Partner (conjoint de fait), - see definition of Spouse or common-law partner.
Dependant (personne à charge), - with reference to an employee, means a person, other than an employee or a member of the Canadian Forces receiving an "isolation allowance" under the Compensation and Benefit Instructions for the Canadian Forces, who resides with the employee at the employee's headquarters residence and is
- the spouse of that employee or the person named in the common- law partner declaration, or
- one for whom the employee is eligible to claim a tax credit under the Income Tax Act, or
- a biological child, stepchild, adopted child, or legal ward who
- is unmarried,
- does not qualify under (b), and
- who has not yet attained 24 years of age and is in full-time attendance at a recognized educational institution.
Department (ministère) - means a department or other portion of the public service of Canada,
- listed in Schedules I and IV to the Financial Administration Act; or (revised April 1, 2005)
- listed in Schedule V to the Financial Administration Act and which is a member of the National Joint Council of the Public Service of Canada. (revised April 1, 2005)
Deputy head (administrateur général) - in relation to a department, except where specified otherwise, means the deputy minister of the department, and in relation to other portions of the public service of Canada, means the chief executive officer thereof, or, if there is no chief executive officer, such person as the Governor in Council may designate as the deputy head for purposes of the directive.
Employee (fonctionnaire) - means, subject to the Application section, a person
- to whom this directive applies,
- who is employed in a department or with a separate employer which is a member of the NJC, and
- whose salary is paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Employee with dependants (fonctionnaire avec personnes à charge) - is an employee who has at least one dependant residing with the employee at the employee's headquarters residence.
Employee without dependants (fonctionnaire sans personnes à charge) - means an employee who does not have a dependant residing with the employee at the employee's headquarters residence.
Fiscal year (année financière) - means the period beginning on the first day of April in one year and ending on the thirty-first day of March in the next year.
Government housing (logement de l'État) - is residential accommodation, owned or leased by the Government of Canada, intended primarily for employees of the Government of Canada. Such accommodation may be either:
- self-contained, i.e. a single-family dwelling (detached, semi-detached or row housing) or apartment providing private living, sleeping and eating space, private food preparation facilities, a private bathroom and a private entrance; or
- shared accommodation, i.e. means a self-contained dwelling where employees have private bedrooms, but share common areas.
Headquarters (lieu d'affectation) - means the isolated post to which the employee is assigned.
Household income (revenu du ménage) - is the aggregate gross income, in whatever form received, of all members of the family, or of an individual, where applicable, excluding:
- earnings of children or funds for the tuition of children in regular attendance at recognized institutions of learning such as scholarships, bursaries and contributions from non-resident family members,
- earnings of a working spouse or common-law partner up to the amount that may be claimed as a "spousal amount" as specified in the Federal General Income Tax and Benefit Guide, as amended from time to time.
Immediate family (famille immédiate) - for employees, means father, mother (or alternatively stepfather, stepmother, or foster parent), brother, sister, spouse, common-law partner resident with the employee, child (including child of the common-law partner), stepchild or ward of the employee, father-in-law, mother-in-law and relative permanently residing in the employee's household or with whom the employee permanently resides.
Isolated post (poste isolé) - means a location named in Appendix A.
Normal place of residence (lieu de résidence ordinaire) means -
- the last place in Canada where employees permanently resided prior to their assignment to an isolated post, or
- where paragraph (a) does not apply or employees are not returning to the place referred to in paragraph (a), the place in Canada determined by the deputy head to be their normal place of residence.
Normal working hours (heures de travail normales) - means the number and schedule of hours that a full-time indeterminate employee is required to work pursuant to an appropriate governing authority.
Offensive noise (bruits gênants) - includes any recurring noise which disturbs the quiet enjoyment of the premises, e.g. noises which originate within the building such as generators or communications equipment such as telephones, doorbell, etc, and noises which may be associated with crisis situations (e.g. patients in nursing stations, disorderly inmates, etc). Also, employees on "shift work" who occupy shared accommodation are considered to be subject to "moderate" offensive noise, when there are other occupants of the same shared accommodation who also work shift work. Noises that originate from outside the building such as aircraft, motorboats, motor vehicles, etc, may be given consideration in extreme situations.
Point of departure (point de départ) - means Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Moncton, Halifax, or St. John's, whichever of these places is the nearest to the headquarters of an employee by the most practical route and means of transportation.
Public use of living facilities (usage du logement par le public) - involves the use by the public or other government employees of the private living facilities provided to the occupant such as bathroom, bedroom, communications equipment, etc.
Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive (Directive sur la réinstallation – programme de réinstallation intégré (PRI)) means the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive, as applicable, as amended from time to time.
Road kilometres (kilomètres routiers) - means the official distance shown on the most recent provincial or territorial highway map(s).
Special location (localité spéciale) - means a place named in Appendix G.
Spouse or common-law partner (époux ou conjoint de fait) - The term common-law partner refers to a person living in a conjugal relationship with an employee for a continuous period of at least one year. The term spouse refers to the person married to the employee.
Transportation expenses (frais de transport) means the expenses referred to in the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive or the Travel Directive that are incurred by an employee and any of the employee's dependants for transportation.
Travel Directive (Directive sur les voyages) means the Travel Directive, as amended from time to time.
Travelling expenses (frais de voyage) means the expenses referred to in the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive or the Travel Directive that are incurred by an employee and any of the employee's dependants for accommodations, meals and incidentals.
When required by the Treasury Board Secretariat, the deputy head shall submit a consolidated departmental report.
Common-law Partner Declaration
This declaration will serve to designate an individual as a common-law partner for purposes of the IPGH directive and for the relevant benefits to be accorded thereunder.
We, _______________ and _________________ solemnly declare that our relationship is and has been demonstrated by our cohabitation in a conjugal relationship. This relationship is and has been recognized for a period of at least one year in the community or communities in which we have lived.***
Where these conditions cease to exist we acknowledge the right of the deputy head to recover the amounts of money paid on the basis of the existence of such conditions.
*** In specific cases, this declaration may be used where there has been a break in the period of cohabitation for reasons beyond the control of the employee or the individual to be designated as common-law partner.
Part I - Administration of Allowances
This Directive was developed in partnership by employer and bargaining agent representatives at the National Joint Council. Its provisions form part of the collective agreements of the participating parties under the By-Laws of the National Joint Council. The provisions also apply to persons not covered by collective agreements as indicated in the Directive or by employer policy.
For more information on the National Joint Council, visit their web site at
You will require Internet capability to access the above site.
1.1 Less than Normal Hours
1.1.1 When the hours of work of employees are less than normal hours of work, the employees shall, on a daily basis, be paid allowances for each hour worked to a maximum of the daily rate of allowances of full-time indeterminate employees of the same classification, group and level.
1.2 Calculations
1.2.1 The amount of employees' allowances shall be calculated and paid in the same manner as their salaries or wages are calculated and paid pursuant to an appropriate governing authority.
1.2.2 In calculating the amount of an allowance to which employees are entitled, there shall not be included in the number of hours worked by them
- any hours worked in excess of the normal working hours for that classification, group and level, and
- subject to section 1.15 (Leave Without Pay or Absence Without Leave), any hours for which salary or wages are not paid.
1.3 Reduction
1.3.1 When the cost of transportation of food, fuel or other supplies is borne by or on behalf of the employer and is not considered in the determination of the allowances, the deputy head shall prescribe a reduction that is appropriate to that cost in the rates of the following allowances:
- a living cost differential;
- a fuel and utilities differential;
- a special location allowance.
1.4 Employee's Responsibility
1.4.1 Where changes to an employee's life have an impact on the allowances and benefits they receive as per this directive, it is the employee's responsibility to notify management and their departmental human resources branch/section as soon as possible so that appropriate action may be taken.
1.5 Dependant Becomes an Employee
1.5.1 When employees cease to be employees with dependants because a person referred to in the definition of dependant becomes an employee, they may request a reconsideration of the matter by submitting the relevant facts to their deputy head in writing.
1.5.2 On receipt of the written statement of facts from employees, the deputy head may deem them to be employees with dependants or without dependants for purposes of this directive.
1.6 Employee Becomes a Dependant
1.6.1 Where a couple with no dependants is employed with the federal government at an isolated post, both persons are considered to be "employee without dependants" for the purposes of the payment of the allowances. If one member goes on leave without pay, that person forfeits the allowance, but can be considered the dependant of the person who continues to work. The "working" employee can be deemed, for the period of the leave without pay, as an "employee with dependants" and have the allowances adjusted accordingly. If and when the employee on leave without pay returns to work, the allowances will be readjusted to the "employee without dependants" rate in both cases.
1.7 Dependants who are Members of the Canadian Forces
1.7.1 For purposes of payment of the allowances mentioned in sections 1.8 to 1.11, where an employee having one or more dependants has a person referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of dependant residing with the employee at the employee's headquarters residence who is a member of the Canadian Forces receiving an isolation allowance under the Compensation and Benefit Instructions for the Canadian Forces at the "accompanied" rate, that employee shall be deemed to be an employee without dependants. If that dependant is receiving an isolation allowance at the "unaccompanied" rate, the employee shall be deemed to be an employee with dependants.
1.8 Environment Allowance
1.8.1 Employees shall be paid an environment allowance, at the rate set out in Appendix B that is appropriate to the environment classification of their headquarters as set out in Appendix A.
1.8.2 For purposes of this section, where both members of a couple are federal employees and have no dependants then both of them shall be deemed to be employees without dependants.
1.8.3 For purposes of this section, where both members of a couple are federal employees and have dependants then one of them shall be deemed to be an employee with dependants and the other to be an employee without dependants.
1.9 Living Cost Differential
1.9.1 Employees not subject to section 1.18 (Meals or Rations) shall be paid a living cost differential, at the rate set out in Appendix C that is appropriate to the living cost classification of their headquarters as set out in Appendix A. For purposes of this section, when both members of a couple are federal employees, the aggregate amount of their rates for the LCD shall not exceed 100% of the rate for an employee with dependants.
1.9.2 Normally, that aggregate shall be equally apportioned to each employee at 50% of the rate for Employees with Dependants. However, if both members of the couple sign a joint declaration requesting that one of them be considered an Employee with Dependants and the other a dependant, their employing department(s) shall make the appropriate arrangements to do so.
1.9.3 Transition Period: The LCD allowances an employee couple is receiving on July 31, 2003 will be frozen for a five-year period, or until such time as future LCD rates for employees with dependants (as revised annually) become equal to or higher than the amount the household is currently receiving.
1.9.4 Employees subject to section 1.18 shall be paid a living cost differential at a rate,
- in the case of employees with dependants, that is 70 per cent of the rate, set out in Appendix C, that is appropriate to an employee with dependants for the living cost classification of the employee's headquarters as set out in Appendix A, or
- in the case of employees without dependants, that is 35 per cent of the rate, set out in Appendix C, that is appropriate to an employee with dependants for the living cost classification of the employee's headquarters as set out in Appendix A.
1.10 Fuel and Utilities Differential
1.10.1 Employees shall be paid a Fuel and Utilities Differential, at the rate set out in Appendix D, that is appropriate for the fuel and utilities classification of their headquarters as set out in Appendix A, provided they are paying fuel and utility charges directly to the supplier. If the employer pays the fuel and utility charges directly to the supplier, employees shall not be paid the Fuel and Utilities allowance.
1.10.2 When two or more employees occupy the same headquarters residence and share the expenses for fuel and utilities, the aggregate of their rates for the fuel and utilities differential shall not exceed the rate for a employee with dependants, and that aggregate shall be apportioned to each employee in proportion to the percentage of the expenses for fuel and utilities paid by each employee.
1.11 Shelter Cost Differential
1.11.1 A Shelter Cost Differential (SCD) shall be payable at certain isolated posts to help offset the higher shelter charges experienced there. Where both members of a couple are federal government employees, the total amount of SCD payable shall not exceed 100% of the rate for an Employee with Dependants. An employee without dependants shall receive the SCD at 60% of that rate.
1.12 Special Location Allowance
1.12.1 Employees at a location listed in Appendix G shall be paid a special location allowance rate equal to the aggregate of the rates, set out in Appendices C and D, that are appropriate to that employee for the special location allowance levels as set out in Appendix G.
1.13 Temporary Dual Residence Assistance
1.13.1 Employees shall be paid temporary dual residence assistance at the rate established by, and in accordance with, the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive when, at the time of their assignment, their headquarters is a location
- listed in Appendix F, or
- in respect of which the National Joint Council determines that no suitable accommodations for employees with dependants are available, and
- they are required, for that reason only, to maintain a separate residence at a location other than their headquarters for persons who would be dependants if they resided at the headquarters residence.
1.14 Travel Status
1.14.1 Persons at an isolated post who are in travel status pursuant to the Travel Directive and whose headquarters are not isolated posts are not subject to this directive.
1.15 Leave Without Pay or Absence Without Leave
1.15.1 Subject to 1.20.4 and 1.20.5 and this section, employees shall not be entitled to the allowances and benefits of this directive in respect of any period during which they are
(a) granted leave without pay pursuant to an appropriate governing authority, or
(b) absent from duty without leave.
1.15.2 Employees who are granted leave without pay for the following reasons shall be eligible for the benefits of section 2.1 (Non Elective Medical or Dental Treatment) and Part IV (Relocation upon End of Employment) of this directive: illness, injury-on-duty or maternity/parental leave.
Effective Date
1.16 Commencement
1.16.1 The period of eligibility for the payment of allowances shall commence on the later of:
- midnight of the day immediately preceding the day that the employees arrive at their headquarters, and
- midnight of the last day in respect of which the employees are paid any transportation or travelling expenses as a result of their assignment to an isolated post.
1.17 Termination
1.17.1 The period of eligibility for the payment of allowances shall end at midnight on the earlier of the day immediately preceding
- the first day in respect of which employees are paid any transportation or travelling expenses as a result of their relocation from their headquarters, and
- the day they cease to be employees.
1.18 Meals or Rations
1.18.1 When employees and their dependants, if any, are provided with meals or rations by or on behalf of the employer, they shall be charged for meals or rations at the rates specified in Appendix K.
1.18.2 The meals and rations charges shall be amended on August 1 of each year.
1.18.3 When fewer than three meals per day are normally provided to employees and their dependants, the rates shall be reduced by one-third for each meal not provided.
1.18.4 The rations provided to an employee by or on behalf of the employer shall not be sold or bartered by or on behalf of that employee.
1.18.5 The amounts charged to employees pursuant to this section shall be deducted from the amount of any allowance payable to them pursuant to this directive.
1.18.6 The Treasury Board Secretariat may, in accordance with the approved methodology, vary the rates specified in Appendix K.
1.18.7 When the rates are changed, each employee shall be given written notice of the change. Such change shall be effective on the first of the month following the employee's receipt of the written notice, or the effective date of the change, whichever is the later.
1.18.8 The rates to be charged for meals or rations have been abated to reflect the time employees are absent from their headquarters. Consequently, there should be no further reduction when employees are absent for short periods such as vacation leave, designated paid holidays, sick leave, furlough leave, lieu time off, etc.
1.18.9 During absences for extended periods for reasons, such as leave without pay, that result in cessation of allowances, the deputy head may adjust the meals and rations rate correspondingly.
Special Circumstances
1.19 Absence on Travel Status
1.19.1 Subject to this section, when employees are absent from their headquarters and are paid transportation or travelling expenses in respect of that absence, their allowances shall, on the 31st day of absence,
- cease, if they are employees with dependants and none of their dependants remain at their headquarters,
- revert to the employee without dependants rate, if they are employees with dependants and one of their dependants remains at their headquarters, or
- remain at the employee with dependants rate, if they are employees with dependants and more than one of their dependants remains at their headquarters.
1.19.2 When employees referred to in 1.19.1 are entitled to a fuel and utilities differential, they shall continue to receive that differential, provided they
- maintain a headquarters residence during their absence, and
- do not sublet it.
1.19.3 Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the allowances of employees who are granted leave for vacation, furlough, compensatory or lieu time off with pay pursuant to an appropriate governing authority and who:
- remain at their headquarters, or
- return to their headquarters at the conclusion of the leave or time off.
1.20 Absence for Illness or Injury
1.20.1 Subject to this section, when employees are absent from their headquarters, having been granted sick or injury-on-duty leave with pay, their allowances shall, on the 31st day of absence
- cease, if they are an employee with dependants and none of their dependants remain at their headquarters,
- revert to the employee without dependants rate, if they are an employee with dependants and one of their dependants remains at their headquarters, or
- remain at the employee with dependants rate, if they are employees with dependants and more than one of their dependants remains at their headquarters.
1.20.2 When employees referred to in 1.20.1 are entitled to a fuel and utilities differential, they shall continue to receive that differential, provided they
- maintain their headquarters residence during their absence, and
- do not sublet it.
1.20.3 The deputy head may authorize the continued payment of allowances for not more than 60 additional days of absence when employees, due to illness or injury, have been granted sick or injury-on-duty leave with pay and have been absent from their headquarters for more than 30 days.
1.20.4 The deputy head may authorize the payment of allowances for not more than 30 days when employees have been granted sick leave without pay.
1.20.5 When employees are, or are expected to be, absent for a period in excess of the periods above by reason of the illness or injury in respect of which they were granted leave, the President of the Treasury Board may authorize the continued payment of allowances to those employees.
1.21 Dependant Delayed
1.21.1 Subject to this section, when employees begin a period in respect of which allowances are payable without any dependants, but they establish to the satisfaction of their deputy head that a dependant intends to reside with them at their headquarters residence during the entire term of their assignment there, the amount of any allowance shall be calculated at the rate for an employee with dependants from the day the period commences, if the dependant arrives at the headquarters within 90 days of that day.
1.21.2 Subject to this section, when no dependants remain at the headquarters residences of employees for periods in excess of 90 days, the amount of any allowances of those employees shall be calculated at the rate for an employee without dependants for the period commencing on the 91st day of the absence and ending on the day before the day on which employees again have dependants at their headquarters residences.
1.21.3 When employees referred to in this section satisfy their deputy head that their dependant's absence for a period in excess of 90 days
- was unforeseen.
- was beyond the control of the dependant and the employees, and
- is temporary,
their deputy head may direct that the employees' allowances shall continue to be calculated at the rate for employees with dependants for such further period of time as the deputy head determines.
1.22 Dependant, Shared Custody
1.22.1 Subject to this section, when employees satisfy their deputy heads, by means of a court order or declaration signed by both parents, that they have joint custody and joint residency of their children, the children shall be considered dependants for the period they reside with the employees.
1.22.2 Should the rates of the employees' allowances change as a result of the above, an average annual rate will be calculated based on the length of time the employees should be paid the employee without dependants and employee with dependants rates and they will be paid the same bi-weekly rate during the fiscal year. If changes in employees' situation results in a change to their entitlements, for example they leave the isolated post or the public service, their entitlements will be recalculated and necessary adjustments will be made.
1.22.3 Except for Section 2.1, Non-elective medical or dental treatment, the entitlements of the dependants, referred to in 1.22.1, to the benefits of this directive shall be pro-rated based on the percentage of time they reside with the employee at the isolated post during the fiscal year.
1.22.4 Section 2.1 shall apply to the children, referred to in 1.22.1, provided they are residing at the isolated post, where the employee resides, at the time of the necessary travel.
1.22.5 Where employees only have visitation privileges in respect of their children, the children will be considered dependants if they reside with the employees at the employee's headquarters residence for a period of 30 or more consecutive days and
- the changes, if any, in the rates of the allowances payable to the employees shall apply for the entire period the children reside with the employee;
- the other benefits of the directive, except for Section 2.1, for which the children may be eligible during their stay with the employee, shall be pro-rated based on the percentage of time the children reside with the employees at their headquarters residence during the fiscal year; and
- Section 2.1 shall apply for the period the children reside with the employee at the headquarters residence.
Part II - Expenses and Leave
Travelling and Transportation Expenses
2.1 Non-Elective Medical or Dental Treatment
2.1.1 Employees who are granted leave without pay for the following reasons are also entitled to the benefits of this section: illness, injury-on-duty, or maternity/parental leave.
2.1.2 Subject to this section, when employees or their dependants obtain medical or dental treatment at the nearest location in Canada where adequate medical or dental treatment is available, as determined by the attending medical or dental practitioner, and they satisfy their deputy head by means of a certificate of the attending medical or dental practitioner that the treatment
- was not elective,
- was not available at their headquarters, and
- was required without delay,
the deputy head shall authorize reimbursement of the transportation and travelling expenses in respect of that treatment.
Where there is no air service from the headquarters to the nearest location in Canada where adequate medical or dental treatment is available and where there is no public transportation from the headquarters to the air service, the employer-requested kilometric rate shall be paid from the employee's headquarters to the nearest source of public transportation to the air service.
There may be occasions when a delay of several weeks or possibly longer may occur before the patient can receive the treatment. This section applies when the delay is due to the fact that the facilities or medical practitioners at the treatment centre were not available immediately.
2.1.3 Expenses under this section shall not be reimbursed for orthodontic treatment that is aesthetic or cosmetic in nature. However, they are reimbursable when a dental practitioner certifies treatment is required for newborn infants afflicted with cleft lips and palates, for persons involved in accidents involving broken jaws or seriously damaged teeth and for persons having severely handicapping malocclusions causing severe masticatory dysfunction.
2.1.4 The expenses shall include the expenses of any person, other than the person who obtains treatment, if the deputy head is satisfied that
- it is necessary for the person who obtains the treatment to be escorted during the period of travel, or
- no suitable arrangements for the care of the dependants can be made at the isolated post, and they must therefore accompany the person obtaining treatment.
2.1.5 When employees are granted benefits pursuant to this section and the deputy head is satisfied that
- the treatment or the transportation was unavoidably prolonged, or
- the attending medical or dental practitioner has certified that the continued presence of the escort referred to in 2.1.4 is required for purposes of the treatment, or
- the presence of the dependants referred to in 2.1.4 is warranted, and
- meals and accommodation are not provided free of charge to the persons referred to in this section,
the deputy head shall authorize the reimbursement to employees of the transportation and travelling expenses that are incurred in respect of themselves, their dependants and escort.
Refer to sections 2.11.1, 2.11.2 and 2.12 for provisions relating to travel time and transportation delays.
2.2 Compassionate Travel and Expenses
2.2.1 When employees are granted leave with pay by reason of there being an illness in their immediate family, that is certified as critical by a qualified medical practitioner and that requires them to travel from their headquarters to another location and back, the employer shall reimburse the lesser of:
- an amount equal to "compassionate" airfare from the headquarters to the point of departure and return, if carriers at the headquarters offer "compassionate" airfares; or,
- an amount equal to the cost of the regular return economy airfare between the headquarters and the point of departure, if carriers at the headquarters do not offer "compassionate" airfares; or,
- the actual costs incurred for return travel between the headquarters and the location of the family member.
2.2.2 Employees are to inquire and avail themselves of "compassionate" or discounted fares whenever possible.
2.2.3 The benefits provided by this section shall be extended to
- the employee and the employee's spouse or common-law partner, with respect to the critical illness of their biological child, stepchild, adopted child or legal ward, or
- the employee or the employee's spouse or common-law partner, with respect to the critical illness of other members of the employee's immediate family.
Refer to sections 2.11.1, 2.11.2 and 2.12 for provisions relating to travel time and transportation delays.
2.3 Bereavement Travel Expenses
2.3.1 When employees are granted leave with pay for a bereavement in the immediate family and they travel from their headquarters to another location and back, the employer shall reimburse the lesser of:
- an amount equal to "compassionate" airfare from the headquarters to the point of departure and return, if carriers at the headquarters offer "compassionate" airfares; or,
- an amount equal to the cost of the regular return economy airfare between the headquarters and the point of departure, if carriers at the headquarters do not offer "compassionate" airfares; or,
- the actual costs incurred for return travel between the headquarters and the location of the family member.
2.3.2 Employees are to inquire and avail themselves of "compassionate" or discounted fares whenever possible.
2.3.3 The benefits provided by this section shall be extended to
- the employee and the employee's spouse or common-law partner, with respect to the death of their biological child, stepchild, adopted child or legal ward, or
- the employee or the employee's spouse or common-law partner, with respect to the death of other members of the employee's immediate family.
Refer to sections 2.11.1, 2.11.2 and 2.12 for provisions relating to travel time and transportation delays.
Note: the following examples are provided to clarify Sections 2.2 and 2.3. The airfares cited are not necessarily accurate.
Example I
An employee in Yellowknife flies to Winnipeg and back and pays $500. The point of departure for Yellowknife is Edmonton. The regular return economy airfare between Yellowknife and Edmonton is $600, and airlines in Yellowknife offer a compassionate fare of $300. In this example, the employee would be reimbursed $300 (the amount of the compassionate fare between the headquarters and the point of departure), because it is the lesser amount.
Example II
An employee in Iqaluit flies to Rankin Inlet and back and pays $500. The point of departure for Iqaluit is Ottawa. The regular return economy airfare between Iqaluit and Ottawa is $1100 and airlines in Iqaluit offer compassionate fares of $550. In this example, the employee's actual expense of $500 would be reimbursed, because it is the lesser amount.
Example III
An employee in Fond-du-Lac flies to London, England and back and pays $1300. The point of departure for Fond-du-Lac is Saskatoon and no carriers in Fond-du-Lac offer compassionate fares. The regular return economy airfare between Fond-du- Lac and Saskatoon is $750. In this example, the employee would be reimbursed $750, because it is the lesser amount.
2.4 Vacation Travel Assistance
2.4.1 The reimbursement of expenses shall be limited to:
- once in each fiscal year for the employee whose headquarters has an environment classification of 3, 4, or 5,
- twice in each fiscal year for the employee whose headquarters has an environment classification of 1 or 2,
- once in that fiscal year in which the employee arrives on or after October 1 at a headquarters having an environment classification of 1 or 2, or
- once in the fiscal year during which employees are expected to terminate their assignment on or before September 30, if the headquarters they are leaving has an environment classification of 1 or 2.
2.4.2 Subject to review at the next triennial review of this directive, a parallel system of Vacation Travel Assistance (VTA) will be available to employees. The accountable system is described in section 2.5 and the non-accountable in section 2.6.
2.4.3 Employees may choose between the non-accountable and accountable assistance each time they apply.
2.4.4 Employees whose headquarters has an environment classification of 1 or 2 are eligible for the assistance of their choice, twice a year, subject to Section 2.4.1 (c) and (d).
2.4.5 Employees must apply in writing for VTA indicating which type they prefer. Once made, the choice will apply to both the employee and dependant(s) residing with the employee and cannot subsequently be reversed. The employee may choose to include a dependant attending a post-secondary institution away from the headquarters or follow the provisions of Section 2.9 (Post-Secondary Educational Travel).
2.4.6 For purposes of VTA, when at least one dependant of the employee is also an employee and lives with him or her at their headquarters residence, one of them shall be deemed to be an employee and the other to be a dependant.
2.4.7 Where an employee could use commercial airline but chooses instead to travel to their destination by other means such as private motor vehicle, boat or snowmobile, the VTA will be the 80% non-accountable payment.
2.4.8 Employees who have been reimbursed relocation expenses pursuant to Part III (Relocation to an Isolated Post) of this Directive and have moved from a non-isolated location to an isolated post, must wait three months from the date of their relocation to the post to qualify for VTA.
2.4.9 Employees who have been reimbursed relocation expenses pursuant to Part III of this Directive and have moved from one isolated post to another isolated post are not subject to the three-month waiting period.
Employees who resign from the Public Service in a fiscal year for which they have received any benefits pursuant to Section 2.4 (Vacation Travel Assistance) may be subject to recovery action. Refer to Section 4.13 (Recovery of Travel or Transportation Expenses) for complete details. (revised April 2004)
2.5 100% Accountable Vacation Travel Assistance
2.5.1 The 100% accountable VTA shall be extended to:
- employees who travel from their headquarters on paid vacation, furlough, or compensatory leave, or lieu time off; and
- dependants who travel with those employees, or
- dependants who do not travel at the same time as the employee or other dependant(s).
2.5.2 Whenever employees are eligible for reimbursement of expenses under this part, they shall, upon request, be granted an accountable advance. The advance should normally be provided before the trip begins. However, when this is not possible, the advance should be given at the first location en route where such payment is feasible.
2.5.3 When requested by the employee, management is encouraged to grant the advance in sufficient time to allow the employee to take advantage of excursion fares.
2.5.4 If a vacation trip is cancelled because the employer cancels or modifies the employee's leave, the costs shall be borne by the employer.
2.5.5 The intent of this portion of the directive is that the family benefit from one or two trips a year, depending on the classification of the post. If a dependant cannot accompany the employee and the rest of the family, he or she can later claim their own reimbursement, subject to Section 2.5.7.
2.5.6 Those family members who travel together shall claim all of their travelling expenses following the trip.
2.5.7 If one family member, who travelled alone and was reimbursed for a trip earlier in the year, later travels with another family member who has not already travelled, reimbursement of expenses for the other family member will be limited to the airline ticket, meals and incidentals. If travel was by PMV, reimbursement of expenses of the other family member will be limited to meals and incidentals.
Reimbursement of Travel Expenses
2.5.8 Employees will be eligible to be reimbursed the lesser of:
- the maximum entitlement (2.5.9); or
- the reimbursable expenses incurred (2.5.13).
Calculation of the Maximum Entitlement
2.5.9 When employees opt for the 100% accountable VTA, they shall be advised of their maximum entitlement.
2.5.10 The amount of the maximum entitlement is based on the transportation and travelling expenses associated with a return trip between the headquarters and the point of departure, by the most practical and direct means.
2.5.11 Appendix I illustrates how to calculate the maximum entitlement in each of the following circumstances:
- There is an airport at the headquarters and airline schedules allow travel from the headquarters directly to the point of departure;
- There is an airport at the headquarters and airline schedules are such that a stopover is required between the headquarters and the point of departure;
- There is no airport at the headquarters, the nearest airport is less than 500 km away and airline schedules allow travel from that airport directly to the point of departure;
- There is no airport at the headquarters, the nearest airport is less than 500 km away and airline schedules are such that a stopover is required between that airport and the point of departure;
- There is no airport at the headquarters, the nearest airport is more than 500 km away and airline schedules allow travel from that airport directly to the point of departure;
- There is no airport at the headquarters, the nearest airport is more than 500 km away and airline schedules are such that a stopover is required between that airport and the point of departure; or
- For some isolated posts the most practical and direct means of reaching the point of departure is by road. In such cases, the maximum entitlement will be return ground transportation and travelling expenses between the headquarters and the point of departure.
2.5.12 When part or all of the employee's round trip between the isolated post and the point of departure is free of charge, the maximum entitlement shall be reduced by the lesser of:
- the value of an economy class air ticket for the portion of the trip that is free of charge; or
- by the value of a one-way economy class air ticket between the isolated post and the point of departure.
Reimbursable Expenses
2.5.13 Appendix J illustrates which expenses are reimbursable in each of the following circumstances:
- Commercial airline is used to travel directly to a destination.
- Commercial airline is used to travel directly to a destination via transit point(s) with no stopover.
- Commercial airline is used to travel directly to a destination via transit point(s) and a stopover is mandatory.
- Commercial airline is used, alone or with other modes of transportation, to travel and there is no single destination.
2.5.14 If airline schedules are such that no stopover is required between the headquarters and the destination, but the employee chooses to make travel arrangements that result in a stopover, no ground transportation or travelling expenses at the stopover location will be reimbursed.
If airline schedules or operational requirements, not personal preferences, are such that a stopover is required between the headquarters and the destination, ground transportation and travelling expenses at the stopover location will be reimbursed.
2.5.15 When travelling on an "all-inclusive" package (air, hotel and meals), employees will be reimbursed the value of the air portion of the package. It is the employee's responsibility to obtain this amount from the appropriate authority (eg. travel agency, tour company).
If it is not possible to obtain such information, the employee will be reimbursed an amount equal to the value of the 14-day advance booking return economy airfare between the post and the point of departure.
2.6 80% Non-accountable Vacation Travel Assistance
2.6.1 Employees working at headquarters that have airports will be paid an amount equivalent to 80% of the return full fare economy class airfare between the headquarters and the point of departure.
2.6.2 Employees working at headquarters that do not have airports will be paid an amount equivalent to 80% of the sum of the following:
- the return full fare economy class airfare between the nearest airport and the point of departure; plus
- the return travelling expenses (including lodging if the nearest airport is over 500 km from the headquarters) between the headquarters and the nearest airport.
2.6.3 There is no requirement to travel, or take vacation, furlough, compensatory leave, or lieu time off to receive this payment.
2.7 Part-time and Seasonal Employment
2.7.1 Subject to the Application section of this directive, part-time and seasonal employees shall be entitled to the benefits of Appendix I or J, in the same proportion as their total annual hours of work compare to the total annual hours of work of a full-time employee occupying a position at the same occupational group and level (prorating).
2.7.2 Employees will be eligible to be reimbursed the lesser of:
- the prorated maximum entitlement (Appendix I); or
- the actual expenses incurred (Appendix J).
2.7.3 When, because of operational requirements, an indeterminate seasonal employee who resides at the headquarters cannot be granted the benefits of this section during the operational season, the employer shall, at the employee's request, grant the benefits of this section during the off-season.
2.7.4 Part-time and seasonal employees may choose the 80% non-accountable Vacation Travel Assistance which will then be prorated.
2.8 Carry-Over of Expenses
2.8.1 When an employee's vacation leave is withheld because of operational requirements and carried over to the following fiscal year, the employee shall be eligible to claim the transportation and travelling expenses outlined in 2.5 (100% Accountable Vacation Travel Assistance) for one additional trip in the following fiscal year.
2.8.2 The provisions of this section shall be extended to the dependants of the employee referred to in 2.8.1, provided they have not been granted the expenses in 2.5 during that fiscal year.
2.8.3 The provisions of 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 shall not apply if the employee chooses the 80% non-accountable payment in lieu of the carry-over.
2.8.4 Indeterminate seasonal or part-time employees shall, at their request and subject to operational requirements, be entitled to carry over their entitlements under Section 2.5 until they are eligible for the yearly entitlements of a full-time indeterminate employee occupying a position at the same occupational group and level.
2.9 Post-Secondary Educational Travel
2.9.1 Subject to this section, persons who would qualify under the definition of dependant if they were not attending a post-secondary educational institution away from the headquarters, may use the entitlements referred to in Section 2.4 (Vacation Travel Assistance) once in each fiscal year to proceed from and return to the headquarters.
2.9.2 The amount of expenses reimbursed shall be the lesser of:
- the actual transportation and travelling expenses incurred in travelling, by any mode(s) of transportation, from the location of the educational institution to the headquarters of the employee and return, or
- the transportation and travelling expenses that would have been incurred in travelling to the headquarters of the employee from the point of departure and return by economy class air travel.
2.9.3 The expenses reimbursed may be as a result of two one-way trips or a return journey between the headquarters and institution or institution and the headquarters, regardless of the length of time between trips or legs of the return journey, provided the expenses are incurred in the same fiscal year.
2.9.4 Subject to section 2.4.1(b), a person who uses the benefits of this section shall not be entitled to any other benefits of Section 2.4 in the fiscal year the benefits of this section are received.
2.10 Adoption of a Child
2.10.1 When an employee adopts a child and must travel from the headquarters to accept physical custody of that child, the deputy head shall reimburse, to the employee, the transportation and travelling costs incurred by
- the employee and spouse or common-law partner, for the journey between the headquarters and the location of the child, and
- the employee, spouse or common-law partner and child, for the return journey,
in an amount not to exceed the cost that would have been incurred had the journey been made to the point of departure and return by the mode(s) of transportation used by the employee.
2.11 Travel Associated with Leave with Pay
2.11.1 On each occasion that employees are granted the benefits of Section 2.5 (100% accountable VTA) or Section 2.6 (80% non-accountable VTA) and travel from their headquarters, they shall be granted time off with pay, in lieu of being required to travel on a working day or on a day of rest, for a period that is the lesser of:
- two days; or
- the actual and reasonable time required to travel from headquarters to the point of departure and return.
2.11.2 When employees are reimbursed transportation or travel expenses pursuant to sections 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3, and the travel time granted pursuant to an appropriate governing authority is insufficient for them to travel to the point of departure and return, they shall be granted leave with pay for a period that is the lesser of:
(revised June 2004)
- two days; or (revised June 2004)
- the actual and reasonable time required to travel from headquarters to the point of departure and return. (revised June 2004)
2.11.3 If regular flight schedules do not allow for an employee to reach the point of departure without an overnight stopover, the employee may be granted up to 3 days leave with pay. (revised June 2004)
2.12 Transportation Delays
2.12.1 On each occasion that employees are granted the benefits of Section 2.11, deputy heads shall, if they are satisfied that the time required to travel was prolonged by reason of transportation delays beyond the control of those employees, grant up to five additional days of leave with pay.
2.12.2 Deputy heads may, if they are satisfied that leave in excess of the leave granted pursuant to this section was required for the reason described in this section, grant additional leave with pay.
2.12.3 When employees are granted benefits pursuant to this section, deputy heads shall authorize the reimbursement of transportation and travelling expenses incurred by employees and their dependants, if they are satisfied that the commercial carrier does not pay these expenses in those circumstances.
2.13 Elective Medical or Dental Treatment
2.13.1 If employees or any of their dependants must travel from their headquarters to another location to obtain elective medical or dental treatment that is not available at their headquarters, they shall be granted, during a fiscal year, a maximum of 3 additional days of leave with pay for the actual time that is required to travel and obtain the treatment.
Part III - Relocation to an Isolated Post
3.1 Conditions
3.1.1 Nothing in this part shall be construed to limit the application of an appropriate governing authority to that portion of the relocation of employees that takes place between the point of departure and a place other than the headquarters.
3.1.2 For the purposes of this part, family members who are permanently residing with employees, but who are precluded from qualifying as dependants under the Income Tax Act because they receive pensions, shall be deemed to be dependants.
3.2 Medical Clearances
3.2.1 Employees will complete a personal health evaluation form for themselves and their dependants, if any, and provide them to Health Canada.
3.2.2 Departments will provide Health Canada with a list of candidates and proposed posting schedule.
3.2.3 Health Canada will review the health declaration(s) and determine whether any further assessment is required.
3.2.4 Health Canada will provide a report to the department confirming eligibility of posting.
3.2.5 Departments will be responsible for any costs related to additional assessments.
3.3 Expenses
3.3.1 Subject to this part, employees shall be reimbursed the expenses of the portion of their relocation that takes place between the point of departure and the headquarters, determined in accordance with the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive, when they relocate by reason of
- their assignment to an isolated post for a period of one year or more,
- their transfer from an isolated post to another location, including another isolated post, or
- completion of their period of assignment to an isolated post.
3.3.2 Subject to this part, the amount of the expenses reimbursed shall not exceed the lesser of:
- the actual relocation expenses incurred, and
- the relocation expenses that would have been incurred between the point of departure and the headquarters of the employee.
3.3.3 Assignment – 3 months or d: Employees who are assigned to an isolated post for a period of three months or less shall be reimbursed the amount of the transportation and travelling expenses they incurred in travelling to the headquarters, up to the amount that would be incurred in travelling from the point of departure to the headquarters by the mode(s) of transportation used by them.
3.3.4 Assignment – e 3 months and d 1 year: Employees who are assigned to an isolated post for a period of more than three months and less than one year shall be reimbursed the amount of the transportation and travelling expenses they and their dependants incurred in travelling to the headquarters, up to the amount that would be incurred in travelling from the point of departure to the headquarters by the mode(s) of transportation used by them.
3.3.5 Whenever employees are eligible for reimbursement of expenses under this part, they shall, upon request, be granted an accountable advance. The advance should normally be provided before the trip begins. However, where this is not possible, the advance should be given at the first location en route where such payment is feasible.
3.4 Furnished Accommodation – Weight Limitations
3.4.1 Subject to this section, when fully or partly furnished accommodation is provided, the amount of the relocation expenses on the move into or out of the headquarters, attributable to the transportation of the household and personal effects of employees and their dependants, shall not exceed the lesser of:
- the amount actually incurred for that transportation; and
- the amount that would have been incurred if the aggregate of the maximum weights of those household and personal effects, including containers, did not exceed
- 900 kg in respect of the employee, plus
- 900 kg in respect of their first dependant, plus
- 225 kg in respect of each additional dependant.
3.4.2 The deputy head may reduce the weight of the household and personal effects that may be transported at public expense when:
- similar household effects are part of the furnishings of the accommodation; or
- aircraft is the most practical and economical means of transportation.
3.4.3 The weight limitations referred to in this section shall be increased by:
- 15 per cent if the shipment is by air or road;
- 25 per cent if the shipment is by rail; or
- 30 per cent if the shipment is by watercraft.
3.4.4 When employees transfer from one isolated post to another, the deputy head may authorize reimbursement for the transportation of household and personal effects that exceed the weight limits.
3.4.5 When employees have completed five or more continuous years of service at isolated posts and are transferred out of isolation, the deputy head shall authorize reimbursement for transportation of the household and personal effects that exceed the weight limits, up to a maximum of 450 kg in excess weight.
3.4.6 When the deputy head is satisfied that, through no fault of the employees, their household and personal effects authorized for shipment at government expense exceed the weight limits, the additional costs incurred in transporting their household and personal effects may be authorized.
3.4.7 The weight of objects used for disability-related needs (such as motorized wheelchair, etc.), shall not be considered as part of the weight of the employee's household and personal effects for the purposes of the weight limitations.
3.4.8 Shipment of Automobiles or Recreational Vehicles: When the shipment of automobiles or recreational vehicles, such as snowmobiles, boats, motorcycles, etc., is authorized pursuant to the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive, the weight of these items shall not be considered as part of the weight of the employee's household and personal effects for the purposes of the weight limitations.
3.4.9 The deputy head should use discretion when authorizing the shipment of private motor vehicles. The shipment should be authorized only to locations where there are roads and where employees normally use private motor vehicles.
3.4.10 Employees wishing to ship into their headquarters vehicles purchased after their relocation to that location shall do so at their own expense.
3.4.11 Upon the employee's relocation out of the isolated post, a vehicle shipped in at the employee's expense will be shipped out at the employer's expense, provided the isolated post the employee is leaving is one to which vehicles are normally shipped as per section 3.4.9 of this Directive.
3.4.12 House-Hunting Trip: When an employee is assigned to or transferred from an isolated post and will not occupy government-owned or government-leased accommodation at the new location, the deputy head shall, if requested, authorize a house-hunting trip in accordance with the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive. This house-hunting trip should normally be granted before the employee relocates to the new headquarters.
3.4.13 When expenses are to be reimbursed to an employee, the deputy head may direct that an accountable advance be made, pursuant to the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive.
3.4.14 When employees are transferred from one isolated post to another, they are entitled to be reimbursed for the costs incurred in receiving some or all of the household and personal effects and private motor vehicles that may have been placed in storage pursuant to section 3.5. If they will be occupying fully or partially furnished accommodation, the combined weight of the furniture and effects being shipped from the place of storage and the former isolated post will be subject to the conditions outlined in this section.
3.5 Storage of Effects
3.5.1 When, by reason only of the limits referred to in Section 3.4, any part of the household and personal effects of employees are not transported to their headquarters and deputy heads are satisfied that it is necessary to store those effects, they shall arrange for and authorize the payment of the cost in respect of those household and personal effects, of
- packing and crating,
- transportation to the nearest adequate storage facilities,
- storage charges,
- insurance referred to in the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive,
- transportation from the place of storage to the place of duty or the normal place of residence of that employee, and
- unpacking and uncrating.
3.5.2 The deputy head shall, upon receipt of evidence of storage payment, authorize the reimbursement to employees of storage costs incurred for up to two private motor vehicles that they own at the time of assignment, or replacements for vehicles placed in storage at the time of assignment, in an amount up to the amounts specified in the Relocation – Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive for commercial or private dead storage, when employees are assigned to headquarters where
- employees at the headquarters do not normally use private motor vehicles, and
- the Employer does not ship vehicles.
3.5.3 When employees choose not to store one or both of their private motor vehicles pursuant to this section, they shall, upon presenting evidence of storage payment, be reimbursed the expenses incurred in storing recreational vehicles or boats that they own at the time of their transfer, in an amount not to exceed the amount that would have been reimbursed had they stored their private motor vehicles.
3.5.4 Expenses incurred by employees that result from the storage of their vehicles or boats, such as servicing, insurance, etc., are not reimbursable.
3.5.5 The authority for payment of the costs referred to in this section shall end on the expiration of
- the month in which employees ought to have taken possession of their goods, or
- one month after the termination of employment.
3.5.6 Deputy heads shall, not later than five years after the household and personal effects were placed in storage pursuant to this section, review the matter and may authorize payment of the costs of the continuation of the storage, or the shipment of the household and personal effects to the employee.
3.6 Delay of Dependant's Relocation
3.6.1 Subject to this part, the deputy head shall authorize the payment of all or any portion of the expenses incurred by an employee for the relocation of a dependant to his or her headquarters residence when the deputy head is satisfied that, at the time of the assignment of the employee, the person was a dependant and
- did not accompany the employee to his or her headquarters, or
- did not arrive at the headquarters within 90 days of the date of the employee's arrival.
3.6.2 When employees will be occupying fully or partially furnished accommodations, the aggregate of
- the weights of the effects that may be transported for the dependant(s); and
- the weights of all other effects transported pursuant to this part,
shall not exceed the limits referred to in Section 3.4 (Furnished Accommodation - Weight Limitations).
3.7 Delayed Shipment of Household Effects
3.7.1 Subject to this section, when persons who have not previously been eligible for the provision of this directive
- are assigned to an isolated post for a period of one year or more, and
- have been reimbursed for the transportation of household and personal effects, the aggregate weight of which is less than the limits referred to in Section 3.4, they shall, at any time during the first 12 months of their assignment, be reimbursed for the transportation costs of additional household and personal effects, if the balance of the term of their assignment to that isolated post is for six months or more at the date of shipment of those additional effects.
3.7.2 The aggregate of the weights of the effects that are transported, pursuant to this section and Section 3.4, shall not exceed the limits referred to in Section 3.4.
3.8 Excess Luggage
3.8.1 Subject to Section 3.4 (Furnished Accommodation - Weight Limitations), deputy heads shall direct that employees be reimbursed for the extra charges actually incurred for transporting excess luggage of a weight that is not more than 90 kg when the deputy heads are satisfied that
- employees require certain parts of their household and personal effects on the date of their arrival at their headquarters, and
- those effects will not arrive at their headquarters on or before the date of their arrival there.
Part IV - Relocation Upon End of Employment
Expenses and Entitlements
4.1 Application
4.1.1 A person employed for a specified term or part-time is eligible for the benefits provided in this part when:
- assigned to an isolated post for a period of three months or more, and
- required to work more than one-third of the normal working hours of a full-time indeterminate employee of the same occupational group and level.
4.1.2 Employees who are granted leave without pay for the following reasons shall be eligible for the benefits of this part: illness, injury-on-duty or maternity/parental leave.
4.2 Retirement, Disability, Workforce Adjustment, Non-Disciplinary Termination
4.2.1 When employees have received any relocation benefits pursuant to section 3.3 (Expenses) or have been hired at and served at isolated posts for a period of five or more continuous years, and ceased to be employees by reason of
- their retirement or having reached the age of 50 years with not less than 20 years of pensionable service for purposes of the Public Service Superannuation Act;
- disability certified by a qualified medical practitioner;
- a workforce adjustment; or
- termination of employment for reasons other than breaches of discipline or misconduct pursuant to Section 11(2)(g) of the Financial Administration Act,
they shall be reimbursed the relocation expenses referred to in Section 4.10 (Payment of Expenses), in an amount that does not exceed the amount that would be incurred in relocating to their normal place of residence.
4.3 Resignation (less than one year)
4.3.1 Subject to this section, when employees resign from the Public Service and have not completed at least one continuous year of assignment at an isolated post, and have not completed their term of assignment, the deputy head may authorize a recoverable advance to those employees in an amount that does not exceed the transportation and travelling expenses, in respect of themselves and their dependants, that would be incurred in travelling between their headquarters and the point of departure.
4.3.2 The deputy head may direct that all or any portion of the relocation benefits received by those employees, pursuant to Part III, shall be recovered from them.
4.3.3 No advance shall be paid until employees have signed and delivered a promissory note payable on demand to the Receiver General for Canada in the amount of the aggregate of the advance and the amounts, if any, that were directed to be recovered.
4.4 Resignation (one to five years)
4.4.1 Employees who resign from the Public Service, having received any benefit pursuant to 3.3.2 and having completed more than one and less than five continuous years of assignment at isolated posts, shall be reimbursed the expenses referred to in Section 4.10 in an amount that does not exceed the amount that would be incurred in relocating to the point of departure.
4.4.2 Employees who resign from the Public Service, having received any benefit pursuant to 3.3.3 or 3.3.4 and having completed more than one and less than five continuous years of assignment at isolated posts, shall be reimbursed the amount of transportation and travelling expenses they incur in leaving the headquarters, for themselves and their dependants, in an amount that does not exceed the amount that would have been incurred in travelling to the point of departure.
4.5 Resignation (five or more years)
4.5.1 Employees who resign from the Public Service, having completed at least five continuous years of assignment at isolated posts, shall be reimbursed the relocation expenses referred to in Section 4.10 (Payment of Expenses), in an amount that does not exceed the amount that would have been incurred in relocating to their normal place of residence.
4.6 Completed Specified Period Appointment (one year or less)
4.6.1 When employees who have received any benefits pursuant to 3.3.3 or 3.3.4, have completed their specified period appointment at an isolated post, and have been at their headquarters for one year or less, they shall be reimbursed the amount of the transportation and travelling expenses they incur in leaving the headquarters
- for themselves, if assigned for a period of less than three months; and
- for themselves and their dependants, if assigned for a period of three months or more,
up to the amount of the expenses that would have been incurred in travelling to the point of departure.
4.7 Completed Specified Period Appointment (one to five years)
4.7.1 When employees have received any benefits pursuant to 3.3.3 or 3.3.4., have completed their specified period appointment at an isolated post, and have been at their headquarters for more than one year and less than five years, they shall be reimbursed the expenses referred to in Section 4.10, in an amount that does not exceed the amount that would have been incurred in relocating to the point of departure.
4.8 Rejected on Probation
4.8.1 When employees rejected on probation have received any relocation benefit pursuant to 3.3.2 or have been hired at and served in isolated posts for five or more continuous years, they shall be reimbursed relocation expenses referred to in Section 4.10, in an amount that does not exceed the amount that would be incurred in relocating to their normal place of residence.
4.9 Disciplinary Termination
4.9.1 When employees are dismissed, discharged or released (pursuant to Section 11(2)(f) of the Financial Administration Act) after having completed at least five continuous years of assignment at isolated posts, they shall be reimbursed those expenses referred to in Section 4.10 up to an amount that would be incurred in relocating to their normal place of residence.
4.9.2 When employees are dismissed, discharged or released and have not completed at least five continuous years of assignment at isolated posts, the deputy head may authorize an advance in accordance with Section 4.3.
4.10 Payment of Expenses
4.10.1 Subject to this part (see Appendix L), the total of the relocation expenses, in accordance with the Relocation - Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Directive, that may be reimbursed to employees who relocate to a location other than their headquarters or to accommodations at the headquarters as a direct result of being required to vacate government-owned or government-leased accommodations, shall be limited to:
- the relocation expenses for household and personal effects and private motor vehicles or recreational vehicles, including those that may be in storage pursuant to Section 3.5 (Storage of Effects);
- transportation and travelling expenses for employees and their dependants; and
- up to six days' interim accommodation.
4.10.2 Whenever employees are eligible for reimbursement of expenses under this part they shall, upon request, be granted an accountable advance. The advance should normally be provided before the trip begins. However, when this is not possible, the advance should be given at the first location en route where such payment is feasible.
4.11 Entitlements of Persons who are no Longer Dependants
4.11.1 For the purpose of this part, the following persons shall be deemed dependants:
- an unmarried person who was a dependant on the date the employee was assigned to the headquarters; and
- family members who are permanently residing with the employees but who are precluded from qualifying as dependants under the Income Tax Act because they are in receipt of pensions.
4.12 Time Limit to Incur Expense
4.12.1 Subject to this section, no amount may be paid in respect of expenses that are incurred later than the thirtieth day following termination of employment.
4.12.2 When transportation for household and personal effects is not available within the 30-day period, expenses may be reimbursed if the effects are transported at the earliest date transportation is available.
4.12.3 When an employee dies, the time period may be extended for such longer period as the deputy head deems necessary.
4.12.4 Deputy heads may, under exceptional circumstances, extend the period for a period of up to six months.
4.12.5 The President of the Treasury Board may, on written application, authorize the payment of amounts that are prohibited by this section.
4.13 Recovery of Travel or Transportation Expenses
4.13.1 No recovery will be made when employees cease to be employees by reason of their retirement, disability, a work force adjustment or termination for reasons other than breaches of discipline or misconduct.
4.13.2 Subject to this section, when employees, except those referred to in Sections 4.2 and 4.14 resign from the Public Service, having received any benefits pursuant to Section 2.4 (Vacation Travel Assistance) within the preceding three months (if the headquarters has an environment classification of 1 or 2) or within the preceding five months (if the headquarters has an environment classification of 3, 4 or 5) the amount of these benefits shall be:
- deducted from the amount that would have been paid pursuant to this part; or
- be considered a debt owing the Government when there are insufficient funds payable pursuant to this part or employees are not eligible to any benefits of this part.
4.13.3 No recovery shall be made when the vacation travel expense benefits are carried over pursuant to Section 2.7, or when employees resign in a fiscal year other than the fiscal year in which they received those benefits.
4.13.4 When the headquarters has an environment classification of 1 or 2, the amount of the benefits recoverable shall be pro-rated as follows:
Resigns |
Trip(s) taken |
Recovery |
Apr. 1 to Sept. 30 |
1 |
A |
Apr. 1 to Sept. 30 |
2 |
A plus 2nd trip |
Oct. 1 to Mar. 30 |
1 |
Nil |
Oct. 1 to Mar. 30 |
2 |
B |
A means (Number of incomplete months of service between April 1 and September 30) X 1st trip ÷ 6.
B means (Number of incomplete months of service between October 1 and March 31) X 2nd trip ÷ 6.
Trip(s) (voyage(s)) means the benefits of Section 2.4 received within three months preceding the date of resignation.
Incomplete months of service (mois de service incomplets) means calendar months in which the employee did not earn at least 10 days' pay.
4.13.5 When the headquarters has an environment classification level of 3, 4 or 5, the amount of benefits recoverable shall be pro-rated as follows:
(Number of incomplete months of service in the fiscal year) X trip ' 12.
Trip(s) (voyage(s)) means the benefits of Section 2.4 received within five months of the date of resignation.
Incomplete months of service (mois de service incomplets) means calendar months in which the employee did not earn at least 10 days' pay.
Subject to 4.13.1, the provisions of this section shall apply to all employees, including local hires, whether or not they relocate from the isolated post. (revised April 2004)
4.14 Expenses Incurred on Death
4.14.1 Subject to this section, when employees or their dependants die, the deputy head shall authorize the reimbursement to those employees or their estates of the expenses incurred in
- the preparation of the remains for transportation, other than the cost of embalming or cremation,
- the extra cost in respect of a container for the remains, if required by the carrier, and
- the transportation expenses in respect of the remains from the headquarters to the final place of rest in Canada, or to the last place in Canada from which the remains are to be transported to the final place of rest outside Canada.
4.14.2 When an employee dies and the surviving dependants relocate, they shall be reimbursed the benefits of Section 4.10 in an amount that does not exceed the amount that would have been incurred in relocating to their normal place of residence.
4.14.3 The weight restrictions specified in Section 3.4.1 shall be determined as if the relocation occurred immediately before the death of the employee.
4.14.4 When an employee dies and the surviving dependants travel from the headquarters to attend the funeral, the deputy head shall direct that the transportation and travelling expenses incurred by them in respect of that travel be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed the amount that would have been incurred in travelling to the point of departure and back by the mode(s) of transportation used by them.
Part V - Designation and Payments
5.1 Designation
5.1.1 The locations named in Appendix A are hereby designated as isolated posts.
5.1.2 An isolated post shall have environment, living cost, and fuel and utilities classifications as set out in Appendix A.
5.2 Determining Levels
5.2.1 Subject to Section 1.15 (Leave Without Pay or Absence Without Leave), qualification for an environment allowance is a prerequisite for all other allowances and benefits under this directive, except for the special location allowance.
5.2.2 The classifications of isolated posts (Appendix A) are determined in accordance with the following criteria:
- population;
- climate;
- topography; and
- availability of commercial transportation or access by all-weather roads.
These criteria are set out in Appendix H.
5.2.3 North of 60th Parallel: Upon written request of a deputy head, a location that is north of the 60th parallel of latitude shall be designated as an isolated post and shall be classified at environment level 1 or any higher level determined by the criteria set out in Appendix H, Section 1.
5.3 Population
5.3.1 The population of a location is the number of people who inhabit that location as set out in:
- the most current census of population of Canada;
- a provincial or municipal record of population; or
- a record of any other local authority.
5.3.2 The population of a location may be fixed by the Treasury Board Secretariat on the recommendation of the National Joint Council, when that population
- cannot be clearly determined pursuant to 5.3.1; or
- is the aggregate of the populations of locations that are amalgamated with, or close to, that location.
5.4 South of the Sixtieth
5.4.1 Population less than 10,000: A location south of the 60th parallel of latitude may be designated as an isolated post if
- it has a population of less than 10,000; and
- it is not accessible by means of an all-weather road; or
- it is accessible by means of an all-weather road, but is more than
- 161 kilometres by road from a location south of the 60th parallel of latitude with a population of more than 10,000, and
- 322 kilometres by road from a location south of the 60th parallel of latitude with a population of more than 50,000, and
- it is entitled to 50 points or more in accordance with the Environment Allowance criteria set out in Appendix H, section 1.
5.4.2 Population 10,000 - 15,000: When an isolated post south of the 60th parallel of latitude attains a population of 10,000 but not more than 15,000, it shall remain in Appendix A if it is:
- not accessible by an all-weather road; or
- accessible by means of an all-weather road and is more than 1,610 kilometres by road from a location south of the 60th parallel of latitude with a population of more than 100,000.
5.4.3 Population more than 15,000: When the population of an isolated post south of the 60th parallel of latitude exceeds 15,000, it shall be deleted from Appendix A.
5.4.4 An isolated post south of the 60th parallel of latitude, located less than 161 kilometres by road from an isolated post referred to in 5.4.2, shall remain in Appendix A until:
- the population of the isolated post referred to in 5.4.2 exceeds 15,000; or
- its deletion is recommended for other reasons pursuant to this part.
5.5 Additions, Deletions - Appendix A
5.5.1 The Treasury Board Secretariat may
- add to Appendix A the name of a location that conforms with the rules prescribed in Sections 5.2.3 and 5.4, or
- delete from Appendix A the name of a location that does not conform with the rules prescribed in Sections 5.2.3 and 5.4.
5.6 Additions, Deletions - Special Locations (Appendix G)
5.6.1 The Treasury Board Secretariat shall direct the addition of the name and classification of a location to Appendix G when that location conforms with the criteria set out in Appendix H, section 4.
5.6.2 The Treasury Board Secretariat shall delete the name of a location from Appendix G when that location does not conform with the criteria set out in Appendix H, section 4.
5.7 Notice of Deletion or Revocation
5.7.1 The Treasury Board Secretariat shall cause each employee affected to receive written notice of the change, when:
- a location is deleted from Appendix A;
- the rates set out in Appendix B, C, D or M are revoked; or
- the living cost or fuel and utilities differential classification of a location is revoked.
5.7.2 EA: When written notices have been received by employees, the amount of their environment allowance shall be reduced by
- one-third of the amount of the decrease, on the first day of the fourth calendar month after the month in which written notice was received,
- one-third of the amount of the decrease, on the first day of the 13th calendar month after the month in which written notice was received, and
- the remainder on the first day of the 22nd calendar month after the month in which written notice was received.
5.7.3 LCD, F&UD, Other Benefits: The living cost differential, fuel and utilities differential and, subject to 5.7.4 and 5.7.5, the other benefits of an employee that are revoked shall terminate on the first day of the fourth calendar month after the month in which the employee received written notice.
5.7.4 SCD: When the shelter cost differential of a location referred to in Appendix M is revoked, the change shall be effective on the date agreed upon within the National Joint Council.
5.7.5 Vacation Travel Assistance and Post-Secondary Education Travel: The benefits referred to in sections 2.4 to 2.9 inclusive shall end on the first day of the 16th calendar month after the month in which written notice was received, if the employee affected by the change was entitled to them on the date that the change was made.
5.7.6 Relocation Upon End of Employment: The benefits referred to in sections 4.2, 4.5 and 4.14 shall not terminate if the employee affected by the change was entitled to them on the date the change was promulgated.
5.8 Changes to Appendix A, F or G
5.8.1 The Treasury Board Secretariat may, with respect to a location named in Appendix A, F or G, establish, vary, or revoke any classification of that location in conformance with the criteria.
5.8.2 The Treasury Board Secretariat may delete the name of a location from Appendix F when:
- the National Joint Council determines that there are suitable accommodations available for employees with dependants at the headquarters of the employee; or
- the location is deleted from Appendix A.
5.9 Rates Established or Changed
5.9.1 The rates set out in Appendices B, C, D and M are hereby established for the environment allowance, the living cost differential, the fuel and utilities differential and the shelter cost differential respectively.
5.9.2 The Treasury Board Secretariat may, in accordance with the approved methodologies, vary the rates set out in Appendices B, C and M, effective on the dates specified in the approved methodologies.
5.9.3 When the change is not in accordance with the approved methodologies, the President of the Treasury Board, on the recommendation of the National Joint Council, may vary or revoke the rates set out in Appendix B or C, effective on the dates specified by the President.
5.9.4 The President of the Treasury Board, on the recommendation of the National Joint Council, may vary or revoke the rates set out in Appendix D, effective on the date specified by the President.
Effects of Changes
5.10 Addition to Appendix A
5.10.1 When a location is added to Appendix A pursuant to section 5.5,
- the environment allowance, living cost differential, the fuel and utilities differential and shelter cost differential (if applicable) are payable from the date specified by the Treasury Board Secretariat; and
- the employee affected is eligible for the other benefits of the directive from the effective date of the addition.
5.11 Increase
5.11.1 EA: When the environment classification of an isolated post is raised,
- the increase to the environment allowance is effective on the date specified by the Treasury Board Secretariat; and
- the change in the other benefits of the directive, if any, is effective on the date the increase is announced.
5.11.2 LCD: When the living cost differential classification of a location referred to in Appendix A or G is raised, the change shall be effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the Treasury Board Secretariat receives notification of the change from Statistics Canada.
5.11.3 F&UD: When the fuel and utilities differential classification of a location referred to in Appendix A or G is raised, the change shall be effective on the date agreed upon within the National Joint Council.
5.11.4 SCD: When the shelter cost differential of a location referred to in Appendix M is raised, the change shall be effective on the date agreed upon within the National Joint Council.
5.12 Reduction
5.12.1 The Treasury Board Secretariat shall cause each employee affected to receive written notice of the change, when
- the rates set out in Appendix B, C, D or M are reduced; or
- the environment, living cost differential or fuel and utilities differential classifications of a location are reduced.
5.12.2 EA: When written notices have been received by employees, the amount of their environment allowance shall be reduced by
- one-half of the amount of the decrease, on the first day of the fourth calendar month after the month in which written notice was received; and
- the balance of the amount of the decrease, on the first day of the 13th calendar month after the month in which written notice was received.
5.12.3 Other Allowances and Benefits: The total amount of the reduction in the living cost differential, the fuel and utilities differential, the shelter cost differential, the special location allowance, and any benefits of the employees affected by the change to the environment classification shall be effective on the first day of the fourth calendar month after the month in which written notice was received.
5.13 Assignment after Effective Date of Change
5.13.1 Employees whose assignment began on or after the date that a reduction or revocation of any allowance was made shall be
- deemed to have received any written notice referred to in this part; and
- paid allowances calculated at the rate in effect, from time to time, as if they had received such written notices on the earliest date that other employees received that notice.
Part VI - Government Housing
6.1 General
6.1.1 To carry out its responsibilities, the Government of Canada must be able to house employees in all parts of the country. Accommodation is only provided where:
- it is necessary for the delivery of government programs to combine an employee's place of work and residence or for the employee to live at the job location; or
- no suitable living accommodation is available in the vicinity.
6.1.2 It is the policy of the government that occupants of Government Housing be accorded treatment equivalent to that accorded to persons renting similar accommodation from private or commercial sources. Rents for Government Housing must be fair and equitable and be based on the following principles:
- they should not form part of an employee's compensation and should be comparable to those paid for a dwelling of similar size and condition in similar markets;
- they should reflect any factors which affect the quiet enjoyment or the privacy of the occupant and thus the value of the accommodation.
Part I
6.2 Base Shelter Value (BSV)
6.2.1 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) shall determine the BSV of self-contained accommodation in relation to:
- where a market can be identified locally, dwellings of similar size, type and condition; or
- where no viable market exists, dwellings of similar size, type and condition in the nearest location where a viable market exists, with appropriate local adjustments.
6.3 Rent
6.3.1 Housing Norm: When providing government housing, departments shall attempt to allocate appropriate size dwellings on the premise of one bedroom for each household member.
6.3.2 Employee Couples: For purposes of this section, when both members of a couple are federal employees, they shall sign and remit, to the employing department(s), a joint declaration indicating which of the two shall be charged the rent.
6.4 Priorities
6.4.1 Where Government Housing is provided, subject to the criteria in the application section, departments shall maintain a priority list and allocate suitably sized vacant units in accordance with the following descending order of priorities:
- employees, residing in pool housing, requesting to be moved to a more suitable unit in the same pool as a result of changing household size, medical or other compelling reasons;
- employees moving to the location and having no permanent accommodation at the location;
- employees residing outside pool housing at that location but having inadequate accommodation at the location by reason of changing family circumstances, loss of previous accommodation or other reasons based on personal need; and
- local residents, housing associations or organizations (these are charged market rents and leased on a month-to-month basis).
6.5 Allocation of Accommodation
6.5.1 Departments have the responsibility of ensuring that the initial assignment of accommodation is appropriate. Employees will be given accommodation options, where practicable, on a first-come, first-served basis. If an employee later requests and is provided with a different unit at the same location, he will be responsible for the resulting removal costs. Should the employer require that the employee move, the employing department shall absorb the relocation costs.
6.6 Shared Self-contained Accommodation
6.6.1 It is not the intent of this provision to permit the employer to force a family to occupy shared, self-contained accommodation.
6.6.2 For purposes of this section, when the Employer requires two or more employees, who would normally live separately to share accommodation, their individual share of the rent charge shall be prorated by the number of occupants (i.e. 2 employees Õ rent share is 50% of total rent for unit; 3 employees Õ rent share is 33.3% of total rent for unit).
6.6.3 Appendix N entitled Occupancy Agreement for Government Housing shall apply equally to the Employer and to each occupant of the shared, self-contained accommodation.
6.6.4 Regulations for sharing should form part of the Generic agreement for employee occupancy of Government-provided accommodation, e.g. attachments to the agreement, in order to clarify responsibilities of individual occupants.
6.7 Rental Charge Adjustments
6.7.1 Departments shall apply a "Loss of Privacy and Quiet Enjoyment" adjustment if warranted. The adjustments for varying types and frequencies of intrusions are outlined in the following table. The maximum adjustment shall not exceed 50% of the rent.
Intrusion Type |
Frequency |
High |
Moderate |
Low |
Availability to the Public |
30% |
20% |
10% |
Public Use of Living Facilities |
20% |
13% |
6% |
Offensive Noise |
20% |
13% |
6% |
Frequency: The frequency of the occurrence of the intrusion should be judged as follows:
high: on average, more than twice per week
moderate: on average, more than twice per month
low: on average, less than twice per week or month
6.7.2 Employee Without Dependants: Where an employee without dependants is allocated a unit with more than one bedroom, the rent charged shall be 60% of the full rent for that dwelling.
6.7.3 Rent will not be adjusted when an employee with one or more dependants is assigned a unit that is larger than the norm. Similarly an adjustment will not be made when the unit is smaller than the norm.
6.8 Shelter Cost Differential (SCD)
6.8.1 Private Accommodation: A Shelter Cost Differential is payable to employees at certain isolated posts (see Appendix M) to help offset the higher shelter charges experienced there.
6.8.2 The SCD represents the difference between the average rent for a three-bedroom detached bungalow at the isolated post and the national average rent for a similar unit at the 12 locations identified as points of departure (POD) in the definition section of this directive.
Average 3-bedroom market rent at post is $1300/month; National average is: $1000/month;
The SCD: $300/month or $3600 per year.
6.8.3 Government Housing: For employees occupying Government Housing, the SCD is limited to the difference between the current average 3-bedroom rent in Government housing and the national average rent at the PODs.
Average 3-bedroom rent in GH: $1100/month; National average is: $1000/month;
The SCD in Government Housing: $100/month or $1200 per year.
6.8.4 Subject to this section, where both members of a couple are federal government employees, the total amount of SCD payable shall not exceed 100% of the rate for an Employee with Dependants. An employee without dependants shall receive the SCD at 60% of that rate.
6.9 Special Reductions
6.9.1 The rent charges determined in the preceding sections may only be further reduced in the following circumstances.
6.10 Maintenance Problems
6.10.1 All parties will make every effort to correct problems as soon as possible. Where serious maintenance problems affecting the living standards of the accommodation are not corrected within 30 days, the department may suspend all or part of the rent charge until the problems are corrected. Reductions for maintenance problems should only be temporary and should only be made where damage to the accommodation was no fault of the occupant. For example, disruption of normal services, breakdown in sewer and water facilities, leaks, serious health and safety concerns, etc.
6.11 Occupancy Incentive
6.11.1 When a Government housing unit has been identified as surplus, the department may reduce the rent by up to 25 per cent to encourage the employee to occupy it. The department shall consult with other departments in the same community to discuss the application of the incentive and ensure equitable treatment among all employees.
6.11.2 The occupancy incentive shall be temporary in nature and shall be reviewed annually. Furthermore, those units where the occupancy incentive has been applied shall be reviewed by departments for disposal.
6.12 Rental Charges Ceiling
6.12.1 Where the rent charge exceeds 25% of household income, the employee may apply to the department to have the rate reduced to this value. This application must be made within 20 working days of receipt of notification of rental charges and must provide the necessary details to substantiate the household income. Such request shall not be unreasonably denied.
6.12.2 This provision applies only in locations where no public housing (sometimes referred to as low rental housing) is immediately available and shall only apply to the final rate, i.e., after all adjustments have been applied.
6.12.3 The actual household income data on the date of application shall be used and retroactive salary increases thereafter shall be ignored, until the next annual rent review.
6.13 Furnishings
6.13.1 Self-contained living accommodation is provided with furniture where it is cost-beneficial to the federal government. This should take into account the cost of moving an employee's furniture in and out of the location as compared to the cost of providing and maintaining the furniture at the posted location and paying the cost of storing the employee's furniture and effects. No additional charge will be imposed for furnished living accommodation.
6.13.2 Shared accommodation shall be furnished. PWGSC shall provide furniture at pool housing locations when the above criteria are satisfied.
6.14 Residential Standards
6.14.1 Suitable living accommodation is defined by the National Building Code of Canada (NBC).
6.14.2 Where feasible, departments shall upgrade those existing government housing units which do not conform with the residential standards.
Part II
6.15 Annual Review
6.15.1 Rental charges for Government housing shall be reviewed and adjusted annually. The normal date for implementation of revised charges will be August 1 of each year.
6.15.2 Occupants shall be given three months notice of any change in rent as the result of the annual review and such changes shall not be applied retroactively. To meet the August 1 implementation date, occupants must be advised in writing no later than April 30th.
6.15.3 Occupants shall be given a three-month notice of any increase caused for reasons other than the annual review, and such changes shall not be applied retroactively. Decreases in charges for these reasons will be effective the day the occupant is so advised. All overpayments by the occupants will be adjusted retroactively to the date of error/change.
6.16 Residential Parking
6.16.1 Where covered residential parking (garage or carport) forms part of a single-family dwelling (detached, semi-detached or row house) and is located on the property, the charge for this facility will be included in the base shelter value. Where parking is provided separately (i.e. off the property) or is for occupants of apartments or room/dormitory units, a separate charge will be imposed, determined by CMHC appraisal, based on charges for similar facilities on the applicable market (local, nearest appropriate location or major source of supply as per section 6.2)
6.17 Fuel and Utility Charges
6.17.1 To the extent practicable, government-owned living accommodation shall be individually metered for utilities (heat, light and water) with the occupant paying consumption charges directly to the supplier. Room/dormitory accommodation shelter charges include utilities and no separate metering is involved. Often it is not feasible to individually meter government-owned self-contained living accommodation because of high installation costs or because the Government of Canada is the supplier.
6.17.2 In such cases the occupant will be charged for utilities on the basis of living space at $0.96832 per 100m2 multiplied by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (1991 = 100) for utilities as established by Statistics Canada for January of each year.
6.17.3 Where all utilities are not provided, the charge to the occupant shall be a percentage of the amount calculated as follows:
- 50 per cent for fuel,
- 40 per cent for electricity, and
- 10 per cent for water.
6.17.4 Based on the January 1991 CPI for utilities of 124.7, the following are typical charges:
- $0.96832 x 124.7 = $120.75/mo/100 square metres/65 square metres
- 0.65 x $120.75 = $78.49
6.17.5 Where government-owned living accommodation is located at an isolated post, the department will pay to the supplier the actual costs incurred for utilities and charge the occupant the formula rate indicated above.
6.17.6 This practice will continue until the units have been adequately retrofitted or until an appropriate fuel and utilities allowance has been developed. Nevertheless, the occupant is responsible for ensuring that consumption is kept to a minimum consistent with environmental conditions and normal comfort levels.
6.18 Occupancy Agreement
6.18.1 No formal landlord-tenant relationship exists between the Government and employee-occupants of government-provided accommodation. However, departments should sign occupancy agreements so that mutual responsibilities are clearly understood. Appendix N provides a sample generic occupancy agreement and related terms and conditions. Departments are encouraged to utilize this document to ensure the uniform treatment of occupants. Additional clauses may be appended to these terms and conditions to reflect peculiar local requirements.
Appendix A - Classification of Isolated Posts
Please note that the appendices of this Directive are no longer available online. Should you require information associated with the April 1, 2003 Directive, please contact us at
To access the most recent rates click on the drop-down menu.
Appendix B — Environment Allowance
Please note that the appendices of this Directive are no longer available online. Should you require information associated with the April 1, 2003 Directive, please contact us at
To access the most recent rates click on the drop-down menu.
Appendix C — Living Cost Differential
Please note that the appendices of this Directive are no longer available online. Should you require information associated with the April 1, 2003 Directive, please contact us at
To access the most recent rates click on the drop-down menu.
Appendix D - Fuel and Utilities Differential
Rate of Allowance | ||||
Salaried Employees | Hourly Rate Employees | |||
Classification of post for Fuel and Utilities Differential | Employee with dependants $ Per year | Employee without dependants $ Per year | Employee with dependants $ Per hour | Employee without dependants $ Per hour |
1 | 125 | 75 | .06 | .04 |
2 | 375 | 225 | .18 | .11 |
3 | 625 | 375 | .30 | .18 |
4 | 875 | 525 | .42 | .25 |
5 | 1,125 | 675 | .54 | .32 |
6 | 1,375 | 825 | .66 | .40 |
7 | 1,625 | 975 | .78 | .47 |
8 | 1,875 | 1,125 | .90 | .54 |
9 | 2,125 | 1,275 | 1.02 | .61 |
10 | 2,375 | 1,425 | 1.14 | .68 |
11 | 2,625 | 1,575 | 1.26 | .76 |
12 | 2,875 | 1,725 | 1.38 | .83 |
13 | 3,125 | 1,875 | 1.50 | .90 |
14 | 3,375 | 2,025 | 1.62 | .97 |
15 | 3,625 | 2,175 | 1.74 | 1.04 |
16 | 3,875 | 2,325 | 1.86 | 1.l2 |
17 | 4,125 | 2,475 | 1.98 | 1.19 |
18 | 4,375 | 2,625 | 2.10 | 1.26 |
19 | 4,625 | 2,775 | 2.22 | 1.33 |
20 | 4,875 | 2,925 | 2.34 | 1.40 |
21 | 5,125 | 3,075 | 2.46 | 1.48 |
22 | 5,375 | 3,225 | 2.58 | 1.55 |
23 | 5,625 | 3,375 | 2.70 | 1.62 |
24 | 5,875 | 3,525 | 2.82 | 1.69 |
25 | 6,125 | 3,675 | 2.93 | 1.76 |
26 | 6,375 | 3,825 | 3.05 | 1.83 |
27 | 6,625 | 3,975 | 3.17 | 1.90 |
28 | 6,875 | 4,125 | 3.29 | 1.97 |
29 | 7,125 | 4,275 | 3.41 | 2.05 |
30 | 7,375 | 4,425 | 3.53 | 2.l2 |
The hourly rates listed above are applicable to those employees whose scheduled hours of work are 40 per week.
For those employees whose scheduled hours of work are other than 40 per week, the hourly rate shall be determined by dividing the annual rate listed above by 52.176 and then dividing the result by the scheduled weekly hours of work for a full-time employee, as indicated in the relevant collective agreement or compensations plan.
Appendix E - Application to Ships' Officers and Ships' Crews
Eligible SOs and SCs (SO et SC admissibles) means ships' officers and ships' crews who:
- are assigned to a vessel, the home port of which is an isolated post, and
- maintain and reside, during their non-working hours, in a residence at the home port, at any other isolated post or at a location which would qualify as an isolated post.
Home port (port d'attache) means the same as defined in the appropriate governing authority.
SCs (équipages de navires) means ships' crews.
SOs (officers de navires) means ships' officers.
Criteria for employee without dependants or employee with dependants rates
Eligible SOs and SCs shall, subject to this appendix, be eligible for the allowances and benefits of the directive at the rates and entitlements established for the home port and shall be considered
- employee without dependants, if they have no dependants residing with them at the home port,
- employee without dependants, if they reside at another isolated post or at a location that would qualify as an isolated post, or
- employee with dependants, if they have dependants residing with them at the home port.
Limitations to rates and entitlements
The living costs differential shall be calculated as follows:
- for employee without dependants status, 35 per cent of the employee with dependants rate for the period they are supplied with meals or an allowance in lieu, and 100 per cent of the employee without dependants rate for the period they are not supplied with meals or an allowance in lieu, or
- for employees with dependants status, 70 per cent of the employee with dependants rate for the period they are supplied with meals or an allowance in lieu, and 100 per cent of the employee with dependants rate for the period they are not supplied with meals or an allowance in lieu.
When possible and subject to periodic adjustments as a result of changes to the levels or rates, an average annual rate may be calculated, based on the above, for the payment of the living costs differential and employees may be paid the same bi-weekly rate during the fiscal year. If the employees leave the home port or the public service during the fiscal year, the living cost differential payable for the period they were at the home port will be recalculated and the necessary adjustments will be made.
The environment allowance, fuel and utilities differential and other entitlements of the directive shall be paid and administered in the same manner as for any other employees at the home port, except that the maximum benefits payable for those eligible SOs and SCs who do not reside at the home port are those payable to eligible SOs and SCs located at the home port.
The maximum allowable expenses, pursuant to sections 2.1 (Non-elective medical or dental treatment), 2.2 (Compassionate travel and expenses), 2.3 (Bereavement travel expenses), and 2.4 (Vacation travel expenses), for eligible SOs and SCs who reside and travel from isolated posts other than their home port, shall be the lesser of the maximum allowable expenses for travelling from the isolated post where they reside and the maximum allowable expenses that would have been allowed had they travelled from the home port.
The amount of relocation expenses that may be reimbursed to eligible SOs and SCs pursuant to parts III and IV of the directive shall be the amount of relocation expenses incurred in relocation from the isolated posts where they reside or the relocation expenses that would have been incurred had they relocated from the home port, whichever is the lesser.
Appendix F — Posts Subject to Special Conditions for Separation Expense
Please note that the appendices of this Directive are no longer available online. Should you require information associated with the April 1, 2003 Directive, please contact us at
To access the most recent rates click on the drop-down menu.
Appendix G — Special Locations
Post |
Living cost differential |
Fuel & utilities differential |
Armstrong, Ont. |
1 |
13(01.10.05) |
Geraldton, Ont. |
1 |
14(01.10.05) |
Gull Bay, Ont. |
1 |
12(01.10.05) |
Heron Bay, Ont. |
1 |
9(01.10.05) |
Loon Lake, Sask. |
— |
12(01.10.05) |
Marathon, Ont. |
1 |
9(01.10.05) |
Nelson House, Man. |
2 |
1*(01.10.05) |
Porcupine Plain, Sask. |
— |
1*(01.10.05) |
Pukaskwa National Park, Ont. |
1 |
9(01.10.05) |
Seine River, Ont. |
— |
10(01.10.05) |
Split Lake, Man. |
2 |
2 |
Wabowden, Man. |
1 |
1 |
* Employee must be notified in writing.
Appendix H - Criteria for Determining Levels
1. Environment allowance
This allowance becomes payable when a post has satisfied those criteria governing its eligibility to be considered isolated under sections 5.2 to 5.4 inclusive of this directive. The environment allowance is assessed on the basis of population, climate, barren or taiga lands and access. Points are allocated for various degrees of these factors as shown below. Subject to 1.15.2, the payment of this allowance is a basic prerequisite to all other provisions of this directive, except the special location allowance which is outlined in section 4 of this appendix.
Population factor
Population |
Points |
1 |
- |
24 |
70 |
25 |
- |
99 |
50 |
100 |
- |
499 |
40 |
500 |
- |
999 |
35 |
1,000 |
- |
1,999 |
30 |
2,000 |
- |
4,999 |
25 |
5,000 |
- |
7,499 |
15 |
7,500 |
- |
9,999 |
5 |
Climate factor
Points |
10 |
- |
80 |
The features of this factor are the degree of wind-chill, the length of the period of darkness, annual precipitation and temperature variations. This factor is assessed from a map prepared by the Department of the Environment for this purpose.
Barren and taiga lands factor
Points |
Barren Lands |
30 |
Taiga Lands |
15 |
Special recognition is given to locations in the barren and taiga Lands. This factor is assessed from a map prepared by the Canadian Forestry Service, Environment Canada.
Access factor
Accessibility criteria are applied in the assessment of locations. Recognition is applied to two situations: "posts with no all-weather road access" and "posts with all-weather road access". Points are awarded as follows:
Posts with no all-weather road access
Points |
(a) |
No all-weather road |
15 |
(b) |
No scheduled air or rail passenger services |
15 |
(c) |
Scheduled service 1 to 3 days per week |
10 |
(d) |
Scheduled service more than 3 days per week |
5 |
Total points possible |
30 |
Posts with all-weather road access
Points |
(a) |
Over 803 kilometres from a population centre of 15,000 |
15 |
(b) |
483 to 803 kilometres from a population centre of 15,000 |
10 |
(c) |
402 to 482 kilometres from a population centre of 15,000 |
5 |
(d) |
less than 402 kilometres from a population centre of 15,000 |
0 |
Total points possible |
15 |
Classification level
The point values as determined by the above factors are totalled to calculate the appropriate environment allowance classification level:
Level of Post |
Point Range |
1 |
145-210 |
2 |
110-144 |
3 |
75-109 |
4 |
60-74 |
5 |
50-59 |
Unqualified |
Below 50 |
The dollar amounts of Environment Allowance are determined by referring the appropriate classification level of the post to Schedule B of this directive.
Using the criteria outlined in Part V and Appendix H of this Directive, Statistics Canada personnel will review the Environment Allowance level of a post during their retail price survey visits and report their findings to the Treasury Board Secretariat.
2. Living cost differential
A living cost differential may be authorized at certain isolated posts where abnormally high prices prevail for food, household operations, transportation, personal care, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. This allowance becomes effective when the price of these goods and services, as measured by Statistics Canada, reaches an index level of 115 or higher in relation to an index of 100 at the major source of supply to the isolated post. When there is more than one source of supply for a region, the comparison will be made to the base city most associated with the majority of posts in the region.
When Statistics Canada is unable to measure the index by reason of the lack of response by employees to mail survey questionnaires, the National Joint Council, on the recommendation of the Committee on Isolated Posts, may recommend the reduction or deletion of the living cost differential.
The amount of the allowance is related to the average Canadian family expenditures on the range of goods and services covered, as reported by Statistics Canada from time to time.
The following table illustrates the living cost differential classification level applicable to the various index differential ranges. A price index at any point within a given range is measured from the mid-point of that range.
Price Index |
Post |
190 |
A |
180-189 |
B |
170-179 |
C |
160-169 |
D |
150-159 |
E |
140-149 |
F |
130-139 |
G |
115-129 |
H |
The dollar amounts of the living cost differential are determined by referring the appropriate classification level of the post to Appendix C of this directive.
(Revised Basket)
Price Index |
Post |
115-119 |
1 |
120-124 |
2 |
125-129 |
3 |
130-134 |
4 |
135-139 |
5 |
140-144 |
6 |
145-149 |
7 |
150-154 |
8 |
155-159 |
9 |
160-164 |
10 |
165-169 |
11 |
170-174 |
12 |
175-179 |
13 |
180-184 |
14 |
185-189 |
15 |
190 |
16 |
The dollar amounts of the living cost differential are determined by referring the appropriate classification level of the post to Appendix C of this directive.
3. Fuel and utilities differential
A fuel and utilities differential shall only be paid at designated isolated posts where the following conditions are met:
(a) employees are required to pay for one or both of the actual fuel or utilities consumption directly to the supplier(s) or indirectly through an identifiable portion of their rent, and
(b) (i) the isolated post experiences 6,000 Celsius degree-days or more annually; or
(ii) the cost of fuel and utilities is at least 20 per cent greater than the base city average cost.
The differential paid, determined by referring the appropriate classification level of the post to Appendix D of this directive, is based on the differential between the National Composite Billing cost for fuel and utilities plus 20 per cent, and the calculated fuel and utilities cost at the isolated post.
4. Special location allowance
Locations will be added to Appendix G when:
(a) a post is deleted from Appendix A and it qualified for a living cost differential or a fuel and utilities differential at the time it was deleted, or
(b) a location is 129 km or more from a location having a population of 10,000 or more, is 257 km or more from a location having a population of 50,000 or more, received 50 points or more in accordance with section 1 of this appendix and qualifies for a living cost and/or a fuel and utilities differential.
The aggregate amount of the allowance will be the sum of the appropriate rates of the living costs differential and the fuel and utilities differential.
When the location no longer meets the criteria for the living cost differential and the fuel and utilities differential outlined in this appendix it will be deleted from Appendix G.
Appendix I — Calculation of Maximum Entitlement1
Ground transportation to/from airport at or nearest to HQ |
Travelling expenses to/from airport nearest to HQ
*(include only if in interest of safe driving) |
Travelling expenses to/from airport nearest to HQ
Return economy class airfare between airport and POD |
Ground transportation and travelling expenses including lodging, at necessary stopover |
Ground transportation to/from airport at POD |
Return ground transportation and travelling expenses between HQ and POD |
(a) Airport at HQ Direct flights to POD2 |
X |
X |
X |
(b) Airport at HQ Airline schedule requires stopover between HQ and POD |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(c) No airport at HQ Nearest airport less than 500 km away Direct flights from airport to POD |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(d) No airport at HQ Nearest airport less than 500 km away Airline schedule requires stopover between airport and POD |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(e) No airport at HQ Nearest airport more than 500 km away Direct flights from airport to POD |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(f) No airport at HQ Nearest airport more than 500 km away Airline schedule requires stopover between HQ and POD |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(g) Road is most practical and direct means of reaching POD |
X |
1 Refer to Sections 2.5.8 and 2.5.9 to 2.5.11 [ Return ]
2 POD = Point of Departure [ Return ]
Appendix J - Reimbursable Expenses1
The lesser of: |
The lesser of: |
Ground transpor-tation to/from airport at or nearest to HQ |
Travelling expenses as per Appendix I if applicable |
Actual cost of airfare between HQ and destination |
Transpor-tation and travelling expenses at necessary stopover |
Ground transpor-tation from/to airport at Destination if destination is POD |
Return economy airfare between HQ and POD |
Total cost of airfares for first and last legs of trip |
Face value of round trip ticket |
(a) Commercial airline (CA) travel directly to destination |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(b) CA travel directly to destination via transit point(s); no stopover |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(c) CA travel directly to destination via transit point(s); stopover mandatory |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(d) CA travel, alone or with other modes of transportation; no single destination |
X |
X |
X |
1 Refer to Sections 2.5.8 and 2.5.13 to 2.5.15 [ Return ]
2 POD = Point of Departure [ Return ]
Appendix K — Meals or Rations
Effective date 01-08-2006 |
When employees and their dependants (if any) are provided with meals or rations by or on behalf of the employer, they shall be charged: |
(a) |
222.00 dollars per month per person aged 12 years and over for rations |
or |
(b) |
407.25 dollars per month per person aged 12 years and over for meals |
and |
(c) |
one-half of the rates referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) per person under the age of 12 years. |
* Further detailed information on these charges is provided in section 1.18 of the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive.
Appendix L - Relocation to an Isolated Post
Reason for termination | Relocation expenses reimbursed As per Part III | Time at post(s) | Relocation expenses reimbursed | Recoverage advance | |||
Transportation and travelling expenses to point of departure for employee | Transportation and travelling expenses to point of departure for employee and dependants | Relocation of household and personal effects, PMV, RV, transportation and travelling expenses for employee and dependants to point of departure up to 6 days' interim accommodation | Relocation of household and personal effects, PMV, RV, transportation and travelling expenses for employee and dependants to normal place of residence | Transportation and travelling expenses to point of departure | |||
Resignation, assignment not completed | < 1 year | X | |||||
Resignation | 3.3.2 | 1 to 5 years | X | ||||
3.3.3 or 3.3.4 | 1 to 5 years | X | |||||
> 5 years | X | ||||||
Completed assignment | 3.3.3 or 3.3.4 | < 3 months | X | ||||
3.3.3 or 3.3.4 | 3 months to 1 year | X | |||||
3.3.3 or 3.3.4 | > 1 year < 5 years |
Rejected on probation | 3.3.2 | X | |||||
5 or more years | X | ||||||
Retirement | 3.3 | X | |||||
5 or more years | X | ||||||
Disability | 3.3 | X | |||||
5 or more years | X | ||||||
Workforce adjustement | 3.3 | X | |||||
5 or more years | X | ||||||
Termination other than FAA 11(2)(g) | 3.3 | X | |||||
5 or more years | X | ||||||
Termination under FAA 11(2)(g) | 5 or more years | X | |||||
< 5 years | X |
Appendix M — Shelter Cost Differential (SCD) — Qualifying Locations
Private Accommodation
Rate of allowance |
Salaried employees |
Hourly rate employees |
Effective date 01.08.06 |
Isolated Post location |
Employee with |
Employee |
Employee with |
Employee |
Fort Providence, NWT |
n/a* |
n/a* |
n/a* |
n/a* |
Fort Simpson, NWT |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Hay River, NWT |
n/a* |
n/a* |
n/a* |
n/a* |
Inuvik, NWT |
5,160* |
3,096* |
2.47* |
1.48* |
Iqaluit, NU |
4,620* |
2,772* |
2.21* |
1.33* |
Norman Wells, NWT |
780* |
468* |
0.37* |
0.22* |
Rae, NWT |
n/a* |
n/a* |
n/a* |
n/a* |
Whitehorse, YT |
120* |
72* |
0.06* |
0.03* |
Yellowknife, NWT |
6,480* |
3,888* |
3.10* |
1.86* |
The hourly rates listed above are applicable to those employees whose scheduled hours of work are 40 per week.
For those employees whose scheduled hours of work are other than 40 per week, the hourly rate shall be determined by dividing the annual rate listed above by 52.176 and then dividing the result by the scheduled weekly hours of work for a full-time employee, as indicated in the relevant collective agreement or compensation plan.
Government Housing
Rate of allowance |
Salaried employees |
Hourly rate employees |
Effective date 01.08.06 |
Isolated Post location |
Employee with |
Employee |
Employee with |
Employee |
Fort Providence, NWT |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Fort Simpson, NWT |
575 |
345 |
0.27 |
0.16 |
Hay River, NWT |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Inuvik, NWT |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Iqaluit, NU |
1,535 |
921 |
0.73 |
0.44 |
Norman Wells, NWT |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Rae, NWT |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Whitehorse, YT |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Yellowknife, NWT |
961 |
577 |
0.46 |
0.28 |
The hourly rates listed above are applicable to those employees whose scheduled hours of work are 40 per week.
For those employees whose scheduled hours of work are other than 40 per week, the hourly rate shall be determined by dividing the annual rate listed above by 52.176 and then dividing the result by the scheduled weekly hours of work for a full-time employee, as indicated in the relevant collective agreement or compensation plan.
Appendix N - Occupancy Agreements for Government-owned Accommodations
I, ____________________________________, hereby offer to rent ____________________________ (hereinafter called the premises) from the Government, on the following terms and conditions:
- The rental period is to commence on the ___________ day of ___________, ________ and will terminate 30 days after written notice of the termination has been given by either party, except that the employing department may waive this requirement where, for operational reasons, a move on lesser notice is required.
- The employee's department shall ensure that each employee occupying Government Housing shall be provided with a copy of the Isolated Post and Government Housing Directive.
- It is a condition of this agreement that the occupant be an employee and remain so during the entire period of this agreement.
- The occupant shall pay for the rent, by monthly payroll deduction or by other means in exceptional circumstances, in amounts which are prescribed by the Isolated Post and Government Housing Directive, as amended from time to time.
- The employer shall provide three months written notice of changes in the rent (as per section 6.15.2).
- Where Government-owned furniture and equipment is supplied, an inventory thereof will be listed and attached to this agreement and signed by the occupant after having received and inspected the same. The furniture shall remain on the premises and the occupant shall pay to the Government, through deductions from salary or other monies payable to the occupant by the Government, the cost of repairing or replacing any such furniture damaged, lost or stolen during the period of occupancy, fair wear and tear excepted.
The premises are to be in good repair on possession, except for those deficiencies listed on the premises condition inspection report. During the rental period the Government will make repairs as necessary to the main fabric of the dwelling (i.e., permanent elements of the building, including approaches, external landscaping, entrances and exits, those parts commonly used by more than one occupant, those parts normally available to the public and all technical areas associated with the property management and functions).
Other repairs to keep the premises in good condition, fair wear and tear excepted, will be made by the occupant. A premises condition inspection certificate shall be signed by both the occupant and a duly authorised officer of the Government on initial occupancy and when the premises are vacated.
- A duly authorised officer of the Government may, during the rental period, on a minimum of 24 hours' advance notification, except in situations of emergency, enter the premises for the purpose of inspecting its state of repair and cleanliness and to have maintenance work done. He may order necessary repairs to be made due to any act or neglect of the occupant. In the case of pool housing supplied by PWGSC, the employing department will reimburse PWGSC for the cost of repairs. The occupant shall reimburse the employing department through deductions from salary or other monies payable to the occupant by the Government, for the cost of making any such repairs, other than repairs to the fabric of the dwelling.
- The occupant shall report promptly all leaky faucets, toilets and other deficiencies or damage. Failure to do so shall be the occupant's financial responsibility. Plumbing blockages resulting from the occupant's negligence are also the occupant's financial responsibility.
- The occupant shall use and occupy the rented premises as a private dwelling only, and shall not carry on or permit to be carried on therein any trade or business unless otherwise authorised in writing by the employing department, and in the case of pool housing the employing department in conjunction with PWGSC. Further, the occupant shall not sublet or assign the premises.
- The occupant may keep certain pets on the rented premises. However the Government may limit the kind and number of such pets or prohibit them entirely.
- The occupant shall indemnify and save the Government harmless from all liabilities, fines, suits, claims, demands and actions of any kind or nature for which the Government shall or may become liable and suffer by reason of any breach, violation or non-performance by the occupant of any term or provision herein or by reason of any death or injury resulting from, occasioned to or suffered by any person or any property by reason of any act, neglect or default on the occupant's part of any member of the occupants family or household or guests. Notwithstanding anything in this agreement to the contrary such indemnification in respect of any such breach, violation or non- performance, damage to property, injury or death occurring during the term of the rental period shall survive the termination of the rental period.
- The occupant is fully responsible for damage to or loss of personal effects while occupying Government Housing.
- Rents charged to employees for shared accommodation shall follow procedures set out in the Isolated Post and Housing Directive.
- The occupant shall comply with the attached rules and regulations and any other regulations which the Government may from time to time make to ensure the proper care, cleanliness and safety of the premises or to prevent nuisances. Further, the occupant shall comply with all statues, regulations and by-laws of any federal, provincial or municipal authority which affect the premises or their use and occupation.
This offer shall be deemed to have been accepted upon its approval by a duly authorised officer of the Government.
Dated at ______________________ this ___________________ day of ___________________
The undersigned, on behalf of the Government, accepts the above offer to rent:
Dated at ______________________ this ___________________ day of ___________________
Name: Title: |
Name: Title: |
Government responsibilities:
- The Government shall provide living accommodation complete with heating, electrical, water and sewage disposal facilities: in addition, furniture and equipment, where necessary, shall be provided in accordance with standard inventory lists.
- Whenever a new employee moves into Government accommodation, the Government representative at the site, together with the new occupant, shall carry out an inspection of the building to check its condition as well as the furniture and equipment inventory.
The occupant shall certify the accuracy, and be provided with a copy, of the condition report and the inventory. The Government shall be responsible for making good all deficiencies noted during the inspection.
- The Government shall ensure the accommodation is reasonably maintained and all costs of such maintenance required as the result of normal wear and tear will be borne by the Government.
- As part of ongoing maintenance, the Government shall be permitted access to the unit in order to refurbish it as necessary. This includes such refurbishments as painting (interior and exterior), replacing flooring, upgrading fixtures, upgrading kitchens and bathrooms, etc.
- The Government shall repair or replace all furniture, where furniture continues to be provided, which has become unserviceable as the result of normal wear and tear.
- When an employee moves from Government-owned accommodation, the Government representative at the site, together with the occupant, shall carry out an inspection of the building and check the inventory. Charges for repair and replacement, other than normal wear and tear, shall be assessed against the employee.
- When an occupant's employment terminates, the occupant and/or his dependants shall have the right to remain in the accommodation until the end of the current school year or other reasonable period as determined by the employing department, until other suitable accommodation is found, subject to the following. The provision may be cancelled with a minimum of three (3) months' notice if the accommodation is required for operational use by the Government, e.g. the arrival of a replacement employee.
Responsibilities of the occupant:
- The occupant shall use good housekeeping practices and procedures in the day-to-day upkeep of the accommodation.
- The occupant shall not alter the premises without written consent. This includes:
- redecorating of the premises, such as, wall papering, painting or varnishing;
- installation of wires, cables, satellite dishes, or aerials upon the roof, other parts of the building or premises, including yards and surrounding areas;
- installation of additional major electrical appliances, hot tubs, etc. and
- construction of fences, recreation rooms or buildings, such as garages, greenhouses, or pet houses / enclosures.
Where permission is granted for such additions, applicable city and municipal by-laws governing the same shall be adhered to, the occupant must bear their total cost and they must be completed within a reasonable time for inspection by the Government representative and, thereafter, kept in a good state of repair. Constructed additions which are permanently affixed to the premises or property shall not be demolished or removed by the occupant upon termination of the occupancy. Where an addition is removed the area is to be returned to original state.
- The Government shall supply the initial complement of light bulbs, including fluorescent, and fuses for each initial occupancy, but all replacements are the responsibility of the tenant.
- Occupants of premises are responsible for the normal maintenance and repair of the dwelling which they occupy; this will include:
- the replacement of broken windows, screens, the replacement or refastening of hinges and latches on kitchen cupboards, window and door hardware, broken electrical globes and covers, etc.;
- replacement of weather stripping damaged during occupancy, and
- the maintenance of the grounds forming part of the accommodation in a condition satisfactory to the Government and making suitable arrangements to have the following attended to during periods of absence:
- removal of snow and ice from sidewalks, steps, etc.,
- cutting the grass, fertilizing, watering, raking and reseeding as required; and
- control of leaves.
Occupants must park in designated parking areas. The Government shall have the right to remove any vehicle parked in other areas and costs for vehicle removal and restoration of area, will be the responsibility of the occupant.
- Nothing shall be done or permitted which will create a fire hazard. This shall include the following:
- no kerosene, gasoline, or other flammable material shall be kept on the premises except in proper containers and in reasonable amounts;
- all fire escapes and exits shall be kept free of obstructions;
- the occupant shall not alter or interfere with the electrical wiring, fixtures or electrical panels of the premises;
- wiring across the fuses or bridging fuse plugs in any manner is strictly forbidden;
- stoves and range hoods, shall be kept clean and free of excessive grease; and
- occupants must clean and change, as necessary, the furnace air filters and humidifier pads, which are provided by the Government.
- The occupant shall not allow ashes, garbage, unserviceable vehicles or other loose objectionable material to accumulate in or about the building, yard or passages on the premises and shall at all times keep the accommodation in clean and wholesome condition. Upon the occupant's failure to keep the rented premises in clean and neat condition, the Government shall have the right to enter the rented premises upon two days written notice, clean up the said premises, and charge the expenses to the occupant.
- Should an occupant fail to comply with any of the above clauses, the Government may order the work to be done and assess the cost of such work against the occupant. Such failure by the occupant may be considered reasonable grounds for termination of the occupancy and the occupant may, at the option of the Government, be given notice to vacate the premises.
- The occupant is expected to exercise discretion and common sense in the use of utilities:
- to turn off electrical lights when not needed.
- to ensure Christmas decorations are only energised from December to mid-January.
- to ensure windows are kept closed during winter months.
- to conserve water, particularly hot water.
- to use plug-in timer for vehicle, set appropriately for temperature and conditions.
The occupant is responsible for ensuring the premises utility consumption is reasonable, as any prudent tenant would.
- The occupant is responsible for the premises during the entire period of occupancy and may be assessed all or a portion of the cost of repairs for any damage or maintenance to the grounds or premises, furniture and equipment that may be required and can be shown to be the occupant's responsibility, whether or not such damage occurred or maintenance was required during a period the occupant was absent from the premises.
In the event of an absence from the premises for a period of time up to 24 hours, the occupant must make the arrangements in regard to the care of the premises for the period of such absence. Should the absence exceed a 24-hour period, the occupant must advise the Government representative as to the arrangements made and the period involved. If necessary the Government can make periodic inspections. However, the Government will not inspect units which are occupied or have pets.
Should the occupant fail to make appropriate arrangements or notify the Government representative and damage occurs to the premises during the period of absence, the full cost of repair of such damage shall be assessed against the occupant.
- The occupant shall immediately before the termination of the occupancy clean the unit to a level acceptable to the Government. Upon the occupant's failure to meet the acceptable standard of cleanliness at departure, the employing department, or PWGSC in the case of pool housing, shall have the right to clean the unit. The occupant shall reimburse the employing department through deductions from salary or other monies payable to the occupant by the Government, for the cost of cleaning. In the case of pool housing, the employing department is responsible to reimburse PWGSC for the cost of cleaning.