Note:  Public Service employees must contact their Designated Departmental Travel Coordinator with their questions.

Communiqués                    Other related documents

If you are an individual or company working with the Federal Government and require further information, please contact the departmental Project Officer or Project Authority managing your contract.



The following principles were developed jointly by the bargaining agent representatives and the employer representatives on the National Joint Council. These principles are the cornerstone for the management of government travel and shall guide all employees and managers in achieving fair, reasonable and modern travel practices across the public service.

Trust - increase the amount of discretion and latitude for employees and managers to act in a fair and reasonable manner.

Flexibility - create an environment where management decisions respect the duty to accommodate, best respond to employee needs and interests, and consider operational requirements in the determination of travel arrangements.

Respect - create a sensitive, supportive travel environment and processes that respect employee needs.

Valuing people - recognize employees in a professional manner while supporting employees, their families, their health and safety in the travel context.

Transparency - ensure the consistent, fair and equitable application of the policy and its practices.

Modern travel practices - introduce travel management practices that support the principles and are in keeping with travel industry trends and realities; develop and implement an appropriate travel accountability framework and structure.


Collective agreement

This directive is deemed to be part of collective agreements between the parties represented on the National Joint Council, and employees are to be afforded ready access to this directive.

Grievance procedure

In cases of alleged misinterpretation or misapplication arising out of this directive, the grievance procedure, for all represented employees within the meaning of the Public Service Labour Relations Act, will be in accordance with Section 15.0 of the National Joint Council By-Laws. For unrepresented employees, the departmental grievance procedure applies.

Effective date

This directive is effective on July 1, 2017.

Purpose and scope

The purpose of this directive is to ensure fair treatment of employees required to travel on government business consistent with the principles above. The provisions contained in this directive are mandatory and provide for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses necessarily incurred while travelling on government business and to ensure employees are not out of pocket. These provisions do not constitute income or other compensation that would open the way for personal gain.


This directive applies to public service employees and other persons travelling on government business, including training. It does not apply to those persons whose travel is governed by other authorities.


Accommodation (logement)

Commercial accommodation (logement commercial) - lodging facilities such as hotels, motels, corporate residences or apartments.

Government and institutional accommodation (locaux d'hébergement du gouvernement et d'une institution) - federal government training centres, universities, colleges, Canadian or foreign military establishments, Veterans Affairs Canada hospitals, trailers, tents and other facilities owned, controlled, authorized or arranged by the Crown, including other educational institutions that provide sleeping accommodation. (revised January 15, 2009)

Private non-commercial accommodation (logement particulier non commercial) - private dwelling or non-commercial facilities where the traveller does not normally reside.

Blanket travel authority (autorisation générale de voyager) - authorization for travel which is continuous or repetitive in nature, with no variation in the specific terms and conditions of trips and where it is not practical or administratively efficient to obtain prior approval from the employer for each individual trip. Any exceptions to the blanket travel authority (BTA) parameters shall require that the individual trip be specifically approved, prior to travel status, where possible. BTA does not apply to groups of employees. Employees may have more than one BTA simultaneously.

Comprehensive allowance (indemnité globale) - a daily allowance that may include some or all meal costs, incidental expenses, transportation costs and accommodation expenses.

Declaration (déclaration) – a written statement signed by the traveller attesting to and listing the expenses for payment without receipt. See Appendix F.

Dependant (personne à charge) - a person who resides full time with the employee at the employee's residence and is

  1. the spouse of that employee, or
  2. the biological child, stepchild, adopted child including a child adopted by Aboriginal people under the Custom Adoption practice, or legal ward of that employee or of the employee's spouse, who is both dependent on the employee for support and is:
    1. under 18 years of age; or
    2. dependent on the employee by reason of mental or physical disability; or
    3. in full-time attendance at a school or other education institution that provides training or instruction of an educational, professional, vocational or technical nature; or
  3. the parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or grandchild of that employee or of the employee's spouse who is both dependent on the employee for support and is:
    1. under 18 years of age; or
    2. dependent on the employee by reason of mental or physical disability; or
    3. in full-time attendance at a school or other education institution that provides training or instruction of an educational, professional, vocational or technical nature.

Economy class (classe économique) - the standard class of air travel, including special discount fares. It excludes first class and business class or equivalents.

Employee (fonctionnaire) - a person employed in the public service.

Employer (employeur) - Her Majesty in Right of Canada as represented by the Treasury Board, and includes persons authorized to exercise the authority of the Treasury Board.

Government travel (voyage en service commandé) - all travel authorized by the employer and is used in reference to the circumstances under which the expenses prescribed in this directive may be paid or reimbursed from public funds.

Headquarters area (zone d'affectation) - for the purposes of this directive, spans an area of 16 kms from the assigned workplace using the most direct, safe and practical road.

Incidental expense allowance (faux frais) - an allowance to cover the costs of items that can be attributed to a period in travel, but for which no other reimbursement or allowance is provided under this directive, and which helps offset some of the expenses incurred as a result of having to travel. It includes but is not limited to such items as gratuities (except for taxis), laundry, dry cleaning, phone calls home (except as specified under 3.4.6), grass cutting, snow removal, home security checks, plant watering, mail services, pet care, telecommunications hook-ups and service, and shipping of some personal effects.

International incidental allowances are based on a formula that takes into account the breakfast, lunch and/or dinner allowance for the applicable country/location.

In situations where there are no meal allowances from which to compute the incidental allowance for a particular country/location, the employee will be reimbursed the equivalent of the applicable incidental allowance published in Appendix C, in Canadian dollars.

Public service (fonction publique) - for the purposes of this directive, "public service" shall include the same parties and persons outlined in Article 1 of the National Joint Council By-Laws.

Receipt (reçu– an original document or electronic/paper copy showing the date and amount of expenditure paid by the traveller. Where expenses are incurred in currency other than Canadian, receipts shall indicate currency and may be annotated by the traveller to do so.

Spouse or common-law partner (conjoint ou conjoint de fait) – a person living in a conjugal relationship with an employee for a continuous period of at least one year. The term "spouse" refers to the person married to the employee.

Travel status (déplacement) - occurs when an employee or traveller is on authorized government travel.

Traveller (voyageur) - a person who is authorized to travel on federal government business.

Workplace (lieu de travail)

Permanent/Regular (permanent/régulier) - the single permanent location determined by the employer at or from which an employee ordinarily performs the work of his or her position or reports to.

Temporary(temporaire) – the single location within the headquarters area to which an employee is temporarily asked to report or to perform the work of his or her position.

Part I - Administration

1.1 Authorization

1.1.1 The employer has the responsibility to authorize and determine when government travel is necessary, and to ensure that all travel arrangements are consistent with the provisions of this directive. Following consultation between the employer and the employee, the determination of travel arrangements shall best accommodate the employee's needs and interests and the employer's operational requirements.

1.1.2 Government travel shall be authorized in advance in writing to ensure that all travel arrangements are in compliance with the provisions of this directive. In special circumstances, travel shall be post authorized by the employer.

1.1.3 Expenses resulting from misinterpretations or mistakes are not a basis for reimbursement or non-reimbursement. However, such situations shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

1.2 Loyalty programs

1.2.1 Provided that there are no additional costs to the Crown, employees travelling on government business can join loyalty programs and retain benefits offered by the travel industry for business or personal use. Such privileges are conditional upon the use of government-approved services and products.

1.3 Overpayments                       

1.3.1 Overpayments, namely amounts reimbursed or paid to travellers, which are not in accordance with the terms of this directive, shall be recovered from the traveller as a debt owing to the Crown.

1.4 Receipts

1.4.1 Where the traveller certifies that the original receipt or copy was lost, accidentally destroyed or unobtainable, a personal declaration shall replace the receipt.

1.5 Responsibilities

1.5.1 The employer shall:

  1. establish the proper delegation framework to comply with this directive;
  2. ensure that this directive is available at the employee's normal workplace during the employee's working hours;
  3. ensure that the manager with delegated authority, in consultation with the employee and the employee's immediate supervisor:
    1. determine whether travel is necessary;
    2. ensure that travel arrangements are consistent with the provisions of this directive; and
    3. ensure that accommodation of needs is provided to the point of undue hardship.
  4. authorize travel, including blanket travel authority;
  5. verify and approve travel expense claims before reimbursement; and
  6. process travel claims as soon as possible after receiving a fully completed expense claim with supporting documentation; and
  7. ensure that all travel arrangements comply with relevant federal government legislation and employer policies, such as employment equity, official languages.

1.5.2 The traveller shall:

  1. become familiar with the provisions of this directive;
  2. consult and obtain authorization including blanket travel authority, where applicable, to travel in accordance with the directive;
  3. inform the employer or its suppliers of his/her needs that may require accommodation;
  4. complete and submit travel expense claims with necessary supporting documentation as soon as possible after the completion of the travel. In travel situations exceeding one month, the traveller may submit interim travel expense claims prior to the completion of the travel; and
  5. be responsible for cancelling reservations as required, safeguarding travel advances and funds provided, and making outstanding remittances promptly.

1.5.3 When the employer and the employee are unable to resolve barriers affecting persons with disabilities that may flow from the application of this directive, the employer and the employee shall consult with the appropriate departmental and/or union employment equity professional.

1.6 Suppliers, services and products

1.6.1 Employees on government travel shall utilize government-approved suppliers, services and products selected in support of government travel when these are available. This would normally include the use of an individual designated travel card. However, the provision and use of the individual designated travel card require the employee's agreement.

1.6.2 Preference shall be given to using Canadian suppliers, services and products.

1.6.3 In consultation with the employee, the employer shall utilize the Departmental Travel Expense Card to the extent possible to prepay travel arrangements.

1.6.4 When circumstances do not permit provision of prepaid arrangements, the traveller shall be reimbursed actual and reasonable costs, based upon receipts.

1.7 Travel advances

1.7.1 When employees on government travel choose not to obtain and use an individual designated travel card, the provision of an advance shall be discussed between the employee and the employer. In such cases, travel advances shall not be unreasonably denied.

1.8 Travel forms

1.8.1 Government-approved travel forms or systems shall be used in seeking government travel authority and submitting travel claims with the supporting documentation where necessary.

1.9 Workplace change (applies within the headquarters area only)

1.9.1 When an employee is asked to report from a permanent workplace to a temporary workplace for a period of less than 30 consecutive calendar days, the provisions of this directive shall apply.

1.9.2 When an employee is asked to report from a permanent workplace to a temporary workplace, for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or more, the provisions of this directive shall apply unless the employee is notified, in writing, 30 calendar days in advance of the change in workplace. In situations where the employee is not notified of a change of workplace in writing, the provisions of the directive shall apply for the duration of the workplace change up to a maximum of 60 calendar days.

1.9.3 When conditions under workplace change outlined in 1.9.2 are not met, transportation shall be provided to the temporary workplace, or the kilometric rate paid for the distance between the home and the temporary workplace, or between the permanent workplace and the temporary workplace, whichever is less.

Part II - Insurance

2.1 Insurance plans and compensation

2.1.1 In the event that an employee becomes ill, is injured or dies while travelling on government business, the employee or, where applicable, the employee's dependants may be provided with protection, subject to the terms and conditions of the following:

  1. the collective agreement or other authority governing terms and conditions of employment, i.e., injury-on-duty leave and severance pay;
  2. the Government Employees Compensation Act;
  3. the Flying Accident Compensation Regulations;
  4. the Public Service Superannuation Act;
  5. the Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan;
  6. the Public Service Management Insurance Plan;
  7. the Disability Insurance Plan;
  8. the Public Service Health Care Plan (for medical and hospital expenses not paid under the Government Employees Compensation Act);
  9. the Policy on Legal Assistance and Indemnification in the event of a civil action against an employee taken by a third party; and/or
  10. insurance as a result of contracting with government-approved suppliers, services and products.

2.1.2 Details concerning public service benefit programs are found in Appendix A.

2.1.3 Employees are advised to confirm with their insurance agent that they are adequately insured if they use non-commercial flights.

2.1.4 Additional insurance purchased by the traveller shall not be reimbursed except for the cost of insurance to cover repairs to, or replacement of, damaged or lost luggage while travelling, unless such insurance is provided.

2.2 Vehicle Insurance

2.2.1 Crown Vehicles

Crown-owned or leased vehicles driven in Canada are self-insured by the federal government.  Crown liability coverage is extended to those employees authorized to drive a Crown-owned or –leased vehicle while on government business travel for use related to the authorized travel.

When driving a Crown-owned or leased vehicle in the United States of America, commercial insurance against third-party liability risk and personal injury is required and proof of such insurance must be carried in the vehicle.  This insurance is obtained and paid for by the Employer.

2.2.2 Rental Vehicles

Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) coverage for the entire period that a vehicle is rented is required.  This coverage is provided through the use of the departmental travel expense card (DTEC) or individual designated travel card (IDTC).  When these cards are used to reserve and fully pay for the car rental, the traveller must decline the coverage for CDW on the rental agreement.  Where the DTEC or the IDTC is not used and free coverage is not provided by a personal credit card, the cost of the premiums for CDW coverage shall be reimbursed by the employer.

Public Liability and Property Damage coverage is included in the daily rental rates provided by the government approved car rental suppliers.  When travelling outside Canada, travellers should ensure additional coverage is obtained where required.  In such circumstances, premiums for additional coverage will be reimbursed.

Travellers shall not be reimbursed for personal accident insurance coverage premiums.

2.2.3 Private Motor Vehicles

The employer assumes no financial responsibility for privately owned vehicles and is not responsible for reimbursing deductible amounts related to insurance coverage.

Privately owned vehicles used on government business shall, as a minimum, have basic insurance coverage, including the minimum Public Liability and Property Damage coverage required by the province/territory of registration of the vehicle.  Any additional premium costs necessary to increase private vehicle insurance coverage to the basic level are not reimbursable, including the lowering of deductibles.

When Supplementary Business Insurance is required for the applicable period on government business travel, premium costs shall be reimbursed.

Travellers who intend to carry passengers are advised to confirm with their insurance agent that they are adequately insured.

Part III - Travel Modules

3.1 Module 1 - Travel within headquarters area

The provisions outlined in this module apply when a traveller is away from the workplace on government travel within the headquarters area in Canada or worldwide.

3.1.1 Accommodation

Reimbursement for overnight accommodation within an employee's headquarters area shall not normally be authorized. Employees in the following exceptional cases shall be in travel status and reimbursed for overnight accommodation according to the provisions of Module 3:

  1. accommodation in government facilities for such purposes as live-in conferences, meetings and training courses;
  2. accommodation in educational facilities, for such purposes as live-in conferences, meetings and training courses; or
  3. accommodation in commercial facilities, in very exceptional or emergency situations that require employees to remain close to their posts for periods long in excess of normal working hours, such as policing activities during a crisis, or extended collective bargaining sessions.

3.1.2 Additional business expenses

The employee shall be reimbursed for business expenses not otherwise covered such as business calls, photocopies, word-processing service, faxes, internet connections, rental and transportation of necessary office equipment and transportation of required personal effects.

Where required, the employer shall make the necessary arrangements for obtaining entry documents as determined by the department, and/or an appropriate passport and photos, and/or visa as determined by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and any required inoculations, vaccinations, X-rays and certificates of health, at no expense to the employee. Where possible, the services of Health Canada, Veterans Affairs Canada or National Defence shall be used for medical services. Any related expenses incurred by an employee shall be reimbursed.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for service charges/fees for actual and reasonable expenses and for financial transactions, such as but not limited to:

  • Automated Banking Machine use;
  • government travel card use;
  • credit/debit card use;
  • financial institution foreign currency transaction commission(s);
  • traveller's cheques acquisition; and
  • cheque-cashing fees.

Reimbursement claims shall be supported by receipts and indicate the expense currency.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for the cost of a safety deposit box when supported by receipts.

3.1.3 Bottled water

The cost of reasonable amounts of bottled water shall be reimbursed based on receipts, except where bottled water is part of a meal.

3.1.4 Currency exchange

The costs incurred to convert reasonable sums to foreign currencies and/or reconvert any unused balance to Canadian currency shall be reimbursed, based upon receipts, from all transactions and sources.

When these costs are not supported by receipts, the average Bank of Canada currency exchange rate shall apply. In cases where the Bank of Canada does not provide an exchange rate, an alternate bank rate from an established institution, as determined by the employer, shall be applied. The rate shall be the average of the rates applicable on the initial date into the country and the final date out of the country.

3.1.5 Dependant care

The requirement to travel on government business must be carefully assessed, particularly when the employee would need to leave dependants with another caregiver.  Alternatives to travel or scheduling to ensure employees and their dependants are not unduly separated, should be explored before travel is authorized.

For the purposes of this provision, other caregivers include:

  • the employee's spouse, common-law partner;
  • the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who share custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant;
  • other dependants 18 years of age or older residing with the employee or with the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who shares custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant, who do not have a mental or physical disability that makes them unable to provide dependant care or care for themselves; or
  • a person identified as a legal guardian of the dependant requiring care.

When authorized, an employee who is required to travel on government business shall be reimbursed dependant care expenses, up to a daily maximum of:

  • $35 Canadian, per household, with a declaration; or
  • $75 Canadian, per household, with a receipt for services provided by an individual or company in the business of providing dependant care services.

The above noted amounts apply when:

  1. the employee is required to be absent from their residence on authorized government business travel;
  2. the caregivers listed above are unavailable because they are required to work or must attend scheduled medical appointments or courses at a recognized learning institution;
  3. the former spouse, common law partner, or guardian is not scheduled to provide care; and
  4. expenses that are incurred as a result of travelling on government business are additional to expenses the employee would incur when not travelling.

Reimbursement of services under this provision will require a declaration on the travel claim that the employee had responsibility for the care of the dependant, the time period that the services were rendered, the caregiver's name and telephone number and confirmation that only one employed family member has submitted a claim for dependant care.

3.1.6 Home communication

Not applicable to this module.

3.1.7 Incidental expense allowance

An employee who is required to travel on government business overnight shall be paid an incidental expense allowance that covers a number of miscellaneous expenses not otherwise provided for in this directive for each day or part day in travel status as per Appendix C or D as applicable.

3.1.8 Insurance

See Part II and Appendix A.

3.1.9 Meals

Unless otherwise covered by terms and conditions of employment or collective agreements, meal expenses incurred within the headquarters area shall not normally be reimbursed.

Meal expenses,excluding alcohol and based on receipts, may be reimbursed up to the limit of the applicable meal allowance in Appendix C or D, as applicable, in the following situations:

  1. when employees are required to work through or beyond normal meal hours and are clearly placed in situations of having to spend more for the meal than would otherwise be the case;
  2. when employees are required to attend conferences, seminars, meetings or public hearings during the weekend or holidays;
  3. when employees are required to attend formal full-day conferences, seminars, meetings or hearings and where meals are an integral part of the proceedings;
  4. when employer representatives are involved in collective bargaining proceedings;
  5. when intensive task force or committee studies are enhanced by keeping participants together over a normal meal period; or
  6. when the reimbursement of meal expenses is clearly reasonable and justifiable as a direct result of an employee's duties.

3.1.10 Rest periods

Not applicable to this module.

3.1.11 Transportation

The selection of the mode of transportation shall be based on cost, duration, convenience, safety and practicality. In addition to provisions outlined below under (a) Commercial, (b) Other modes of transportation and (c) Vehicles, actual expenses associated with the selected mode of transportation shall be reimbursed. Such expenses include legitimate mandatory transportation service charges and fees, incurred while on travel status, not otherwise paid (e.g. docking fees, road/bridge tolls, ferries and other transportation service charges/fees). Receipts, indicating the expense currency, shall only be required for expenses in excess of $12. Where a receipt is not available, a declaration will suffice.

When authorized travel or overtime causes a disruption in the employee's regular commuting pattern, the employee shall be reimbursed additional transportation costs incurred between the residence and the workplace.

  1. Commercial

    Where commercial transportation is authorized and used, the traveller shall be provided with the necessary prepaid tickets whenever possible.

    Taxis, shuttles and local transportation services are alternatives for short local trips. Actual expenses, including gratuities, shall be reimbursed. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

  2. Other modes of transportation

    Occasionally, other modes of transportation not normally used on roadways shall be authorized for use on government business when these modes of transportation are safe, economical and practical.

    Travellers using these other modes of transportation shall be reimbursed at the applicable kilometric rate based on the direct road distances, if available. When there are no road distances, the traveller shall be reimbursed for actual or reasonable distances travelled.

  3. Vehicles

    The standard for rental vehicles is intermediate. Rental vehicles beyond the standard shall be authorized based upon factors such as, but not limited to, safety, the needs of the traveller and the bulk or weight of goods transported. When authorized, the rental cost for GPS shall be reimbursed.

    Additional costs associated with the provision of winter tires on rental vehicles shall be reimbursed.

    The kilometric rates payable for the use of privately owned vehicles driven on authorized government travel are prescribed in Appendix B. Travellers shall use the most direct, safe and practical road routes and shall claim only for distances necessarily driven on government travel.

    When an employee has been authorized to use and uses a private vehicle within the headquarters area on government travel, the employee shall be reimbursed the kilometric rate in accordance with Appendix B.

    Parking charges are normally not payable when the employee is on duty at the workplace. For every day on which an employee is authorized to use a private vehicle on government travel, the employee shall be reimbursed the actual costs of parking the vehicle for that period of time. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

3.1.12 Weekend travel home

Not applicable to this module.

3.1.13 Weekend travel - alternatives

Not applicable to this module.

3.2 Module 2 - Travel outside headquarters area - no overnight stay

The provisions outlined in this travel module apply when a traveller is away from the workplace on government travel outside the headquarters area without an overnight stay in Canada or worldwide.

3.2.1 Accommodation

Not applicable to this module.

3.2.2 Additional business expenses

The employee shall be reimbursed for business expenses not otherwise covered, such as business calls, photocopies, word-processing service, faxes, internet connections, rental and transportation of necessary office equipment and transportation of required personal effects.

Employees whose schedules have been altered for reasons outside their control shall be reimbursed for reasonable telephone costs to attend to situations related to the employee's altered schedule.

Where required, the employer shall make the necessary arrangements for obtaining entry documents as determined by the department, and/or an appropriate passport and photos, and/or visa as determined by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and any required inoculations, vaccinations, X-rays and certificates of health, at no expense to the employee. Where possible, the services of Health Canada, Veterans Affairs Canada or National Defence shall be used for medical services. Any related expenses incurred by an employee shall be reimbursed.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for service charges/fees for actual and reasonable expenses for financial transactions such as but not limited to:

  • Automated Banking Machine use;
  • government travel card use;
  • credit/debit card use;
  • financial institution foreign currency transaction commission(s);
  • traveller's cheques acquisition; and
  • cheque-cashing fees.

Reimbursement claims shall be supported by receipts and indicate the expense currency.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for the cost of a safety deposit box when supported by receipts.

3.2.3 Bottled water

The cost of reasonable amounts of bottled water shall be reimbursed based on receipts, except where bottled water is part of a meal.

3.2.4 Currency exchange

The costs incurred to convert reasonable sums to foreign currencies and/or reconvert any unused balance to Canadian currency shall be reimbursed, based upon receipts, from all transactions and sources.

When these costs are not supported by receipts, the average Bank of Canada currency exchange rate shall apply. In cases where the Bank of Canada does not provide an exchange rate, an alternate bank rate from an established institution, as determined by the employer, shall be applied. The rate shall be the average of the rates applicable on the initial date into the country and the final date out of the country.

3.2.5 Dependant care

The requirement to travel on government business must be carefully assessed, particularly when the employee would need to leave dependants with another caregiver.  Alternatives to travel or scheduling to ensure employees and their dependants are not unduly separated, should be explored before travel is authorized.

For the purposes of this provision, other caregivers include:

  • the employee's spouse, common-law partner;
  • the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who share custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant;
  • other dependants 18 years of age or older residing with the employee or with the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who shares custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant, who do not have a mental or physical disability that makes them unable to provide dependant care or care for themselves; or
  • a person identified as a legal guardian of the dependant requiring care.

When authorized, an employee who is required to travel on government business shall be reimbursed dependant care expenses, up to a daily maximum of:

  • $35 Canadian, per household, with a declaration; or
  • $75 Canadian, per household, with a receipt for services provided by an individual or company in the business of providing dependant care services.

The above noted amounts apply when:

  1. the employee is required to be absent from their residence on authorized government business travel;
  2. the caregivers listed above are unavailable because they are required to work or must attend scheduled medical appointments or courses at a recognized learning institution;
  3. the former spouse, common law partner, or guardian is not scheduled to provide care; and
  4. expenses that are incurred as a result of travelling on government business are additional to expenses the employee would incur when not travelling.

Reimbursement of services under this provision will require a declaration on the travel claim that the employee had responsibility for the care of the dependant, the time period that the services were rendered, the caregiver's name and telephone number and confirmation that only one employed family member has submitted a claim for dependant care.

3.2.6 Home communication

Not applicable to this module.

3.2.7 Incidental expense allowance

Not applicable to this module.

3.2.8 Insurance

See Part II and Appendix A.

3.2.9 Meals

A traveller shall be paid the applicable meal allowance for each breakfast, lunch and dinner while on travel status.

Meal allowances shall be paid in accordance with the rates specified in Appendix C or D, as applicable.

A meal allowance shall not be paid to a traveller with respect to a meal that is provided. Where a traveller has incurred out-of-pocket expenses to supplement meals provided, the actual incurred costs, excluding costs for alcohol, shall be reimbursed, based on receipts, up to the applicable meal allowance.

Where a traveller incurs meal costs that are higher than the established meal allowances in situations outside the traveller's control, the actual and reasonable expenses incurred shall be reimbursed, based on receipts.

Reimbursement of meals for shift workers shall be based on the meal sequence of breakfast, lunch and dinner, in relation to the commencement of the employee's shift.

3.2.10 Rest periods

Not applicable to this module.

3.2.11 Transportation

The selection of the mode of transportation shall be based on cost, duration, convenience, safety and practicality. In addition to provisions outlined below under (a) Commercial, (b) Other modes of transportation and (c) Vehicles, actual expenses associated with the selected mode of transportation shall be reimbursed. Such expenses include:

  • seat selection fee for commercial, private and/or chartered carriers;
  • airport improvement fees, not otherwise paid (e.g. prepaid as part of the fare);
  • airport departure tax, not otherwise paid;
  • miscellaneous charge order, for excess baggage/excess weight for commercial, private and/or chartered carriers (written explanation also required);
  • public carrier ticket "change fee" for legitimate authorized official government purposes; and
  • legitimate, mandatory transportation service charges and fees, incurred while in travel status, not otherwise paid (e.g. docking fees, road/bridge tolls, ferries and other transportation service charges/fees).

Receipts, indicating the expense currency, shall only be required for expenses in excess of $12. Where a receipt is not available, a declaration will suffice.

When authorized travel or overtime causes a disruption in the employee's regular commuting pattern, the employee shall be reimbursed for additional transportation costs incurred between the residence and the workplace.

  1. Commercial

    Where commercial transportation is authorized and used, the traveller shall be provided with the necessary prepaid tickets whenever possible.

    The standard for air travel is economy class. The lowest available airfares appropriate to particular itineraries shall be sought and bookings shall be made as far in advance as possible.

    The standard for rail travel is the next highest class after the full economy class.

    Taxis, shuttles and local transportation services are alternatives for short local trips. Actual expenses, including gratuities, shall be reimbursed. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

  2. Other modes of transportation

    Occasionally, other modes of transportation not normally used on roadways shall be authorized for use on government business when these modes of transportation are safe, economical and practical.

    Travellers using these other modes of transportation shall be reimbursed at the applicable kilometric rate based on the direct road distances, if available. When there are no road distances, the traveller shall be reimbursed for actual or reasonable distances travelled.

  3. Vehicles

    The standard for rental vehicles is intermediate. Rental vehicles beyond the standard shall be authorized based upon factors such as, but not limited to, safety, the needs of the traveller and the bulk or weight of goods transported. When authorized, the rental cost for GPS shall be reimbursed.

    Additional costs associated with the provision of winter tires on rental vehicles shall be reimbursed.

    The kilometric rates payable for the use of privately owned vehicles driven on authorized government travel are prescribed in Appendix B. Travellers shall use the most direct, safe and practical road routes and shall claim only for distances necessarily driven on government travel.

    Travellers who are driven to or picked up from a public carrier terminal shall be reimbursed the kilometric rate based on the distance to and from the public carrier terminal for each round trip.

    In the interests of safe driving, when employee-driven vehicles are authorized, employees shall not normally be expected to drive more than:

    • 250 kilometres after having worked a full day;
    • 350 kilometres after having worked one-half day; or
    • 500 kilometres on any day when the employee has not worked.

    Parking charges shall be reimbursed where it is practical and economical to leave a private vehicle at the public carrier's terminal during the period of absence. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

    For every day on which an employee is authorized to use a private vehicle on government travel, the employee shall be reimbursed the actual costs of parking the vehicle for that period of time. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

3.2.12 Weekend travel home

Not applicable to this module.

3.2.13 Weekend travel - alternatives

Not applicable to this module.

3.3 Module 3 - Travel in Canada and continental U.S.A. - overnight stay

The provisions outlined in this travel module apply when a traveller is away from the workplace on government travel overnight, in Canada or in the continental U.S.A.

A daily comprehensive allowance may be authorized in circumstances where established allowances are not practical, reasonable, or equitable.

3.3.1 Accommodation

The standard for accommodation is a single room, in a safe environment, conveniently located and comfortably equipped.

A variety of options for accommodation are available for travel. Generally these include hotels, motels, corporate residences, apartments, private non-commercial accommodation, and government and institutional accommodation.

In accordance with 1.6.1, government hotel directories shall be used for the selection of accommodation where properties are listed therein for the travel location. Where properties for a particular location are not listed, or are listed but not available for the travel period, the directories shall be used to help determine the cost of accommodation by comparing costs in similar nearby locations.

Unless the employer authorizes otherwise, when travel is related to activities held in an institution, the employee shall stay in institutional accommodations.

Where employees are in travel status at military bases, unless program-related or security reasons dictate the use of specific accommodation, an employee's request for alternate commercial or private non-commercial accommodation shall not be unreasonably denied.

Although travellers generally stay in commercial accommodation, private non-commercial accommodation is encouraged. A traveller who chooses private non-commercial accommodation shall be reimbursed the rate as specified in Appendix C. In addition, ground transportation costs shall be authorized when it is cost effective. Cost effectiveness shall be determined by comparing the total cost of accommodation and transportation in the private non-commercial accommodation with available commercial or government and institutional accommodation and the associated transportation costs.

For periods of travel status of more than 30 consecutive calendar days at the same location, accommodation at corporate residences, apartments, private non-commercial accommodation or government and institutional accommodation is encouraged. Travellers who choose to stay in a hotel after the 30th day when apartments or corporate residences are available in the area surrounding the workplace shall be reimbursed up to the cost of the average apartment or corporate residence available.

For periods of travel status of more than 120 consecutive calendar days at the same location, in private non-commercial accommodation, the private non commercial accommodation allowance will be reduced to fifty percent (50%).

3.3.2 Additional business expenses

The employee shall be reimbursed for business expenses not otherwise covered such as business calls, photocopies, word-processing service, faxes, internet connections, rental and transportation of necessary office equipment and transportation of required personal effects.

Employees whose schedules have been altered for reasons outside their control shall be reimbursed for reasonable telephone costs to attend to situations related to the employee's altered schedule.

Where required, the employer shall make the necessary arrangements for obtaining entry documents as determined by the department, and/or an appropriate passport and photos, and/or visa as determined by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and any required inoculations, vaccinations, X-rays and certificates of health, at no expense to the employee. Where possible, the services of Health Canada, Veterans Affairs Canada or National Defence shall be used for medical services. Any related expenses incurred by an employee shall be reimbursed.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for service charges/fees for actual and reasonable expenses for financial transactions such as, but not limited to:

  • Automated Banking Machine use;
  • government travel card use;
  • credit/debit card use;
  • financial institution foreign currency transaction commission(s);
  • traveller's cheques acquisition; and
  • cheque-cashing fees.

Reimbursement claims shall be supported by receipts and indicate the expense currency.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for the cost of a safety deposit box when supported by receipts.

3.3.3 Bottled water

The cost of reasonable amounts of bottled water shall be reimbursed based on receipts, except where bottled water is part of a meal.

3.3.4 Currency exchange

The costs incurred to convert reasonable sums to foreign currencies and/or reconvert any unused balance to Canadian currency shall be reimbursed, based upon receipts, from all transactions and sources.

When these costs are not supported by receipts, the average Bank of Canada currency exchange rate shall apply. In cases where the Bank of Canada does not provide an exchange rate, an alternate bank rate from an established institution, as determined by the Employer, shall be applied. The rate shall be the average of the rates applicable on the initial date into the country and the final date out of the country.

3.3.5 Dependant care

The requirement to travel on government business must be carefully assessed, particularly when the employee would need to leave dependants with another caregiver.  Alternatives to travel or scheduling to ensure employees and their dependants are not unduly separated, should be explored before travel is authorized.

For the purposes of this provision, other caregivers include:

  • the employee's spouse, common-law partner;
  • the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who share custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant;
  • other dependants 18 years of age or older residing with the employee or with the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who shares custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant, who do not have a mental or physical disability that makes them unable to provide dependant care or care for themselves; or
  • a person identified as a legal guardian of the dependant requiring care.

When authorized, an employee who is required to travel on government business shall be reimbursed dependant care expenses, up to a daily maximum of:

  • $35 Canadian, per household, with a declaration; or
  • $75 Canadian, per household, with a receipt for services provided by an individual or company in the business of providing dependant care services.

The above noted amounts apply when:

  1. the employee is required to be absent from their residence on authorized government business travel;
  2. the caregivers listed above are unavailable because they are required to work or must attend scheduled medical appointments or courses at a recognized learning institution;
  3. the former spouse, common law partner, or guardian is not scheduled to provide care; and
  4. expenses that are incurred as a result of travelling on government business are additional to expenses the employee would incur when not travelling.

Reimbursement of services under this provision will require a declaration on the travel claim that the employee had responsibility for the care of the dependant, the time period that the services were rendered, the caregiver's name and telephone number and confirmation that only one employed family member has submitted a claim for dependant care.

3.3.6 Home communication

Home communication is included in the incidental expense allowance.

The following exception applies: Over each contiguous three-day period away from home port, employees on board vessels shall be authorized to make up to the equivalent of a ten minute phone call home using the equipment available. When satellite communication systems are available and used, the phone calls shall be limited to five minutes.

3.3.7 Incidental expense allowance

An employee who is required to travel on government business overnight shall be paid an incidental expense allowance that covers a number of miscellaneous expenses not otherwise provided for in this directive for each day or part day in travel status as per Appendix C.

The following exception applies: Seventy-five percent (75%) of the incidental expense as specified in Appendix C shall be paid starting on the 31st consecutive calendar day of travel status while at the same location when corporate residences or apartment hotels are available to an employee in the area surrounding the workplace, or when the employee chooses to stay in private accommodation.

When an employee travels between locations in Canada and the U.S.A. on the same day, the incidental expense allowance paid shall be that for the location where the day commences.

3.3.8 Insurance

See Part II and Appendix A.

3.3.9 Meals

A traveller shall be paid the applicable meal allowance for each breakfast, lunch and dinner while on travel status.

Meal allowances shall be paid in accordance with the rates specified in Appendix C.

The following exceptions apply: Seventy-five percent (75%) of the meal allowances as specified in Appendix C shall be paid starting on the 31st consecutive calendar day and fifty percent (50%) on the 121st consecutive calendar day of travel status at the same location when corporate residences or apartment hotels are available to a traveller in the area surrounding the workplace, or when the traveller chooses to stay in private accommodation.

A meal allowance shall not be paid to a traveller with respect to a meal that is provided. Where a traveller has incurred out-of-pocket expenses to supplement meals provided, the actual incurred costs, excluding costs for alcohol, shall be reimbursed, based on receipts, up to the applicable meal allowance.

Where a traveller incurs meal costs that are higher than the established meal allowances in situations outside the traveller's control, the actual and reasonable expenses incurred shall be reimbursed, based on receipts.

Reimbursement of meals for shift workers shall be based on the meal sequence of breakfast, lunch and dinner, in relation to the commencement of the employee's shift.

3.3.10 Rest periods

Unless mutually agreed otherwise, itineraries for employees shall be arranged to provide for:

  1. a suitable rest period; and/or
  2. an overnight stop after travel time of at least nine consecutive hours.

Travel time is the time spent in any mode of transportation en route to destination and/or awaiting immediate connections. This includes the time spent travelling to and from a carrier's terminal.

A suitable rest period shall not be unreasonably denied.

3.3.11 Transportation

The selection of the mode of transportation shall be based on cost, duration, convenience, safety and practicality. In addition to provisions outlined below under (a) Commercial, (b) Other modes of transportation and (c) Vehicles, actual expenses associated with the selected mode of transportation shall be reimbursed. Such expenses include:

  • seat selection fee for commercial, private and/or chartered carriers;
  • airport improvement fees, not otherwise paid (e.g. prepaid as part of the fare);
  • airport departure tax, not otherwise paid;
  • miscellaneous charge order, for excess baggage/excess weight for commercial, private and/or chartered carriers (written explanation also required);
  • public carrier ticket "change fee" for legitimate authorized official government purposes; and
  • legitimate, mandatory transportation service charges and fees, incurred while in travel status, not otherwise paid (e.g. docking fees, road/bridge tolls, ferries and other transportation service charges/fees).

Receipts, indicating the expense currency, shall only be required for expenses in excess of $12. Where a receipt is not available, a declaration will suffice.

Where essential services such as groceries, restaurants, pharmacies, or dry cleaners are not available in the immediate vicinity of the employee's accommodation, employees shall be reimbursed the applicable kilometric rate for the reasonable use of their personal vehicle to access the required services.

When authorized travel or overtime causes a disruption in the employee's regular commuting pattern, the employee shall be reimbursed for additional transportation costs incurred between the residence and the workplace.

  1. Commercial

    Where commercial transportation is authorized and used, the traveller shall be provided with the necessary prepaid tickets whenever possible.

    The standard for air travel is economy class. The lowest available airfares appropriate to particular itineraries shall be sought and bookings shall be made as far in advance as possible.

    The standard for rail travel is the next highest class after the full economy class.

    Taxis, shuttles and local transportation services are alternatives for short local trips. Actual expenses, including gratuities, shall be reimbursed. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

  2. Other modes of transportation

    Occasionally, other modes of transportation not normally used on roadways shall be authorized for use on government travel when these modes of transportation are safe, economical and practical.

    Travellers using these other modes of transportation shall be reimbursed at the applicable kilometric rate based on the direct road distances, if available. When there are no road distances, the traveller shall be reimbursed for actual or reasonable distances travelled.

  3. Vehicles

    The standard for rental vehicles is intermediate. Rental vehicles beyond the standard shall be authorized based upon factors such as, but not limited to, safety, the needs of the traveller and the bulk or weight of goods transported. When authorized, the rental cost for GPS shall be reimbursed.

    Additional costs associated with the provision of winter tires on rental vehicles shall be reimbursed.

    The kilometric rates payable for the use of privately owned vehicles driven on authorized government travel are prescribed in Appendix B. Travellers shall use the most direct, safe and practical road routes and shall claim only for distances necessarily driven on government travel.

    Travellers who are driven to or picked up from a public carrier terminal shall be reimbursed the kilometric rate based on the distance to and from the public carrier terminal for each round trip.

    In the interests of safe driving, when employee-driven vehicles are authorized, employees shall not normally be expected to drive more than:

    • 250 kilometres after having worked a full day;
    • 350 kilometres after having worked one-half day; or
    • 500 kilometres on any day when the employee has not worked.

    Parking charges shall be reimbursed where it is practical and economical to leave a private vehicle at the public carrier's terminal during the period of absence. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

    For every day on which an employee is authorized to use a private vehicle on government travel, the employee shall be reimbursed the actual costs of parking the vehicle for that period of time. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

3.3.12 Weekend travel home

The use of the weekend travel home provisions does not constitute a break in continuous travel at the same location.

An employee who is in travel status that extends through or beyond a weekend is eligible for weekend travel home provisions provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. work schedules permit the employee to be absent; and
  2. appropriate private or public transportation is available and its use is both practical and reasonable.

Every weekend:

An eligible employee entitled to travel home every weekend shall be reimbursed actual transportation costs up to an amount not exceeding:

  1. the cost of maintaining the employee in travel status for the weekend period (i.e., accommodation, meals, incidentals, and other expense allowances), if the accommodation is cancelled for the weekend; or
  2. when the accommodation is not cancelled, the weekend travel home transportation allowances stated in Appendix C shall apply.

Every third weekend on average:

There will be occasions when an employee in travel status for a period of more than 30 consecutive calendar days in Canada or the continental U.S.A. is so far from home that travel home every weekend would be impractical.

In such situations where travel home every weekend is impractical and provided that the employee is in continuous travel status, the employee may return home on average every third weekend and schedule actual weekend trips home within the maximum number permitted to meet personal needs.

The employee shall be reimbursed the most economical return airfare, the necessary return ground transportation to and from the carrier's terminal and meals en route. The lowest available airfares appropriate to particular itineraries shall be sought and bookings shall be made as far in advance as possible. Meals and incidentals at destination shall not be reimbursed. The accommodation at the duty travel location need not be cancelled.

3.3.13 Weekend travel - alternatives

The use of the weekend travel alternatives does not constitute a break in continuous travel at the same location.

  1. By the employee

    Provided that the employee is not required by the employer to remain at the duty travel location, an employee may choose to spend the weekend at an alternative location. To be eligible for reimbursement, the employee shall cancel charges for accommodation (and meals provided onsite) at the duty travel location; provide a receipt for alternative commercial accommodation when used; and not return home or to the headquarters area during the weekend.

    Reimbursement shall be limited to the cost of maintaining the employee at the duty travel location and shall include the cost of accommodation, meals, incidentals and other expenses.

    Arrangements are the personal responsibility of the employee without using the government-approved services. The employee assumes personal liability as if the employee were not in travel status.

    The use of this provision does not preclude the employee's entitlement to weekend travel home.

  2. By the employee's spouse or a dependant

    As an alternative to weekend travel home by the employee, a spouse or a dependant may be authorized to travel to the employee's assigned work location when there is no additional cost to the employer. The airfare and pertinent travel arrangements shall be processed through the government suppliers. Ground transportation to and from the public carrier shall be reimbursed. Insurance coverage for the spouse/dependant is the responsibility of the employee.

3.4 Module 4 - International travel outside Canada or the continental U.S.A.

The provisions outlined in this module apply when a traveller is away from the workplace on government travel overnight, outside Canada or the continental U.S.A. or when the point of departure is outside of Canada or the continental U.S.A.

A daily comprehensive allowance may be authorized in circumstances where established allowances are not practical, reasonable or equitable.

In the event of extraordinary conditions arising out of active hostilities and/or natural disasters, employees on foreign travel may be entitled to an additional allowance under the Foreign Services Directives.

3.4.1 Accommodation

The standard for accommodation is a single room, in a safe environment, conveniently located and comfortably equipped.

A variety of options for accommodation are available for travel. Generally these include hotels, motels, corporate residences, apartments, private non-commercial accommodation, government owned/leased accommodation and institutions.

In accordance with 1.6.1, government hotel directories shall be used for the selection of accommodation where properties are listed therein for the travel location. Where properties for a particular location are not listed, or are listed but not available for the travel period, the directories shall be used to help determine the cost of accommodation by comparing costs in similar nearby locations.

Unless the employer authorizes otherwise, when travel is related to activities held in an institution, the employee shall stay in institutional accommodations.

Where employees are in travel status at military bases, unless program-related or security reasons dictate the use of specific accommodation, an employee's request for alternate commercial or private non-commercial accommodation shall not be unreasonably denied.

Although travellers generally stay in commercial accommodation, private non-commercial accommodation is encouraged. A traveller who chooses private non-commercial accommodation shall be reimbursed the rate as specified in Appendix D. In addition, ground transportation costs shall be authorized when it is cost effective. Cost effectiveness shall be determined by comparing the total cost of accommodation and transportation in the private non-commercial accommodation with available commercial or government and institutional accommodation and the associated transportation costs.

For periods of travel status of more than 30 consecutive calendar days at the same location, accommodation at corporate residences, apartments, private non-commercial accommodation or government and institutional accommodation is encouraged. Travellers who choose to stay in a hotel after the 30th day when apartments or corporate residences are available in the area surrounding the workplace shall be reimbursed up to the cost of the average apartment or corporate residence available.

For periods of travel status of more than 120 consecutive calendar days at the same location, in private non-commercial accommodation, the private non commercial accommodation allowance will be reduced to fifty percent (50%).

3.4.2 Additional business expenses

The employee shall be reimbursed for business expenses not otherwise covered, such as business calls, photocopies, word-processing service, faxes, internet connections, rental and transportation of necessary office equipment and transportation of required personal effects.

Employees whose schedules have been altered for reasons outside their control shall be reimbursed for reasonable telephone costs to attend to situations related to the employee's altered schedule.

Where required, the employer shall make the necessary arrangements for obtaining entry documents as determined by the department, and/or an appropriate passport and photos, and/or visa as determined by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and any required inoculations, vaccinations, X-rays and certificates of health, at no expense to the employee. Where possible, the services of Health Canada, Veterans Affairs Canada or National Defence shall be used for medical services. Any related expenses incurred by an employee shall be reimbursed.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for service charges/fees, for actual and reasonable expenses, for financial transactions, such as but not limited to:

  • Automated Banking Machine use;
  • government travel card use;
  • credit/debit card use;
  • financial institution foreign currency transaction commission(s);
  • traveller's cheques acquisition; and
  • cheque-cashing fees.

Reimbursement claims shall be supported by receipts and indicate the expense currency.

The employee shall also be reimbursed for the cost of a safety deposit box when supported by receipts.

3.4.3 Bottled water

The cost of reasonable amounts of bottled water shall be reimbursed based on receipts, except where bottled water is part of a meal.

3.4.4 Currency exchange

The costs incurred to convert reasonable sums to foreign currencies and/or reconvert any unused balance to Canadian currency shall be reimbursed, based upon receipts, from all transactions and sources.

When these costs are not supported by receipts, the average Bank of Canada currency exchange rate shall apply. In cases where the Bank of Canada does not provide an exchange rate, an alternate bank rate from an established institution, as determined by the employer, shall be applied. The rate shall be the average of the rates applicable on the initial date into the country and the final date out of the country.

3.4.5 Dependant care

The requirement to travel on government business must be carefully assessed, particularly when the employee would need to leave dependants with another caregiver.  Alternatives to travel or scheduling to ensure employees and their dependants are not unduly separated, should be explored before travel is authorized.

For the purposes of this provision, other caregivers include:

  • the employee's spouse, common-law partner;
  • the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who share custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant;
  • other dependants 18 years of age or older residing with the employee or with the employee's former spouse or common-law partner who shares custody/time as a caregiver of a dependant, who do not have a mental or physical disability that makes them unable to provide dependant care or care for themselves; or
  • a person identified as a legal guardian of the dependant requiring care.

When authorized, an employee who is required to travel on government business shall be reimbursed dependant care expenses, up to a daily maximum of:

  • $35 Canadian, per household, with a declaration; or
  • $75 Canadian, per household, with a receipt for services provided by an individual or company in the business of providing dependant care services.

The above noted amounts apply when:

  1. the employee is required to be absent from their residence on authorized government business travel;
  2. the caregivers listed above are unavailable because they are required to work or must attend scheduled medical appointments or courses at a recognized learning institution;
  3. the former spouse, common law partner, or guardian is not scheduled to provide care; and
  4. expenses that are incurred as a result of travelling on government business are additional to expenses the employee would incur when not travelling.

Reimbursement of services under this provision will require a declaration on the travel claim that the employee had responsibility for the care of the dependant, the time period that the services were rendered, the caregiver's name and telephone number and confirmation that only one employed family member has submitted a claim for dependant care.

3.4.6 Home communication

Over each contiguous three-day period away from home, employees in travel status shall be reimbursed the equivalent of one 10-minute phone call home, based on receipts.

When satellite communication systems are available and used, the phone call shall be limited to five minutes.

Employees provided with international telephone-card privileges, or who have made use of government international telephone network facilities for home communication, shall not claim the cost of telephone calls home.

3.4.7 Incidental expense allowance

An employee who is required to travel on government business overnight shall be paid an incidental expense allowance that covers a number of miscellaneous expenses not otherwise provided for in this directive for each day or part day in travel status as per Appendix C or D as applicable.

The following exception applies: Seventy-five percent (75%) of the incidental expense allowance as specified in Appendix C or D, as applicable, shall be paid starting on the 31st consecutive calendar day of travel status while at the same location when corporate residences or apartment hotels are available to an employee in the area surrounding the workplace, or when the employee chooses to stay in private accommodation.

When an employee travels between locations in different countries on the same day, the incidental expense allowance paid shall be that for the location where the day commences.

3.4.8 Insurance

See Part II and Appendix A.

3.4.9 Meals

A traveller shall be paid the applicable meal allowance for each breakfast, lunch and dinner while in travel status.

Meal allowances shall be paid in accordance with the rates specified in Appendix C or D, as applicable.

The following exceptions apply: Seventy-five percent (75%) of the meal allowances as specified in Appendix C or D shall be paid starting on the 31st consecutive calendar day and fifty percent (50%) on the 121st consecutive calendar day of travel status at the same location when corporate residences or apartment hotels are available to a traveller in the area surrounding the workplace, or when the traveller chooses to stay in private accommodation.

Where no meal allowance has been established in a given country or where sudden changes in currency exchange rates or high inflationary trends may invalidate the specified meal allowance, actual and reasonable expenses shall be reimbursed, based on receipts.

A meal allowance shall not be paid to a traveller with respect to a meal that is provided. Where a traveller has incurred out-of-pocket expenses to supplement meals provided, the actual incurred costs, excluding costs for alcohol, shall be reimbursed, based on receipts, up to the applicable meal allowance.

Where a traveller incurs meal costs that are higher than the established meal allowances in situations outside the traveller's control, the actual and reasonable expenses incurred for all meal expenses on that travel day shall be reimbursed, based on receipts.

3.4.10 Rest periods

Unless mutually agreed otherwise, itineraries for employees shall be arranged to provide for:

  1. a suitable rest period, and/or
  2. an overnight stop after travel time of at least nine consecutive hours.

Travel time is the time spent in any mode of transportation en route to a destination and/or awaiting immediate connections. This includes the time spent travelling to and from a carrier's terminal.

A suitable rest period shall not be unreasonably denied.

3.4.11 Transportation

The selection of the mode of transportation shall be based on cost, duration, convenience, safety and practicality. In addition to provisions outlined below under (a) Commercial, (b) Other modes of transportation and (c) Vehicles, actual expenses associated with the selected mode of transportation shall be reimbursed. Such expenses include:

  • seat selection fee for commercial, private and/or chartered carriers;
  • airport improvement fees, not otherwise paid (e.g. prepaid as part of the fare);
  • airport departure tax, not otherwise paid;
  • miscellaneous charge order, for excess baggage/excess weight for commercial, private and/or chartered carriers (written explanation also required);
  • public carrier ticket "change fee" for legitimate authorized official government purposes; and
  • legitimate, mandatory transportation service charges and fees, incurred while in travel status, not otherwise paid (e.g. docking fees, road/bridge tolls, ferries and other transportation service charges/fees).

Receipts, indicating the expense currency, shall only be required for expenses in excess of $12.  Where a receipt is not available, a declaration will suffice.

Where essential services such as groceries, restaurants, pharmacies, or dry cleaners are not available in the immediate vicinity of the employee's accommodation, employees shall be reimbursed the applicable kilometric rate for the reasonable use of their personal vehicle to access the required services.

When authorized travel or overtime causes a disruption in the employee's regular commuting pattern, the employee shall be reimbursed actual additional transportation costs incurred between the residence and the workplace.

  1. Commercial

    Where commercial transportation is authorized and used, the traveller shall be provided with the necessary prepaid tickets whenever possible.

    The standard for air travel is economy class. The lowest available airfares appropriate to particular itineraries shall be sought and bookings shall be made as far in advance as possible.

    Where available, business/executive class air travel shall be authorized where continuous air travel exceeds nine hours. Continuous air travel starts at the scheduled flight departure time, and ends with the arrival at destination terminal or with an overnight stop or layover equivalent to an overnight stop.

    The standard for rail travel is the next highest class after the full economy class.

    Taxis, shuttles and local transportation services are alternatives for short local trips. Actual expenses, including gratuities, shall be reimbursed, based on receipts. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

  2. Other modes of transportation

    Occasionally, other modes of transportation not normally used on roadways shall be authorized for use on government travel when these modes of transportation are safe, economical and practical.

    Travellers using these other modes of transportation shall be reimbursed at the applicable kilometric rate based on the direct road distances, if available. When there are no road distances, the traveller shall be reimbursed for actual or reasonable distances travelled.

  3. Vehicles

    The standard for rental vehicles is intermediate. Rental vehicles beyond the standard shall be authorized based upon factors such as, but not limited to, safety, the needs of the traveller and the bulk or weight of goods transported. When authorized, the rental cost for GPS shall be reimbursed.

    Additional costs associated with the provision of winter tires on rental vehicles shall be reimbursed.

    The kilometric rates payable for the use of privately owned vehicles driven on authorized government travel are provided in Appendix B. Travellers shall use the most direct, safe and practical road routes and shall claim only for distances necessarily driven on government travel.

    Travellers who are driven to or picked up from a public carrier terminal shall be reimbursed the kilometric rate based on the distance to and from the public carrier terminal for each round trip.

    In the interests of safe driving, when employee-driven vehicles are authorized, employees shall not normally be expected to drive more than:

    • 250 kilometres after having worked a full day;
    • 350 kilometres after having worked one-half day; or
    • 500 kilometres on any day when the employee has not worked.

    Parking charges shall be reimbursed where it is practical and economical to leave a private vehicle at the public carrier's terminal during the period of absence. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

    For every day on which an employee is authorized to use a private vehicle on government travel, the employee shall be reimbursed the actual costs of parking the vehicle for that period of time. Receipts are only required for expenses in excess of $12.

3.4.12 Weekend travel home

The use of weekend travel home provisions does not constitute a break in continuous travel at the same location.

An employee who is in travel status that extends through or beyond a weekend is eligible for weekend travel home provisions provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. work schedules permit the employee to be absent; and
  2. appropriate private or public transportation is available and its use is both practical and reasonable.

Provided the employee is in continuous travel status, the employee is entitled to return trips home as per the table below:

Minimum of: 

7 weeks = 1 trip

12 weeks = 2 trips

17 weeks = 3 trips

22 weeks = 4 trips


The employee may schedule actual weekend trips home within the maximum number permitted to meet personal needs.

The employee shall be reimbursed the most economical return airfare, the necessary return ground transportation to and from the carrier's terminal and meals en route. The lowest available airfares appropriate to particular itineraries shall be sought and bookings shall be made as far in advance as possible. Meals and incidentals at destination shall not be reimbursed. The accommodation at the duty travel location need not be cancelled.

3.4.13 Weekend travel - alternatives

The use of the weekend travel alternatives does not constitute a break in continuous travel at the same location.

  1. By the employee

    Provided that the employee is not required by the employer to remain at the duty travel location, an employee may choose to spend the weekend at an alternative location. Such arrangements shall be made in consideration of security and diplomatic contexts. To be eligible for reimbursement, the employee shall cancel charges for accommodation (and meals provided on site) at the duty travel location; provide a receipt for alternative commercial accommodation when used; and not return home or to the headquarters area during the weekend.

    Reimbursement shall be limited to the cost of maintaining the employee at the duty travel location and shall include the cost of accommodation, meals, incidentals and other expenses.

    Arrangements are the personal responsibility of the employee without using the government approved services. The employee assumes personal liability as if the employee were not in travel status.

    The use of this provision does not preclude the employee's entitlement to weekend travel home.

  2. By the employee's spouse or a dependant

    As an alternative to weekend travel home by the employee, a spouse or a dependant may be authorized to travel to the employee's assigned work location when there is no additional cost to the employer. The airfare and pertinent travel arrangements shall be processed through government suppliers. Ground transportation to and from the public carrier shall be reimbursed. Such arrangements shall be made in consideration of security and diplomatic contexts. Insurance coverage for the spouse/dependant is the responsibility of the employee.

Part IV - Special Travel Circumstances

4.1 Escort Officers

4.1.1 A suitable rest period for employees who are employed as Escort Officers shall be 16 hours for travel time between 8 and 24 hours; for travel time greater than 24 hours, a suitable rest period shall be 24 hours.

Travel time is the time spent in any mode of transportation en route to destination and/or awaiting immediate connections. This includes the time spent travelling to and from a carrier's terminal.

4.2 Ships Officers / Ships Crews

4.2.1 The workplace of employees who are employed as Ships' Officers or Ships' Crews shall be deemed to be a suitable structure, as determined by the employer:

  1. at the location of the home port of their vessels, for employees whose normal duties are performed aboard a vessel; or
  2. at the location where employees normally perform their duties when they are not employed on a vessel.

4.2.2 For any period during which the employer requires the employee to be aboard a self-contained vessel (e.g. a ship, dredge or barge with sleeping and eating facilities), an employee shall be deemed to be within the headquarters area, whether or not the vessel is actually within the headquarters area. In this context, "period" shall mean the extended period during which the employee is assigned to the vessel, and shall not be limited to the actual physical performance of particular tasks during a watch.

4.2.3 When the self-contained vessel itself is outside the actual headquarters area, the employee shall be in travel status whenever required by the employer to leave the vessel and go ashore (except when billeted ashore), and when, during such absence, the employee remains outside the actual headquarters area.

4.2.4 Travel status applies in the circumstances described above when the employee is on sick leave. It does not apply when the employee is on leave of absence. During a period of leave of absence, however, the employee shall be entitled to any appropriate travel provisions contained in the employee's collective agreement, where such provisions are applicable under the circumstances.

4.2.5 Entitlement to accommodation expenses and meal and incidental expense allowances during each period of required absence from the vessel shall be governed by this directive as applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there shall be no entitlements in respect of meals and accommodation while the employee is ashore if appropriate entitlements in such circumstances are provided for in a collective agreement applicable to the employee.

4.2.6 Except as otherwise provided for in a collective agreement, for purposes of weekend travel home, an employee shall be deemed not to be in travel status for the period during which the normal duties of that employee are performed aboard a self-contained vessel.

4.2.7 The provisions concerning emergency or death while away on government travel shall apply to employees who are Ships' Officers, Ships' Crews or other occupational groups and who are serving aboard a vessel while absent from its home port, as if the employees were in travel status.

4.2.8 Over each contiguous three-day period away from home port, employees on board vessels shall be authorized to make up the equivalent of a ten minute phone call home using the equipment available. When satellite communication systems are available and used, the phone calls shall be limited to five minutes.

4.3 Special transportation needs

4.3.1 When a traveller has an aversion to air travel, the employer shall endeavour to schedule the work so that time will permit the traveller to travel by other means.

Part V - Emergencies, Illnesses, Injuries and Death while in Travel Status

5.1 Death while in travel status

5.1.1 If an employee dies while in travel status, the employer shall authorize the payment of necessary expenses that are additional to those which might have been incurred had the death occurred in the headquarters area. Reimbursement of costs incurred shall be reduced by any amount payable under some other authority. Expenses payable are:

  1. at the place where death occurred: ambulance, hearse, embalming/cremation, outside crate/container (but not the cost of a coffin/urn) and any other services or items required by local health laws; and
  2. transportation of the remains to the headquarters area or, if desired by the survivors, to another location, up to the cost of transportation to the headquarters area. Costs for an escort over and above the costs included in transporting the remains are payable only when an escort is required by law.

5.1.2 Where the remains are not transported, travel for next-of-kin or a representative of the family to the place of burial shall be reimbursed as though that person were an employee.

5.2 Emergencies, illnesses and injuries while in travel status

5.2.1 Payment for the use of a suitable conveyance, such as an ambulance or taxi, shall be authorized where an employee becomes ill or is injured when, in the opinion of the employer, the employee, or the attending medical practitioner, the nature of the illness or injury requires that the employee be transported to a medical treatment facility, the workplace, the travel-related accommodation, or home.

5.2.2 An employee shall be reimbursed the necessary expenses incurred as a result of illness or accident occurring while in travel status, to the extent that the employer is satisfied the expenses were additional to those which might have been incurred had the employee not been absent from home, and which were not otherwise payable to the employee under an insurance policy, the Government Employees Compensation Act, or other authority.

5.2.3 An employee who becomes ill or is injured while outside Canada shall, where practical, be provided with a justifiable, accountable advance when incurring sizeable medical expenses. Such advances would subsequently be repaid to the employer under the employee's private insurance plans, the Government Employees Compensation Act, or other authority.

5.2.4 When, in the opinion of the attending physician, an employee's condition resulting from illness or injury warrants the presence of the next-of-kin or a representative of the family, actual and reasonable travel expenses may be reimbursed, as if that person were an employee.

5.2.5 An employee may be authorized to return earlier than scheduled as a result of personal illness or accident, or in the event of emergency situations at home (e.g. serious illness in the opinion of a physician, fire, flood, ice storm).

5.2.6 A trip home under this section shall not be taken into account when establishing the employee's eligibility for weekend travel home.

5.2.7 When a trip home for reasons specified in this section is not warranted, actual and reasonable expenses incurred for long-distance telephone calls home shall be reimbursed.

Appendix A - Guide to Insurance Coverage for Employees on government Travel

Effective Date: July 1, 2017

Note: Insurance coverage varies based upon an employee's profile and specific travel requirements. Employees are advised to verify all insurance coverage.





Death and Dismemberment

Multiple insurance plans

Public Service Superannuation Act

Public Service Management Insurance Main Plan

Public Service Management Insurance Executive Plan

Flying Accidents Compensation Regulations


Contracted Travel Card Service Provider ($500,000 Travel Accident Insurance)

Standing Offer / Agreement with PSPC and car rental agencies

Contracted Travel Card Service Provider (Car Rental Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance)

Contact your Human Resources Compensation Section, Pay & Benefits Section


Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Injury-on-Duty Leave

Employees disabled due to an occupational injury or disease entitled to injury-on-duty

Government Employees Compensation Act

Public Service Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations

Collective Agreement

Contact your Human Resources Compensation Section, Pay & Benefits Section

Long-term Disability

Monthly income benefit when unable to work for lengthy period due to disabling illness or injury following an "elimination period"

Public Service Management Insurance Plan (Main & Executive)

Disability Insurance Plan

Contact your Human Resources Compensation Section, Pay & Benefits Section

Medical Expenses Resulting from Illness or Injury

Employee coverage

Emergency Travel Assistance Services

Eligible expenses

Public Service Health Care Plan

Public Service Dental Care Plan

Contact your Human Resources Compensation Section, Pay & Benefits Section

Private Life Insurance Benefits Deemed Null and Void Because Death Resulted from War or Other Hostile Activities

Compensation to survivors of federal public servant

High Risk Travel Compensation Plan

Contact your Human Resources Compensation Section, Pay & Benefits Section

Indemnification and Legal Assistance Related to Actions Arising from Performance of Duties Including While in Travel Status

Indemnification and protection from certain financial costs of Crown servants against liability to the Crown and to third parties and provision of legal assistance where appropriate

Policy on Legal Assistance and Indemnification

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Damage to Privately-owned Vehicle Driven on Official Business

Employer assumes no financial responsibility other than paying authorized kilometric rate and supplementary business insurance premium, when required.

Travel Directive

Appendix B – Kilometric rate

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Damage to Crown-owned Vehicle Driven on Official Business

Federal government "self-insures" its own vehicles

Motor Vehicle Operations Directive

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Auto Rental Public Liability and Property Damage (PL&PD) Coverage

Rental rate includes some rental insurance

Standing Offer / Agreement with PSPC and car rental agencies

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Damage to Rental Vehicle

Collision Damage Waiver or Loss Damage Waiver (DCW/LDW)

Contracted Travel Card Service Provider

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Unexpected Return Home Insurance

Unexpected return home coverage in the event of the death of an immediate family member while on government travel

Contracted Travel Card Service Provider

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Flight and Baggage Delay and Hotel/Motel Burglary

Coverage for the following:
– missed connection
– delayed flight departure or denied boarding
– emergency baggage delay
– hotel/motel burglary
– entertainment allowance

Maximum aggregate benefit

Reasonable expenses

Loss of personal items

Contracted Travel Card Service Provider

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Lost or Stolen Baggage

Payment for lost or damaged baggage

Contracted Travel Card Service Provider

Contact your designated Departmental Travel Co-ordinator

Car Rental Personal Effects Burglary

Burglary to personal effects while such are in transit in the Rental auto

Insured is covered in the event of robbery or theft of personal effects (except money) while being carried, worn or used in travel status (with limitations)

Contracted Travel Card Service Provider


Appendix B - Kilometric Rates - Modules 1, 2 and 3

Effective October 1, 2024

The rates payable in cents per kilometre for the use of privately owned vehicles driven on authorized government business travel are shown below:


(taxes included)



British Columbia




New Brunswick


Newfoundland and Labrador


Northwest Territories


Nova Scotia






Prince Edward Island









The kilometric rate payable when a Canadian registered vehicle is driven on government business travel in more than one province or in the USA shall be the rate applicable to the province or territory of registration of the vehicle.

For convenience, the Department of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) kilometric rates:

Module 3: GAC - United States of America Mileage/Kilometre Rates

Module 4: GAC - International Trade Kilometre Rates at Locations Abroad

Appendix C - Allowances - Modules 1, 2 and 3

  • Private non-commercial accommodation
  • Meals
  • Incidental expenses
  • Weekend travel home transportation

Effective Date: October 1, 2024

Seventy-five percent (75%) of the meal and incidental allowances shall be paid starting on the 31st consecutive calendar day and fifty percent (50%) of the meal allowance on the 121st consecutive calendar day of travel status at the same location when corporate residences or apartment hotels are available to a traveller in the area surrounding the workplace, or when the traveller chooses to stay in private accommodation.



Canadian $ (taxes included)


Canada & USA

Yukon & Alaska



1. Canada

1.1 Private non-commercial accommodation allowance

Day 1 – 120





Day 121 onward






1.2 Meal allowances


breakfast - 100% (up to 30th day)
breakfast - 75% (31st to 120th day)
breakfast – 50% (121st day onward)






lunch - 100% (up to 30th day)
lunch - 75% (31st to 120th day)
lunch – 50% (121st day onward)






dinner - 100% (up to 30th day)
dinner - 75% (31st to 120th day)
dinner – 50% (121st day onward)






Meal allowance total – 100% (up to 30th day)
Meal allowance total – 75% (31st to 120th day)
Meal allowance total – 50% (121st day onward)






1.3 Incidental allowance – 100%
Incidental allowance – 75%
 (31st day onward)





Daily Total 
Meals and incidentals – 100%
Meals and incidentals – 75% (31st day onward)
Meals (50%) and incidentals (75%) (121st day onward)






1.4 Weekend travel home transportation allowances (Refer to 3.3.12 Weekend travel home, Every weekend: (b))

two-day weekend





three-day weekend





four-day weekend






2. United States of America (USA)

Allowances in the United States of America are the same as in Canada but paid in US funds.

* NOTE: Refer to Appendix D for United States of America (Outside the Continental USA ONLY: Guam, Hawaii, Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands) for meal and incidental allowances, paid in US funds.


3. Appendix D – Explanatory Note

For all locations in Appendix D indicating an asterisk (*) for all three meals (denoting reasonable and justifiable expenses, receipts required), the incidental allowance reflects the amount published in Appendix C, under Canada & USA, paid in Canadian dollars (CAD).


Appendix D - Allowances - Module 4

This appendix is regularly updated. Please consult the online version for the latest rates.

Appendix E - Blanket travel authority templates - Module 1 - Travel within headquarters area

Effective Date: July 1, 2017

(Refer to applicable Travel Directive Appendices A, B, C and D, as well as GAC – United States of America Mileage/Kilometre Rates or GAC – International Trade Kilometre Rates at Locations Abroad.)

Note:  This document is intended only as a tool to facilitate discussion between the employee and authorizing manager prior to travel status. This tool may be subject to change.

Blanket Travel Authority - FISCAL YEAR: _________________________________

Blanket Travel Authority Tracking Number: _______________________________

Employee Name: __________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________

Employee Signature: ________________________ Date (y/m/d): ____________

Delegated Manager Signature: ________________ Date (y/m/d): _____________

Blanket Travel Authority Geographic Location: ____________________________

Start Date (y/m/d): ___________________ End Date (y/m/d): ________________

Maximum number of consecutive travel days: _____________________________

Maximum dollar value/limitation for each individual trip: _____________________

Travel Advance: YES___ NO___ Specified Travel Advance Amount Limit: _______

Trip Purpose: _____________________________________________________

Article Ref.


Yes = Y
No = N





Hotel - daily room rate


Hotel - Service charges


Bed and Breakfast




Lodging facilities


Commercial accommodation - Other


Crown owned, leased, or operated facilities






Educational institutions


Federal government training centers




Military establishment - Canadian


Military establishment - foreign






Gov't & institutional accommodation - Other


Non-commercial facilities


Private dwelling


Private accommodation - Other


Additional business expense




Health Certificate (Health Canada)




Internet connections


Office equipment - rental


Office equipment - transportation


Entry documents (CanPass)


Entry documents (NEXUS)






Photos - passport and/or visa


Required personal effects


Service charge - Automated Banking Machine


Service charge - Automated Banking Machine


Service charge - credit/debit card usage


Service charge - government travel card usage


Service charge - safety deposit box


Service charge - traveller's cheques


Telephone expenses (business calls)


Telephone expenses (due to altered schedule/itinerary)




Visa (entry permits)


Word processing services




Business expense - Other


Bottled Water


Bottled water - reasonable amounts of bottled water (based on receipts).


Currency exchange


Commission charged


Conversion gain


Conversion loss


Fee - Automated Teller Machine service charge


Fee - service charge


Fee - travel card usage charge


Currency Exchange - Other


Dependant care


With accommodation overnight - up to $35.00 Cdn per household, per day


With accommodation overnight - up to $75.00 Cdn maximum, per household, per day


With accommodation overnight - Other provide explanation


Home Communication




Incidental Allowance


With accommodation overnight - incidental allowance as per Appendix C or D, as applicable.








Daily Comprehensive allowance


Breakfast - meal allowance Appendix C or D, as applicable


Breakfast - prepaid (e.g. conference, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Lunch - meal allowance Appendix C or D, as applicable


Lunch - prepaid (e.g. conference, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Dinner - meal allowance Appendix C or D, as applicable


Dinner - prepaid (e.g. conference, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Rest periods






Disrupted travel pattern (residence to workplace)


Docking fees




Transportation - Other


Parking lot


Parking meter


Transportation prepaid


Passenger - no charge


Tolls (e.g. road, tunnel, bridge)


Bus charter


Bus (local)






Taxi  - chit utilized (do not enter charge)


Taxi  - Receipts


Commercial - Other


Motorcycle - rental


Motorcycle - helmet rental


Other mode of transportation


Snowmobile - rental


Snowmobile - privately owned


Snowmobile - helmet rental


Watercraft - privately owned


Watercraft - rental


Crown owned and/or leased


Insurance charge (not otherwise covered)


Vehicle - Other


Private motor vehicle (kilometric rate)


Rental - drop-off charge


Rental - fuel charge


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - compact


Rental - mid-size (standard)


Rental - large (non-standard)


Rental - Other


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - Provincial Sales Tax


Rental - Quebec Sales Tax


Rental - Harmonized Sales Tax


Rental - Goods and Services Tax

Appendix E - Module 2 - Travel outside headquarters area - no overnight stay

Effective Date: July 1, 2017

(Refer to applicable Travel Directive Appendices A, B, C and D, as well as GAC – United States of America Mileage/Kilometre Rates or GAC – International Trade Kilometre Rates at Locations Abroad.)

Note:  This document is intended only as a tool to facilitate discussion between the employee and authorizing manager prior to travel status. This tool may be subject to change.

Blanket Travel Authority - FISCAL YEAR: ________________________________

Blanket Travel Authority Tracking Number: _______________________________

Employee Name: __________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________

Employee Signature: ________________________ Date (y/m/d): ____________

Delegated Manager Signature: ________________ Date (y/m/d): _____________

Blanket Travel Authority Geographic Location: ____________________________

Start Date (y/m/d): ___________________ End Date (y/m/d): ________________

Maximum number of consecutive travel days: _____________________________

Maximum dollar value/limitation for each individual trip: _____________________

Travel Advance: YES___ NO___ Specified Travel Advance Amount Limit: _______

Trip Purpose: _____________________________________________________

Article Ref.


Yes = Y
No = N







Additional business expense




Health Certificate (Health Canada)




Internet connections


Office equipment - rental


Office equipment - transportation


Entry documents (CanPass)


Entry documents (NEXUS)






Photos - passport and/or visa


Required personal effects


Service charge - Automated Banking Machine


Service charge - bank/financial institution commission


Service charge - credit/debit card usage


Service charge - government travel card usage


Service charge - safety deposit box


Service charge - traveller's cheques


Telephone expenses (business calls)


Telephone expenses (due to altered schedule/itinerary)




Visa entry documents


Word processing services




Business expense - Other


Bottled Water


Bottled water - reasonable amounts of bottled water (based on receipts).


Currency exchange


Commission charged


Conversion gain


Conversion loss


Fee - Automated Teller Machine service charge


Fee - service charge


Fee - travel card usage charge


Currency Exchange - Other


Dependant care


Up to $35 Cdn, per household per day


Up to $75 Cdn maximum, per household, per day


Other - Provide explanation


Home Communication




Incidental Allowance










Daily Comprehensive allowance


Breakfast - meal allowance Appendix C or D, as applicable


Breakfast - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Breakfast - High Meal Cost


Breakfast - receipted amount


Breakfast - Other


Lunch - meal allowance Appendix C or D, as applicable


Lunch - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Lunch - High Meal Cost


Lunch - receipted amount


Lunch - Other


Dinner - meal allowance Appendix C or D, as applicable


Dinner - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Dinner - High Meal Cost


Dinner - receipted amount


Dinner  - Other


Rest periods






Disrupted travel pattern (residence to workplace)


Docking fees




Transportation fees - (not otherwise paid)


Parking - hotel, motel or corporate residence


Parking lot


Parking meter


Transportation prepaid


Passenger - no charge


Tolls (e.g. road, tunnel, bridge)


Airfare - Airport Improvement Fee (not included in ticket)


Airfare - business class (non-standard) paid by traveller


Airfare - departure taxes (not included in ticket)


Airfare - military equipment/flight


Airfare - business class prepaid by Government of Canada


Airfare - economy class prepaid by Government of Canada


Airfare - private plane (e.g. rental / charter)


Airfare - seat selection fee for commercial, private and chartered carriers


Airfare - Security Charges (not included in ticket)


Airfare - unused segment(s)


Bus charter


Bus (inter-city)


Bus (local)


Change Fee (paid by traveller)


Excess baggage / weight (paid by traveller)


Miscellaneous Charge Order (prepaid)


Miscellaneous Charge Order (not prepaid)


Rail - next higher class to economy class (standard)






Taxi chit utilized (do not enter charge)


Taxi receipts


Commercial - Other


Motorcycle - rental


Motorcycle - helmet rental


Other mode of transportation


Private / leased aircraft


Snowmobile - rental


Snowmobile - insurance (not otherwise covered)


Snowmobile - privately owned


Snowmobile - helmet rental


Watercraft - privately owned


Watercraft - insurance (not otherwise covered)


Watercraft - rental


Crown owned and/or leased vehicle


Insurance charge (not otherwise covered)


Vehicle - Other


Private motor vehicle -  to public carrier/ return trip home


Private motor vehicle (Appendix B kilometric rate)


Private motor vehicle - pick-up at public carrier/ return trip home


Rental - drop-off charge


Rental - fuel charge


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - compact


Rental - mid-size (standard)


Rental - large (non-standard)


Rental - Other


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - Provincial Sales Tax


Rental - Quebec Sales tax


Rental - Harmonized Sales Tax


Rental - Goods and Services Tax

Appendix E - Module 3 - Travel in Canada and continental U.S.A. - overnight stay

Effective Date: July 1, 2017

(Refer to applicable Travel Directive Appendices A, B, C, as well as GAC – United States of America Mileage/Kilometre Rates.)

Note:  This document is intended only as a tool to facilitate discussion between the employee and authorizing manager prior to travel status. This tool may be subject to change.

Blanket Travel Authority - FISCAL YEAR: ________________________________

Blanket Travel Authority Tracking Number: _______________________________

Employee Name: __________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________

Employee Signature: ________________________ Date (y/m/d): ____________

Delegated Manager Signature: ________________ Date (y/m/d): _____________

Blanket Travel Authority Geographic Location: ____________________________

Start Date (y/m/d): ___________________ End Date (y/m/d): ________________

Maximum number of consecutive travel days: _____________________________

Maximum dollar value/limitation for each individual trip: _____________________

Travel Advance: YES___ NO___ Specified Travel Advance Amount Limit: _______

Trip Purpose: _____________________________________________________

Article Ref.


Yes = Y
No = N





Corporate apartment


Corporate residences


Hotel - daily room rate


Hotel - weekly room rate


Hotel - monthly room rate


Hotel - Service charges


Bed and Breakfast


Hotels - service charges




Lodging facilities


Commercial accommodation - Other


Crown owned, leased, or operated facilities






Educational institutions


Federal government training centers




Military establishment - Canadian


Military establishment - foreign






Gov't & institutional accommodation - Other


Non-commercial facilities


Private dwelling


Private accommodation - Other


Additional business expense




Health Certificate (Health Canada)




Internet connections


Office equipment - rental


Office equipment - transportation


Entry documents (CanPass)


Entry documents (NEXUS)






Photos - passport and/or visa


Required personal effects


Service charge - Automated Banking Machine


Service charge - bank/financial institution commission


Service charge - credit/debit card usage


Service charge - government travel card usage


Service charge - safety deposit box


Service charge - traveller's cheques


Telephone expenses (business calls)


Telephone expenses (due to altered schedule/itinerary)




Visa (entry permits)


Word processing services




Business expense - Other


Bottled Water


Bottled water - reasonable amounts of bottled water (based on receipts).


Currency exchange


Commission charged


Conversion gain


Conversion loss


Fee - Automated Teller Machine service charge


Fee - service charge


Fee - travel card usage charge


Currency Exchange - Other


Dependant care


Up to $35 Cdn, per household per day


Up to $75 Cdn maximum, per household, per day


Dependant care - Other


Home Communication


One 10-minute call home, each contiguous 3 day period (refer to section 4.2.8) (revised January 15, 2009)


One 5-minute call home, each contiguous 3 day period (refer to section 4.2.8) (revised January 15, 2009)


Incidental Allowance


Canada - 100%, as per Appendix C


Canada - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day), as per Appendix C


USA - 100%, as per Appendix C


USA - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day), as per Appendix C


Other - Provide explanation




See Appendix A for Insurance Coverage


Insurance Coverage - Other




Daily Comprehensive allowance


Breakfast - meal allowance Appendix C.


Breakfast - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Breakfast - High Meal Cost


Breakfast - receipted amount


Breakfast - Other


Breakfast - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day)


Lunch - meal allowance Appendix C.


Lunch - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Lunch - High Meal Cost


Lunch - receipted amount


Lunch - Other


Lunch - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day)


Dinner - meal allowance Appendix C.


Dinner - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, included in room rate, etc.)


Dinner - High Meal Cost


Dinner - receipted amount


Dinner - Other


Dinner - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day)


Rest periods


Suitable rest period


Overnight stop after travel time of at least 9 consecutive hours




Disrupted travel pattern (residence to workplace)


Docking fees




Transportation fees - (not otherwise paid)


Parking - hotel, motel or corporate residence


Parking lot


Parking meter


Transportation prepaid


Passenger - no charge


Tolls (e.g. road, tunnel, bridge)


Airfare - Airport Improvement Fee (not included in ticket)


Airfare - business class (non-standard) paid by traveller


Airfare - departure taxes (not included in ticket)


Airfare - economy class (standard) paid by traveller


Airfare - military equipment/flight


Airfare - business class prepaid by Government of Canada


Airfare - economy class prepaid by Government of Canada


Airfare - private plane (e.g. rental / charter)


Airfare - seat selection fee for commercial, private and chartered carriers


Airfare - Security Charges (not included in ticket)


Airfare - unused segment(s)


Bus charter


Bus (inter-city)


Bus (local)


Change Fee (paid by traveller)


Excess baggage / weight (paid by traveller)


Miscellaneous Charge Order (prepaid)


Miscellaneous Charge Order (not prepaid)


Rail - next higher class to economy class (standard)






Taxi chit utilized (do not enter charge)


Taxi receipts


Commercial - Other


Motorcycle - rental


Motorcycle - helmet rental


Other mode of transportation


Private / leased aircraft


Snowmobile - rental


Snowmobile - insurance (not otherwise covered)


Snowmobile - privately owned


Snowmobile - helmet rental


Watercraft - privately owned


Watercraft - insurance (not otherwise covered)


Watercraft - rental


Crown owned and/or leased vehicle


Insurance charge (not otherwise covered)


Vehicle - Other


Private motor vehicle -  to public carrier/ return trip home


Private motor vehicle (Appendix B kilometric rate)


Private motor vehicle - pick-up at public carrier/ return trip home


Rental - drop-off charge


Rental - fuel charge


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - compact


Rental - mid-size (standard)


Rental - large (non-standard)


Rental - Other


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - Provincial Sales Tax


Rental - Quebec Sales Tax


Rental - Harmonized Sales Tax


Rental - Goods and Services Tax


Weekend Travel Home


2 day weekend - see Appendix C


3 day weekend - see Appendix C


4 day weekend - see Appendix C


Weekend Travel - Alternatives


Accommodation - Receipt Required


(a) By the employee


Meals 100%


Meals 75%


Incidentals 100%


Incidentals 75%


Weekend Travel expenses - Other


Dependant Care


Insurance - Personal responsibility and liability of the employee


Weekend Travel Home


Public carrier transportation via the government travel suppliers




Personal Motor vehicle


(b) By the employee's spouse / dependant


Insurance - Personal responsibility and liability of the employee

Appendix E - Module 4 - International travel - overnight stay

Effective Date: July 1, 2017

(Refer to applicable Travel Directive Appendices A, B, and D, as well as GAC – International Trade Kilometre Rates at Locations Abroad.)

Note:  This document is intended only as a tool to facilitate discussion between the employee and authorizing manager prior to travel status. This tool may be subject to change.

Blanket Travel Authority - FISCAL YEAR: ________________________________

Blanket Travel Authority Tracking Number: _______________________________

Employee Name: __________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________

Employee Signature: ________________________ Date (y/m/d): ____________

Delegated Manager Signature: ________________ Date (y/m/d): _____________

Blanket Travel Authority Geographic Location: ____________________________

Start Date (y/m/d): ___________________ End Date (y/m/d): ________________

Maximum number of consecutive travel days: _____________________________

Maximum dollar value/limitation for each individual trip: _____________________

Travel Advance: YES___ NO___ Specified Travel Advance Amount Limit: _______

Trip Purpose: _____________________________________________________

Article Ref.


Yes = Y
No = N





Corporate apartment


Corporate residences


Hotel - daily room rate


Hotel - weekly room rate


Hotel - monthly room rate


Hotel - Service charges


Bed and Breakfast


Hotels - service charges




Lodging facilities


Commercial accommodation - Other


Crown owned, leased, or operated facilities






Educational institutions


Federal government training centers




Military establishment - Canadian


Military establishment - foreign






Gov't & institutional accommodation - Other


Non-commercial facilities


Private dwelling


Private accommodation - Other


Additional business expense




Health Certificate (Health Canada)




Internet connections


Office equipment - rental


Office equipment - transportation


Entry documents (CanPass)


Entry documents (NEXUS)






Photos - passport and/or visa


Required personal effects


Service charge - Automated Banking Machine


Service charge - bank/financial institution commission


Service charge - credit/debit card usage


Service charge - government travel card usage


Service charge - safety deposit box


Service charge - traveller's cheques


Telephone expenses (business calls)


Telephone expenses (due to altered schedule/itinerary)




Visa (entry permits)


Word processing services




Business expense - Other


Bottled Water


Bottled water - reasonable amounts of bottled water (based on receipts).


Currency exchange


Commission charged


Conversion gain


Conversion loss


Fee - Automated Teller Machine service charge


Fee - service charge


Fee - travel card usage charge


Currency Exchange - Other


Dependant care


Up to $35 Cdn, per household per day


Up to $75 Cdn maximum, per household, per day


Dependant care - Other


Home Communication


One 10-minute call home, each contiguous 3 day period


One 5-minute call home, each contiguous 3 day period


Incidental Allowance


100%, as per Appendix C or D, as applicable


75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day), as per Appendix C or D, as applicable


100%, as per Appendix C or D, as applicable


75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day), as per Appendix C or D, as applicable


No meal rates established in Appendix D - incidentals as per Appendix C


International Travel  Outside  Canada or the Continental USA - incidentals as per Appendix D


Other - Provide explanation




See Appendix A for Insurance Coverage


Insurance Coverage - Other




Daily Comprehensive allowance


Breakfast - meal allowance Appendix D


Breakfast - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, etc.)


Breakfast - High Meal Cost


Breakfast - receipted amount


Breakfast - Other


Breakfast - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day)


Lunch - meal allowance Appendix D


Lunch - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, etc.)


Lunch - High Meal Cost


Lunch - receipted amount


Lunch - Other


Lunch - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day)


Dinner - meal allowance Appendix D


Dinner - prepaid (e.g. conference, flight, voucher, etc.)


Dinner - High Meal Cost


Dinner - receipted amount


Dinner - Other


Dinner - 75% (starting on the 31st consecutive day)


Rest periods


Suitable rest period


Overnight stop after travel time of at least 9 consecutive hours




Disrupted travel pattern (residence to workplace)


Docking fees




Transportation fees - (not otherwise paid)


Parking - hotel, motel or corporate residence


Parking lot


Parking meter


Transportation prepaid


Passenger - no charge


Tolls (e.g. road, tunnel, bridge)


Airfare - Airport Improvement Fee (not included in ticket)


Airfare - business class (non-standard) paid by traveller


Airfare - departure taxes (not included in ticket)


Airfare - economy class (standard) paid by traveller


Airfare - military equipment/flight


Airfare - business class prepaid by Government of Canada


Airfare - economy class prepaid by Government of Canada


Airfare - private plane (e.g. rental / charter)


Airfare - seat selection fee for commercial, private and chartered carriers


Airfare - Security Charges (not included in ticket)


Airfare - unused segment(s)


Bus charter


Bus (inter-city)


Bus (local)


Change Fee (paid by traveller)


Excess baggage / weight (paid by traveller)


Miscellaneous Charge Order (prepaid)


Miscellaneous Charge Order (not prepaid)


Rail - next higher class to economy class (standard)






Taxi chit utilized (do not enter charge)


Taxi receipts


Commercial - Other


Motorcycle - rental


Motorcycle - helmet rental


Other mode of transportation


Private / leased aircraft


Snowmobile - rental


Snowmobile - insurance (not otherwise covered)


Snowmobile - privately owned


Snowmobile - helmet rental


Watercraft - privately owned


Watercraft - insurance (not otherwise covered)


Watercraft - rental


Crown owned and/or leased vehicle


Insurance charge (not otherwise covered)


Vehicle - Other


Project Support Unit


Driver Hired


Private motor vehicle -  to public carrier/ return trip home


Private motor vehicle (Appendix B (international) kilometric rate)


Private motor vehicle - pick-up at public carrier/ return trip home


Rental - drop-off charge


Rental - fuel charge


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - compact


Rental - mid-size (standard)


Rental - large (non-standard)


Rental - Other


Rental - Insurance charge


Rental - Provincial Sales Tax


Rental - Quebec Sales Tax


Rental - Harmonized Sales Tax


Rental - Goods and Services Tax


Weekend Travel Home


7 week - Economy return air fare


7 week - Taxi


7 week - Personal Motor Vehicle


12 weeks = 2 trips (economical airfare, ground transportation, plus meals and incidentals en route only)


17 weeks = 3 trips (economical airfare, ground transportation, plus meals and incidentals en route only)


22 weeks = 4 trips (economical airfare, ground transportation, plus meals and incidentals en route only)


Weekend Travel - Alternatives


Accommodation - Receipt Required


(a) By the employee


Meals 100%


Meals 75%


Incidentals 100%


Incidentals 75%


Weekend Travel expenses - Other


Dependant Care


Insurance - Personal responsibility and liability of the employee


Weekend Travel Home


Public carrier transportation via the government travel suppliers




Personal Motor Vehicle


(b) By the employee's spouse or dependant


Insurance - Personal responsibility and liability of the employee

Appendix F - Sample declaration

Note: This document is intended only as a sample to illustrate the information that should be contained in a declaration when original receipts or copies are lost, accidentally destroyed or unobtainable.


Declaration by Claimant - To be used in lieu of unavailable receipt






declare that I have paid for the following goods or services incurred by me on travel for government business and that the invoice was: 






Inadvertently not obtained


Other (specify):


Invoice detail:


Person / Business








Description of Goods or Services provided:






Signature of Claimant